Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1702 Entered

    In the dark room of the cemetery, Fang Li was sitting on the ground with Emilia in his hands, eyes closed as if sleeping, and snuggle with Emilia in the same state.


    At one moment, Fang Li's made a groan.

    Consciousness instantly returns to the brain.

    However, the same terrible pain in the minds of Fang Li was also added to this.

    "Uh?"Aaaaaah ————! ”

    Fang Li stunned his head and was tortured by the severe pains poured into it.

    For Fang Li, pain is definitely not unbearable.

    Because of the pain and vocalization, this experience is only handy for Fang Li, let alone screaming like this.

    At this moment, the pain poured into Fang's mind was so dramatic.

    It is like a lava replaces the brain, and the nerves are like one after the other breaking off the general feeling.

    If you have to describe it, Fang Li felt that his brain was like a blacksmith and beaten, and it was much more painful than simply sticking iron bars into his head.

    At the very least, iron rods are inserted into the brain from outside, but also through the skin and skull.

    Now, Fang Li is directly poured into the magma from the inside of the brain.

    At the same time, the body temperature is rising, the brain area is burning, and Fang Li's consciousness becomes vague. Only the pain can clearly feel.

    Fang Li can be sure that he must have a fever now and even the field of vision has become somewhat distorted.

    "This…"In the end是…?”

    Fang Li can only scratch his head and fight back with amazing pain.

    For this reason, the blue veins on the temple have been vaguely uplifted, blood has been pumped out in the eyelids, and even the whiteness of the eyes has been filled with bloodshot blood. One can imagine how much pain Fang Li suffered.

    As for Fang Li's eyes, the color of his pupils is the same as that of Garfiel when he came to the “Sanctuary”.

    However, it is no longer the conversion between ice blue and rainbow color, but the usual dark pupils and bright Rainbow Mystic Eyes are constantly changing.

    This makes the world in front of Fang Li continue to change.

    One will be a sparse and ordinary world.

    One will be a broken world full of death.

    Such changes are constantly being made, and Fang Li feels that the eyeballs are heating up and almost all have to explode.

    "Mystic Eyes Limits…!?"

    No, now not only is the limitation of Mystic Eyes.

    Now, Fang Li is not even controlled by the appearance of Mystic Eyes.

    In the past, Fang Li switched Mystic Eyes at will, and used it when they wanted to use it. It was quite controllable for Mystic Eyes.

    But now, this control seems to have begun to lose, leaving Mystic Eyes to ignore Fang Li's self-consciousness and self-reliance.

    This is very bad and very bad.

    It's not just that Fang Li will be bad, even the surrounding will be very bad.

    You know, in the past, Fang Li had to be careful when using Mystic Eyes. If you accidentally scratched the Death Line, it would kill the other person.

    And now, if what appears in the dream of Echidna is true…

    "If you don't control Mystic Eyes again, it will die if I see it…"

    Fang Li clearly understands this.

    Therefore, Fang Li closed his eyes tightly, disregarding the hot eyes and burning painful head, desperately suppressing the appearance of Mystic Eyes.


    In the dim room, only the low-pitched sound of Fang Li was ringing. It seemed a little dismayed.

    This kind of pain did not know whether it was still contagious to Emilia and caused Emilia's brows to begin to wrinkle tightly. The tenderness was also trembling slowly. His face continued to show pain, despair and sad emotions.

    Both a man and a woman are in such a dimly-lit room, suffering the pain that outsiders cannot understand.

    Until it wasn't known how long ago, Fang Li's demure gradually began to slow down.


    Breathe, start disorder in Fang Li's mouth.

    Fang Li's face was covered with sweat, and the blue veins on his temples slowly disappeared.

    After a while, Fang Li opened his eyes.

    In the eyes, Mystery and the powerful Rainbow Mystic Eyes have disappeared and changed back to the usual dark-colored luster.


    Fang Li's voice is full of fatigue.

    The pain in his head was only slightly relieved, or it was sometimes accompanied by a slight sting that made Fang Li's nerves sensitive.

    In such a situation, Fang Li's head is really dizzy and feels like he has had a high fever of nearly 40 degrees.

    At least, Fang Li survived.

    "It is fortunate that the brain has not been burned…"

    After all, in the dream of Echidna, Fang Li's Mystic Eyes suddenly appeared unimaginable power.

    Fang Li's words are known.

    That is the power that has reached God's Domain.

    "I finally stepped into that realm?"

    Magic God Balor's Evil Eye in Celtic Mythology.

    Just looking at the line of sight is enough to kill the countless gods legendary of Death's manifesta.

    Although only a short split second, Fang Li's really stepped in.

    "Is this the result of trial?"

    In the dream of the first trial, Fang Li broke through the past, now and even the future, heightened his understanding to the point of view of Divine Spirit, and finally took his Mystic Eyes to the last step.

    Mystic Eyes, one step away from the prototype, finally stepped into God's Domain to reach the prototype Rank.

    Even considering that Fang Li can even see the death of the world, perhaps Fang Li's Mystic Eyes is already above the prototype.

    Only …

    "Wanting to exercise God's Authority as a person is simply impossible?"

    Just the painful memories just proved this.

    Fang Li has no doubt that as long as he uses this pair of eyes for more than one second, his own brain will explode.

    What to do… .

    This issue is not what Fang Li now can answer.

    Because Fang Li's head is no longer enough to support this level of thinking.

    So Fang Li violently shook his head and looked into his own arms.


    In Fang Li's arms, Emilia's body trembled constantly, his face was full of sadness and fear, and forehead was still cold.

    The painful appearance is similar to that of Fang Li just recently.

    Reluctantly support the fuzzy consciousness and vision, difficult to see these Fang Li shake Emilia.

    "Emilia…! Emilia …! ? ”

    Called by Fang Li's, Emilia's fierce trepidation, like a nightmare being awakened, slowly opened her eyes.

    However, Emilia's face still has fear and despair. Complexion is also pale.

    Finally, Emilia was crying out.

    "Fang Li …Fang Li …! ”

    As if he had finally found his way around, Emilia clung to Fang Li and shuddered while she was crying.

    With such Emilia, Fang Li reluctantly took a breath and hugged Emilia tightly, applying all the weight to it, giving Emilia a sense of security.

    Both men and women, who suffered unexpected injuries, embraced each other.

    A tired face.

    One broke into tears.

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