Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1675 “Sanctuary’s Shield”


    When the thunderous roar resounded in mid-air, a shock wave burst like a squall and blew in all directions.

    Demi Human's youngster punched the Dragon Carriage in the direction of the Dragon Carriage and was kicked by a direct kick from the air and rolled over.

    The powerful power that could not be captured by the naked eye suddenly crashed into the Demi Human youth's body.


    The young Demi Human made a horrible cry and shortly afterwards flew out.

    "Xiū… —!"

    In a more sharp, ear-piercing sky-splitting sound than when the sky rises, the Demi Human juvenile flies backwards, heavily hits the broken on the ground.

    In the tremor of "BOOM", Demi Human's youngsters broke into the ground and set off a large amount of dust. They were buried in countless gravel and rubble.

    "Fang Li-sama …"

    In the air, on the driver's seat of the Dragon Carriage, witnessing this scene, Rem couldn't help but loosen Meteor Hammer in his hands.

    Fang Li-sama seems to have become stronger than before.

    Faced with the fact that even Rem could not help but stand upright, a surprising sense of crisis emerged in his heart. Fang Li was not even able to pull out the weapons he was good at, and he immediately flew them.

    This reminded Rem of the memory he had fought against Hakugei more than a month ago. Fang Li remembered the destructive world's huge Demon Beast from the air. His heart was pleasantly surprised and proud.

    Sylvia still holds the fallen Emilia, as if he doesn't worry about Fang Li's problems and sings softly.

    The wind lingering around the Dragon Carriage went immediately towards the fall, leaving the Dragon Carriage on the edge of the broken ground.


    The Earth Dragon on the trailer shouted with alarm.

    "Pā… /p>

    Fang Li's figure also descended from heaven and landed in front of the Dragon Carriage.


    And in the crushed ground, an exploding sound rang.

    The young Demi Human boy will cover all of his body's gravel and rubble, and some of them will crawl out.

    Bah. Bad Ass

    Spit out the gravel in the mouth. The Demi Human youth looks to Fang Li's and his eyes become vicious and his mouth is open.

    That's because of the fighting spirit that has become so high.

    "You can actually kick this Sir back. You guys, it's really big. Really human?"

    After hearing this, Fang Li gazed at the other person, looked at the other person's eyes slightly, and began to search the memory in his mind.

    In memory, it seems that there is indeed such a Demi Human boy in "Sanctuary".

    The other person is the guardian of "Sanctuary" and has Divine Protection of Earth Spirits. As long as he stands on the earth, he will be able to get support from the earth and he will be able to recover quickly no matter how serious the injury is.

    Therefore, the other party is also called — "Sanctuary's Shield".

    Its strength can even surpass Wilhelm and Julius.

    Fang Li vaguely remembers the other person's name.

    "so that's how it is …

    Fang Li reacted from his memories and smiled at the Demi Human boy in front of him.

    "You are Garfiel?"

    The name, first appeared in the mouth of Fang Li's, was not the Demi Human boy but the Rem.


    Rem was slightly surprised.

    "what happened? Rem? ”

    Sylvia, who was holding Emilia and stuck his head out of the carriage, noticed this and was surprised to ask.

    "Do you know that child?"

    Whoever vicious, such as a rogue, even the attacker on the ground can call "Child," it is estimated that there is only Sylvia in the world.

    However, Rem does not doubt him.

“……Rem doesn't know him. ”Rem shook his head, but said: "However, Roswaal-sama and Onee-sama sometimes mention this name."

    In other words, Roswaal and Ram know each other whether they know it or not.

    Because the other person is the guardian of "Sanctuary".

    Although, to be more precise, the guardian of the other side is not the “Sanctuary” forest, but the Demi Human Race group living in “Sanctuary” is right.

    The Demi Human juvenile Garfiel did not pay attention to the Dragon Carriage here.

    This "Sanctuary's Shield" has focused all his attention on Fang Li's body.

    "Imagine who has the guts and actually came in from direct. It seems that not only is guts. There are also skills."

    Garfiel put his hand together and pointed to his chest. He spoke very arrogantly.

    "Yes, this Sir is Garfiel, the strongest man."

    ————『Strongest Man』.

    With such a maneuvering declaration, regardless of how Fang Li's reaction was, Rem's beautiful brows were already tightly moaned, and he stared hard at Garfiel, revealing some indescribably dangerous atmosphere.

    ThatRem-san …? ”Sylvia also noticed this, somewhat tentatively inquired: "You seem to be very angry?"

    "Yes, Rem is a bit angry."Rem stared straight into Garfiel and said without hesitation: "While the Demi Human is strong, Rem estimates that he is not an opponent at all, but he dares to take down Fang Li-sama who claims to be the strongest man. Rem can't agree. ”

    Sylvia was speechless at once.

    Although Sylvia also has a deep feeling for Fang Li, but it still doesn't look like the little maid of this Oni?

    Sylvia, who thought so much about it, did not discover that he had no doubt that Fang Li would lose to Garfiel.

    This, of course, reflects deeper trust and trust.

    As for the other side, Fang Li is also somewhat funny.

    "The strongest man Ah…
"Fang Li said to himself:" Indeed, even if compared with "Sword Demon" and "Valuable Knight", then you are no less inferior, taking into account your Divine Protection, even to a greater extent, However, the title of the strongest man can be missed by you. ”

    Do not say anything else, as long as there is Reinhard that day in the world, then no one can claim to be the strongest man.

    Fang Li is also very hanging.

    Of course, if this sentence landed in Garfiel's ear, that would be a change of meaning.

    "Do you want to say that you are stronger than this Sir?"

    Garfiel pressed his own neck and let out the sound of the bones banging.

    Then Garfiel smiled.

    “In that case, then to compare with this Sir, like “cake pushing each other”, decide who is the strongest one! ”

    Garfiel, who spoke strange words in his mouth, opened his posture.

    The sense of power again swelled from its body.

    It was already faint and some touched Third Rank.

    Combined with the Ability of Divine Protection of Earth Spirits, even if there is the existence of Third Rank, Garfiel will win.

    This Demi Human boy does have a boastful ability.

    If it is Fang Li who hasn't left the world yet, is it estimated that Garfiel is a bit overhanging?

    but now

    "If that makes you happy, then you're doing it well."

    Fang Li extended the hand and made a provocative gesture.

    "Rest assured, I will not draw sword, though come over."

    Outspoken words let Garfiel so angry that they laughed.

    "This Sir will make you regret it!"

    After that, Garfiel rushed over.

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