Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1715 Witch of Greed’s Experiment

    Here is a simple house on the edge of the "Sanctuary".

    Under the leadership of Lewes, Fang Li and Sylvia came together here.

    "This is the oldest place of residence."

    Lewes explained to Fang Li and Sylvia.

    "After the home was given to you, the old man lived here."

    Speaking, Lewes pushed forward.

    "You sit down, old tea to you."

    Lewes is ready to entertain as the Master.

    However, it was stopped by Sylvia.

    "Or let me go clubbing."Sylvia smiled at Lewes and said, "Anyway, Lewes-san is an elders. You can't make tea for us personally."

    “Well, do you know the youngster who respects the elderly?”Lewes was satisfied with nodded and said to Fang Li: "Fang-bou is really blessed."

    "I also think so."Fang Li shrugged and said: "Just wait to enter the door."

    Sylvia suddenly shot Fang Li a bit too aggressively, and then he found the tea room and made a pot of tea under Lewes' instructions.

    The three people sat down at the wooden table in the living room and began to talk while drinking tea.

    No problem

    The tea in his hand rested on the table. Lewes turned his eyes to Fang Li and Sylvia.

    "If you have any questions you want to ask, then please do ask me."

    Lewes's calm, regardless of Fang Li's reaction, Sylvia is somewhat somewhat surprised.

    "is this okay?"Sylvia has some tentatively asked: "That should be a very important secret for Lewes-san. Just revealing it to us, is it really okay?"

    "This is too much exaggeration you think."Lewes shook his head, with a consistent and sophisticated tone, very direct said: "That is a secret, but that in this" sanctuary "know the people in fact is not not, even for the Lauming is a little reluctant to this" sanctuary "is almost close to the core of the secret, But since you have been found, if you continue to maintain ambiguous attitude, that both sides is not a good thing it. ”

    After all, both sides are inevitably suspicious.

    Once mutual suspicion, the ultimate hostility is not impossible.

    "King does not want you to be enemies of the "Sanctuary."

    Lewes did not hide his ideas and said so.

    "In this "Sanctuary", we can say that we have a lot of fighting power. Gar-bou has a strong fighting ability. Even if Roz-bou can't even despise, the boy can be easily defeated by Fang-bou. ."

    Who is willing to fight against Fang Li who could easily beat Garfiel?

    "So, for the sake of everyone in the "Sanctuary," I always feel that it is better to say this thing."

    Lewes turned to Fang Li, who was silent, and spoke sincerely.

    "Fang-bou, do you think you are sincere enough?"

    As can be seen from this sentence, Lewes does attach great importance to the existence of Fang Li's.

    In this regard, Fang Li could not continue to remain silent and smiled indifferently.

    After shortly afterwards, Fang Li made such a statement.

    "I'm not yet suspicious because of some hidden secrets that can be guessed."

    In a word, let Lewes not raise the brows.

    "Can you guess the hidden secret?"Lewes looked at Fang Li and said, "In other words, Fang-bou has seen through the whole matter."

    "Is it right?"Fang Li nodded, facing Lewes' eyes, said: "It's not so hard to guess."

    As Jeanne had said before, the girl who is exactly the same as Lewes who slept in Crystal was actually the body.

    Lewes himself said that he and the rest of the individuals are all only body clones.

    According to this information, Fang Li's memories of the original book also began to surface, and Fang Li's guessed the whole matter 7788.

    How to say…

    "From the beginning, Garfiel had already said that this "Sanctuary" is the Witch of Greed's experimental field."

    Fang Li's outspoken way broke the essence of what he saw.

    "I'm afraid that the body of Lewes-san that was sealed in Crystal is an experiment in the "Sanctuary"."

    In the phrase.

    “It seems that Fang-bou is not only very powerful but also very smart. I really hope Gar-bou can learn from you.”

    Lewes grinned and immediately acknowledged.

    "Yes, that's one of the reasons why the "Sanctuary" is called the experimental field. A bold attempt by Witch of Greed 400 years ago, a body clone like old body, is one of the results of the experiment. ”

    Lewes Meyer.

    This name should have belonged to the body that was sealed in Crystal.

    The Lewes here and the rest of the individuals are all just body clones of the Lewes body.

    "Four hundred years ago, Witch of Greed built an experimental site called "Sanctuary" for his own experiment and recruited individuals as his own experimental objects to choose the right one from there."

    Lewes began to explain it.

    "Lewes Meyer was originally a very ordinary village woman in "Sanctuary," but in order to guard the existence of "Sanctuary," he contracted with Witch of Greed."

    Four hundred years ago, precisely Witch of Envy began to harm the world and devour continent.

    Therefore, people's hostility and rejection of "Half Breed" were also taken for granted at that time.

    The Witch of Greed created the experimental site named "Sanctuary" for his own experiment, but this experiment field was the largest protected area for Half Breed headed by Lewes Meyer at that time.

    Only in "Sanctuary" can they be free from persecution.

    In order to maintain the "Sanctuary" absolute protection place, Lewes Meyer took the initiative to enter into a contract with Witch of Greed in order to sacrifice himself as a trial product of Strega (Witch) in exchange for the existence of "Sanctuary".

    "At that time, Witch of Greed and the Mathers Territory lord, the first generation Roswaal, also entered into a contract to allow the Mathers Family to maintain the operation of the "Sanctuary" and fulfill the agreement with Lewes Meyer."

    Lewes said that.

    "So, since 400 years ago, the successive generations of Mathers Family have been secretly maintaining the operation of this "Sanctuary" while hiding the existence of "Sanctuary" from the outside, and are responsible for providing necessary resources for "Sanctuary". ”

    The forest that Roswaal will always manage, not solely because this forest is in his own territory.

    At the very least, if you change to other lords and you know that there is a village of hybrids in the world that you have been jealous of in your own territory, you must have sent troops to destroy them.

    Roswaal did not do this because the Mathers Family had a special relationship with Witch of Greed.

    In this way, Lewes Meyer offered his body for the Strega (Witch) experiment.

    Strega (Witch) encloses Lewes Meyer in Crystal, grants her permanent time, and based on this, builds a surgical style. As long as it accumulates a certain amount of Magic Power, it can generate a simulated life. Lewes Meyer's body clone for Force.

    As for the purpose of the experiment, it is also easy to guess.

    Fang Li said it.

    "I'm afraid it's for Eternal Life?"

    Speaking in this way, leaving Sylvia in awe, Lewes also sighed.

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