Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1607 Dying to Die

    Shooting bullets filled the battlefield instantly.

    This scenario did not appear.

    "What…what happened…!?"

    WeiThe WHY

    One by one soldier of "BLOCK" all panicked.

    Because the weapons in their hands did not exert their original performance and they fired bullets with high lethality.

    Saku Tatsuhiko immediately noticed the problem.

    The weapon in the hands of all people lacks the same thing.

    That is the magazine.

    "Are you looking for this?"

    In a laughing voice, one by one's magazine was thrown out and crackle and rattle fell.

    The owners of "BLOCK" shuddered all of a sudden.


    When is it?

    When is the Item to be carried, including the magazine, taken by the enemy?

    No one found this.

    Only Tetsumou can not help but speak out.

    "Could it be that is Move Point's Ability…!?"

    Musujime Awaki's ability to transfer items within a certain coordinate even without touching.

    If it is Musujime Awaki's ability, it is indeed possible to do this.

    But Teshio Megumi is no sooner.

    "impossible! We obviously have placed around the device that interferes with the action of AIM Diffusion Field! ”

    "BLOCK" Since she has prepared so many tasks, naturally, Musujime Awaki, who is at the center of the plan, will not be prepared for anything.

    As early as this time, under the order of Saku Tatsuhiko, they were already equipped with devices that could interfere with the function of the AIM Diffusion Field.

    Under the action of the device, as long as it is Esper, the AIM Diffusion Field sent out from it will have an adverse effect, causing Espers Personal Reality to invade, and unable to perform Calculation and Calculation of Ability.

    If forced to use Ability in this environment, it will only cause Esper's Ability to run out of control, even causing the user's own brain area to be harmed.

    That is, this impossible is what Musujime Awaki did.

    There is only one person who does it.

    That is the chestnut hair boy standing next to Musujime Awaki.

    Saku Tatsuhiko's complexion sinks and looks at each other.

    "Who are you?"

    Hearing this, the chestnut hair boy standing next to Musujime Awaki is merely lightly smiles, extend the hand and take a headset hidden in the hair.

    At this moment, the other party's hair color changed.

    From chestnut hair, it becomes black hair.

    Saku Tatsuhiko's eyes widened.

    7th Order

    Correct Fang Li.

    "you…You actually use means! ”

    Saku Tatsuhiko suddenly burst into anger.

    In this regard, Fang Li is just spread out the hands.

    "It was just some little tricks of disguise. The "BLOCK" that the organ counted did not even see through. It seems that the ambitions that are within reach make you lose calm."

    Fang Li lifts his eyes slightly and meets Saku Tatsuhiko's angry line of sight. Some Shi Shiran opens his mouth.

    "Your attention is focused only on Musujime Awaki's body. I only made some warnings to me. Originally I thought I needed more work."

    That is to say, but the purpose of Fang Li's disguise has not been achieved.

    "After all, I didn't find Liquid Packed Bomb's detonator in your body."

    Fang Li made a very calm statement.

    "Can you please give me the detonator?"

    This request, in exchange for only a scream.

    "Give it to me!"

    Saku Tatsuhiko issued an order.

    "Don't be afraid! There is a device that interferes with Ability. Only one student only! ”

    The voice of Saku Tatsuhiko has not yet fallen. Someone took the lead.


    "kill him!"

    Teshio Megumi and Yamate stepped on the ground at the same time, enough to match the speed of the sprinter and rushed to Fang Li.


    "How dare we play!"

    The "BLOCK" subordinate organization that was put in place was also full of anger, not only rushing out, and even pulled out the military dagger, so that the sharp blade reflected the dazzling arc in the sun.

    In this moment, everyone is angry.

    With the appearance of Musujime Awaki, “BLOCK” people saw the hope of achieving their goals.

    But this hope also became complicated because of the involvement of Fang Li's.

    This makes "BLOCK" people angry.

    This is the so-called rebound.

    Can also be said by Fang Li.

    "You all lost calm."

    Voice falls…


    Fang Li took a step forward and stepped on the rock, causing a lap like a storm to shake off at the foot.


    In the heavy muffled sound, the shock of Berserk falls on the owner of the BLOCK.



    Suddenly, the one by one "BLOCK" issuers all sent groans and were shaken off.

    In the twinkling of an eye, dozens of fully armed soldiers are all lying on the ground, unable to rise.


    As "BLOCK", only one by one named Esper, Tetsumou, who had no combat ability after losing the firearms, did not flush out. He watched as his companions were all lying on the ground, and the complexion drastically changed.

    "Damn's bastard!"

    Saku Tatsuhiko's heart was also a fierce start, and made a roar.

    Shortly afterwards, Saku Tatsuhiko is also rushed out.

    Instead of rushing to Fang Li, he rushed to the one by one magazine that was also shocked by the shock wave.


    "don't waste your energy. You are not suitable for this kind of dying work?"

    The voice rang from the back of Saku Tatsuhiko, and all the cold hair on Saku Tatsuhiko's body exploded.


    The impact was immediately blown up behind Saku Tatsuhiko.

    "pū chī !"

    Blood spewed out from the mouth of Saku Tatsuhiko.

    The leader of "BLOCK" flew out in this way, and the embarrassed one fell on the ground, and stopped after a while.


    The intense pain in the full body indecent squeezed Saku Tatsuhiko out of his throat.

    But Saku Tatsuhiko can't struggle to get up.

    In any case, Saku Tatsuhiko is nothing more than a well-trained soldier, not Esper or Magician. In Fang Li's hand, fundamental rebellion is not the slightest.

    Fang Li came to the front of Saku Tatsuhiko, raised his foot and stepped on his body.

    "What is a detonator?"

    Overlooking a man looking at him lying in front of him, Fang Li asked with a frown.

    "Or rather, what is the initiation method of the Liquid Packed Bomb that you installed in the venue?"

    This question has not been answered honestly by Saku Tatsuhiko.


    Saku Tatsuhiko only made a hard laugh.

    "You do not dare…Kill us directly…? ”

    Because there are some bombs that detonate means that the user's heartbeat stops, the bomb will immediately be detonated.

    "Do you think…Is it even winning?…? ”

    Saku Tatsuhiko struggled to prop his body and glared at Fang Li.

    "I also …Five thousand Mercenary waiting outside…Offense

    This is also the trump card of Saku Tatsuhiko.

    But Fang Li looked at Saku Tatsuhiko mercifully.


    Fang Li said this with disapproval.

    "What do you think are the guys who are not allowed to bring you over now?"

    Hearing this sentence, Saku Tatsuhiko's expression freezes.

    Difficult…could it be that …

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