Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1706 goes with me

    When Fang Li wakes up again, the sky outside is approaching late in the evening.

    Feeling some of his own body temperature, it seems that there has been some sign of decline, and Fang Li is planning to get up.

    However, it hasn't waited until Fang Li got up. A pair of tiny hands was pressed in Fang Li's body.

    "No, Fang Li-sama."

    Familiar voices came in the ears of Fang Li's with no trace of harshness but no worries and concerns.

    "Your burn hasn't retired, it's better to continue to rest."

    With a thoughtful voice, Fang Li can recognize who he is without even looking at it.


    "Yes, it is Fang Li-sama's Rem."

    As always, the voice of the young Oni girl who shamelessly consecrated her will will make Fang Li smile and smile. Then he turned his head and looked at the bedside.

    There, Rem was waiting on the side and there was a basin next to it.

    Fang Li could feel that the whole body seemed refreshed, and that the thick, sweaty body had disappeared in the morning.

    It seems that Rem should have just helped Fang Li wipe his body and even the clothes have changed.

    (This is really…)

    Fang Li smiled again.

    On the one hand, it was because his body was so dull that he couldn't even notice the big movements made by others.

    On the one hand, it is also because of the fact that one is observing the difference between a man and a woman.

    That is to say, if you change a person, then, except for Sylvia, Fang Li will definitely not notice anything, and there will be more embarrassment.

    It can be replaced by Rem. I don't know why. Fang Li accepted it with confidence.

    After all, people who can make their own instincts of trust, even if they look at the world, are not many.

    Think of it here, Fang Li relaxed took a breath, facing Rem's mouth.

    "Have you been here for a long time?"

    Hear this, Rem is not affirmative, nor negative, only such an answer.

    "Because Rem can't be relieved to hand over Fang Li-sama to others."

    The obsession revealed in the discourse allowed Fang Li to understand what Rem was saying before Garfiel's reluctance.

    After Fang Li came out of the cemetery and lost consciousness, Rem must have been like this, and he intended to stay with him.

    If not because of Sylvia's persuasion, perhaps not even Ram can let Rem go to rest.

    Now, Rem's words show such a will.

    (Well, it's really happy…)

    Although Fang Li is not used to being cared about, it does not mean that she will not feel happy.

    However, Fang Li did not intend to stay in bed.

    "Let me get up, Rem."


    Fang Li's request was rejected by Rem with a rare tough attitude.

    "Please rest well, otherwise Rem will be worried."

    Sincerely petitioning, let Fang Li know how much Rem's heart has fallen to Fang Li.

    Even though Rem usually looks strong and clever, in fact, the spirit of this young girl is weak, or she will not be tortured by her sins for so many years, leading to her inferiority and weakness.

    In the eyes of Rem, Fang Li must be strong and invincible. He can cross the past regardless of the difficulties of the past. No matter how hard he is faced, he will never fall. He will have the image of Fang Li in his heart. It is impossible to call it upright.

    However, last night, when Fang Li's fell suddenly, it must have caused Rem to suffer a lot. Therefore, it would be hard to show excessive concern and concern like now.

    In this regard, Fang Li just wanted to say.

    "Reassured, even if Witch of Envy is in person, I would have to pay for it if I wanted to fall."

    Fang Li extended the hand and touched Rem's head.

    "Now, like this fall, it can't be because of losing to the Strega (Witch) in the cemetery, only because of the complications of using too powerful power."

    Fang Li's comfort seems to have had some effect.

    "Too powerful power …?"

    Rem's surprised expression.

    "Yes, too powerful power."

    Fang Li affirmed this, only to make the heart of a girl who became weaker again stronger because of herself.

    Facing this girl who dedicated everything to Fang Li and Fang Li as an absolute reliance, Fang Li did not need to hide or hide.

    If the other person is thirsting for their own strength, then they will demonstrate their unparalleled power.

    "So, you don't have to worry about my situation. I only have a fever, and I haven't actually suffered any harm?"

    Fang Li said comfortingly as he touched Rem's head.

    "Don't worry. I'm not yet so fragile."

    Fang Li's words seem to give Rem's expression a split second reassurance.

    "But even so, Fang Li-sama should rest well."Rem does not seem to be ready to compromise on this point, saying: "You can't continue to force yourself with that seriously ill body."

    "Be assured, only went to the next room."Fang Li shook his head and said: "Emilia is also in this room?"

    In other words, Fang Li thought of Emilia over there.

    "Last night things didn't make much difference to me, but it was different for Emilia."Fang Li gazed at Rem and said, “Is she very bad now?”

“……Yes, BLOCK.Rem hesitated, and then answered honestly, saying: “Last night and today, Emilia-sama has been resting in her bedroom, but once she is asleep, she will immediately have a nightmare, and then she will not cry on the spot. It is always looking for Fang Li-sama and Great Spirit-sama."

    The Great Spirit referred to in Rem's mouth is naturally Pack.

    Both Fang Li and Pack are the only two dependencies of Emilia in this world.

    Now, Emilia's condition is known to be terrible.

    I cry when I fall asleep.

    When you cry, find dependencies.

    It was simply a manifestation of the hardships of the soul.

    "Heard this, I'm even more impossible to go to sleep."Fang Li smiled and said, "Let me go past Emilia, Rem."

“……UnderstoodRem sighed and said: "Since it is the order of Fang Li-sama…"

    "It is not an order but a request."Fang Li said correctingly: "I don't want to be worried about Rem, so Rem will accompany me to go by."

“……是!”Rem's face suddenly became clear.

    At the moment, Rem raised Fang Li and headed for Emilia's room.


    "hum hum hum ~~hum hum hum hum ~~"

    With Rem's help, Fang Li had just arrived at Emilia's door, and a humming song was heard in the room.

    It is a song that makes you feel calm and mind/energetic.

    Hearing this song, Fang Li gave a glimpse of it, and he even smiled helpless.

    "It really has her style…"

    So, Fang Li is pushing the door.

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