Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1718 is really a coward


    Garfiel, who had been thrown out of the game unguardedly in the loud squawk, simply did not have time to adjust the posture of landing, to hit the ground on the ground.

    "Hip hop…!"

    Breathed from Garfiel's lungs in a single breath, Garfiel became dizzy.

    However, that extremely hateful voice still echoed in Garfiel's ear.

    "The response is too slow, even if the consciousness does not follow, the body is also the instinct to respond to, the most of the battle-hardened people will be more or less have such quality, you within that the body flow has a demi Human bloodline, supposedly instinct should be more than the Human More keenly, but still did not keep up, say is lack of exercise seems also wrong, see you just that desperately look like, if it is from an early age so exercise, it is absolutely not enough exercise, so that's how it is, because I have to think about it, so instead of giving up the body's instinctive action, It's not worth the candle. ”

    No trace of politeness's evaluation made Garfiel feel irritated and began to pick up his head.

    "You guys…"

    Garfiel struggled to climb up from the ground, baring the teeth to the man who had suddenly appeared here, like puppy-like fangs glittering in the air.

    “What do you want to do? You!!”

    In Garfiel's angry cries, Fang Li only plucked the Knight windbreaker wrapped around him.

    "If you ask me to do what are you doing, even if I answer you, and I accidentally pass by here, wouldn't you believe it?"Fang Li spread out his hands and said, "That's all right. Because it's so noisy, so I'll come and see. Say you're satisfied with this statement?"

    "Play less for this Sir!"Garfiel shouted shouted: "This Sir should have warned you not to do anything that is not related to trial. You are still hanging around here. Do you really want to die once? Ahh!

    "If you can't do it, don't talk to it. It will look very bad."Fang Li ignored Garfiel’s anger in the slightest and said: “Also, there is a problem with your statement. Do not do anything that is not related to trial. In fact, you do not even want to let me do it.”

“……Do you see it? ”Garfiel coldly snorted, said: "Yes, this Sir is just unaccustomed to your all-out trial trial. The game of Strega (Witch) is playing so much fun. You think you are "from the west." Do you have a big fireball? ”

    "I'm sorry, I don't understand your old sayings, and of course I didn't intend to understand them."Fang Li glanced at Garfiel and said with a faint smile : "Moreover, some play is better than nothing. The game is harder and more challenging, and it looks like some fragile little devil loses. It's a shame to be proposing to others that it is a rotten game.


    Garfiel's face twisted at once.

    Even Garfiel, who is not good at thinking, would not understand the meaning of Fang Li.

    That's irony for myself.

    "Really dare to say, you guys…"

    Garfiel, governed by anger, couldn't help but step forward.

    With the bang of “Bang”, the ground beneath Garfiel’s feet broke apart and burst into an instant, turning into a crater with a diameter of two meters.

    "You really thought this Sir couldn't do anything for you!?"Garfiel whispered: "Then let's do it again! Bad Ass

    Garfiel, who was in a terrible imposing manner, seemed to resonate with the earth around him and there was a slight tremor.


    "People are creatures that will learn lessons. Although you have a simple mind, you will not even understand this truth."

    Fang Li directly ignored the terrible imposing manner of Garfiel body, Shi Shiran said such a thing.

    "Just forget, I don't think you can get stronger than you lose two times in the past few days. And if you still have that level, you can't win me anyway?"

    This is a very cruel reality.

    Even Garfiel has to face the cruel reality.

    "Since I can't win, it's better not to do anything better."

    Fang Li gazed at Garfiel, and if there was a deep meaning, such words were spoken.

    "Anyway, can't you stop me?"

    Precisely because of this, Garfiel will feel that he is not enough.

    If you don't knock down Fang Li, then nothing can stop it.

    For example, trial.

    Garfiel's complexion becomes extremely ugly.

    Looking at Fang Li's eyes, it became cloudy and uncertain.

    After a while, Garfiel took a deep breath, solemnly started to talk.

    "Could it be that you are all understood?"

    What is the meaning of the words, now Fang Li is very clear.

    "If you refer to you as a "Sanctuary" liberated opposition thing, then I am indeed understood."

    Fang Li looked directly at Garfiel and smiled.

    "Also Lewes Meyer's thing, I was also understood this morning."

    In other words, what Garfiel desperately wants to hide is now exposed.

    "Because my body has a Witch's smell relationship, you are completely hostile to me and even willing to attack me before I still have a high fever. The reason is because I'm afraid I learned this from Strega (Witch)?"

    Fang Li talks to himself as if he did not see Garfiel with his eyes wide open.

    "As a Strega (witch) experiment, Lewes-san's existence cannot be easily exposed, and Lewes-san has told me that if Strega (witch) is seen in the cemetery, it is recognized by Strega (witch), That can even touch the body of the crystal after the command of all Lewes, you are afraid I know this matter, worried that I will all the Lewes control in the hands, so will produce so much reaction? ”

    In contrast, the importance of trial conversely followed.

    Although Garfiel is an out-and-out opposition, the trial of "Sanctuary" is not so easy to get past, plus a total of three trials, as long as you don't get all the clearance, then there is no problem.

    So, for Garfiel, trial also provides room for relaxation.

    However, Lewes is not the same thing.

    "My body has Witch's smell, so you suspect that I was not approved by Strega (Witch)."

    Fang Li directly punctuated Garfiel's last action.

    "Once I'm approved by Strega (Witch), it's possible to get all the Lewes' command rights. What you're afraid of is this happening."

    Straightforward words, Garfiel all began to tremble.

    Bad AssBad AssBad Ass

    Garfiel kept swearing, his voice filled with anxiety and murderous aura.

    If not because of knowing that he can't beat Fang Li, even if it doesn't help, Garfiel really wants to attack Fang Li immediately.

    "You shouldn't have put you into Sanctuary!" Bad Ass

    Garfiel really regrets it.

    However, this idea could not have been realized.

    "Let's go to the" sanctuary "is Roswaal, the" sanctuary "manager, the village may have vanished long ago without the support of the Lord. ”

    Fang Li grinned.

    "Don't you just take this into consideration before we brought us into the Sanctuary. Didn't we blatantly stop it?"

    Garfiel's idea was broken again.

    "In other words, is the liberation of this "Sanctuary" unbearable to you?"

    Fang Li opened his merciful way.

    "You are really a coward."

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