Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1676 Mystic Eyes of Death Perception

    "H ū — !"

    The wind is like a spiral, like an intangible razor's blade, and it brings out a whistling sound that breaks through the atmosphere.

    The blow from Garfiel's overly slender arm was just like a heavy hammer, and it made it easy to shake the air.

    Staring at this heavy blow, Fang Li was looking at a slow motion with a smile on his face.

    Until the whirlwind on Garfiel's arm blew into the bangs of Fang Li before the forehead, and Garfiel's fist front was only a few centimeters away from Fang's face, Fang Li only suddenly raised his arm.


    Heavy as muffled thunder-like sound, a great power impact on the Fang Li that Suddenly erected the arm, igniting a circle of strength Qi.


    Fang Li's cracking at the foot of the floor left the impact force with two clear footprints.

    But Fang Li oneself's posture is not shaken in the slightest.

    "The arm seems to be not bad."

    Like this, leisurely praised Garfiel.


    Garfiel issued a cold snort and seemed to be too lazy to talk to Fang Li anymore. He immediately initiated an onslaught.

    "hū hū hū hū hū ————!"

    Compared with Fang Li, it was a bit emaciated. However, the swelled hands and feet, like muscles, obviously slammed into the wind and blew the sound of bursts of sound toward Fang Li.

    "Hey —!"

    In the next second, heavy blows continued to ring.

    Garfiel's onslaught, turning his hands and feet into the sky after the sky and covering the earth's afterimage, is like a dense rain screen, enveloped in the Fang Li's body.

    Every punch he makes can provoke an exploding sound that makes the heart deflate.

    Every one of his feet can lift the strength of the skin that hurts the skin.

    From time to time, the whole place of the match, even as a result of Garfiel's onslaught, really turned into a sandstone, leaving the whistling winds to shatter the ground, causing gravel and rubble to rise and add to the dust, just like there are Just as a tornado is preparing to rise from there, it is extremely shocking.

    However, in the face of this slashing attack that was enough to give the rock discs a little bit, Fang Li was a complexion and was still laughing like a stoo in place.

    The pace of pride is not shown.

    There are no traces of driving skills.

    Fang Li only stood in place ,tattoo did not move, a hand waved like a wind wheel, and the punch of a future attack gave stability to the next.


    In the stifling sound, a whirlwind punch was taken into his palm.


    In the exploding sound, the kick from the side of the body is kicked by its outstretched arm.

    Like a slap in the face of a stormy sea, Fang Li is a stod in place, and only one hand will block Garfiel's attacks.

    Even if it is tornado, its center is also placid.

    Fang Li now seems to have become the center of tornado, taking a heavy punch, only to make Garfiel's onslaught look like tornado gradually rising.

    It was not until after a while that Fang Li finally launched a counterattack.

    His fists, rushing out silently, passed through the numerous images of the afterimages of Garfiel's onslaughts. Like a ray of light, heavily blew on Garfiel's abdomen.


    The much heavier fist than any of Garfiel's blows fell on Garfiel's abdomen.

    "pū chī —!"

    Garfiel suddenly blew out a blood, as if shot by a shell, and in the whining of Sharp's atmosphere, he flew out.

    "BOOM …!"

    Under the shuddering sound, Garfiel hit a huge rock, as if it had been embedded, leaving a personal mark on it.


    Immediately, the rock crashed and the Garfiel's body fell.

    Garfiel supported the body in the first few moments, did not let himself fall, and he barely stood on the ground.

    "cough cough …!"

    Blood is constantly spilling from its mouth.

    Fang Li stood on the fragmented area that had gradually calmed down and looked at the coughing Garfiel, raised the brows.

    "Is this not alright? The strongest man? ”

    The provocation between words and deeds naturally provoked a bad-tempered gangster.

    "You don't be too proud!"

    Garfiel wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and flew to Fang Li.

    "This level of injury is, for this Sir, simply a drizzle of the painting of a neighbor's old lady!" ”

    Saying such words, Garfiel stepped hard.


    The earth suddenly sent a shocking vibration, and invisible power flowed from Garfiel's foot on the ground, pouring it into his body.

    Garfiel's complexion suddenly turned around, and the body's injury was quickly restored with the naked eye.

    "That's Divine Protection of Earth Spirits?"

    Fang Li thoughtfully nodded, in the eyes flash of ice blue shine.

    Fang Li wanted to see the Divine Protection given to Garfiel through the Mystic Eyes' power and find the Death Line.

    However, something unexpected happened to Fang Li.

    "biri …!"

    Just as Fang Li's Mystic Eyes was about to start, a tingling sensation ran through his head and made Fang Li feel like he was hit by a shock stick. The whole brain shook.


    The tingling sensation from the brain caused Fang Li to stunned his temple and his expression could not help but change.

    The world became ragged in Fang Li's in the eyes and was filled with a crack-like Death Line.

    The Death Line is extremely clear.

    This is comparable to the point where Fang Li lifted the Mystic Eyes restriction.

    What happened

    Fang Li made a surprised voice in his heart.

    And such Fang Li did not notice that in his in the eyes, Mystic Eyes flashed an ice blue glow and immediately flashed a rainbow-like glow.

    Even the Mystic Eyes, which are visible to death, constantly alternate between ice blue and rainbow colors, giving Fang Li's head a constant tingling sensation.

    "Could it be that is the limit uncovered by me unknowingly?"

    Fang Li thought so, and did not hesitate to interrupt the use of Mystic Eyes.

    However, Fang Li's mood became cloudy and uncertain.

    He felt it.

    restrictIt became unstable…? ”

    Garfiel also shouted when Fang Li perceived the cause of the change.

    "With this Sir to come to blows, how dare you go? Are you bored with life! ? ”

    With such shouting, Garfiel's vicious sprint hit Fang Li's.

    One hand, like ferocious beast who was about to fling out his claws, slammed his face into Fang Li's face.


    A little buzzing air rang.

    Fang Li This has only been God.

    Between the look, the laughter-like atmosphere has disappeared.

    "Pā… /p>

    In the crisp sound, sharp claws like ferocious beast's claws were caught tightly by Fang Li's hand.

    "Sorry, it doesn't seem like I'm playing with you."

    Fang Li made such a declaration and throw Garfiel out.


    Cracking sounded again.

    Only, this time it was not the cracking of the rock, but the sound of the broken tree.

    Garfiel crashed into a tree and broke the tree.

    Bad Ass

    Garfiel snorted and even got ready to get up.


    "Hey —!"

    In the metal collision sound, a Knight Sword in the sheath of the receive received a sudden breakthrough of the air, bringing the sword to the sheath, and the stinging thorn on the broken wood next to Garfiel's cheek.

    Garfiel suddenly became stiff and could no longer move.

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