Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1599 guides the existence of everything

    Time, before returning to the concert.

    A group of people gathered in a warehouse in a building not far from the venue.

    There are dozens of heavily armed people in the warehouse.

    They wore the same armor as the private boards of the Board of Directors. They had machine guns in their hands, grenades on their waists, and gas masks on their heads, similar to those of the Hound Dog.

    There are various things in the warehouse.

    There is gasoline.

    There is unknown device.

    There are luggage full of ammunition.

    There are laptop computers and various camouflage items.

    In addition, there is only one table in the entire warehouse.

    Four people sat on this table.

    One is a bearish man.

    One is a woman covered with strong muscles.

    One is some gloomy girl.

    There is still one is a humble man.

    The four men were supported by the one by one fully armed soldier around them.

    In other words, these four people are the leaders here.

    The bearish boy is called Saku Tatsuhiko.

    The muscular muscle girl is called Teshio Megumi.

    Some gloomy girls are called Tetsumou.

    The humble man is called Yamate.

    These four people are members of "BLOCK".

    The dozens of soldiers around the body are the lower organization of "BLOCK."

    At this moment, those who belong to "BLOCK" will all gather their eyes on the laptop computer in front of them.

    Above, the status quo of the concert venue is playing.

    The audience cheered loudly on the screen.

    The glow stick's color flashes continuously across the screen.

    A countdown slowly reduced the number in the upper left corner.

    Wait until the digitization is midnight, that is when the concert officially begins.

    “It is truly World Famous Diva, and a concert that only took a week to do can really make this happen.”

    Gloomy girl Tetsumou said this in a very low voice, breaking the silence of the scene.

    Why? Are you envious? ”

    Teshio Megumi will transferred the vision to Tetsumou's body and did not ridicule, but he was seriously asking.

    "Don't be silly. That kind of place under the spotlight will only make us short-lived."

    Yamate is an unabashedly sarcastic voice.

    But as it says, for the dark part, the stage that appears under that spotlight is not at all appropriate at all.

“……I do not have envy. ”Tetsumou only glanced at Yamate and unemotionally said: "I know I'm not right there. I just just talked about it."

    "The best is that."Yamate did not say with any conceit: "If it is serious, then we have to consider whether it is time for you to go back to school and be a good student."

    "I am a student now."Tetsumou said correctly, in a lightly toneless tone: "Is Esper the only person here?"

    It's Esper's words, but that means accepting the development of Ability.

    In Academy City, only students will accept Ability development.

    Therefore, Tetsumou said that he is a student and that it is indeed true.

    However, it was surprising that only Tetsumou was Esper in the whole “BLOCK”.

    In fact, the dark part named "BLOCK" is also very different from other dark parts.

    The main responsibility of "BLOCK" is to supervise the contact between Academy City and outside institutions of Academy City and prevent leak of technology.

    That being the case, "BLOCK" naturally cannot take Academy City's technology out.

    Esper itself carries such confidential information.

    As long as you study its genes, blood, and the entire body, you can find traces of the development of Ability and gain technical intelligence.

    For this reason, the staff of "BLOCK" is basically biased towards the average person. Its positioning is similar to that of Hound Dog. It can use advanced equipment but it does not rely on the strength of Esper.

    There will be a Tetsumou, which is because Tetsumou's Ability can be read with mind, to prevent "BLOCK" from having a traitor internally, and to provide many conveniences when executing Quest.

    But this seems to make Tetsumou somewhat isolated.

    At least, the person named Yamate seems to be rather unfamiliar with Tetsumou.

    "Is it really too young?"Yamate said with certainty: "If you look forward to living in the sun, then you can go back?"

    "Do you think young is an idiot?"Tetsumou frowned said indifferently, "If I say I want to go back, then I will be purged immediately."

    "Not so serious."Yamate smirked: "The most is to destroy your head and forget something that you shouldn't remember. Then you will spare your life. How do you say we are all companions?"

    "That's really thankful for your care."Tetsumou reluctantly said: "If I find you betrayed, I will help you to say something good so that you can live."

    "you…!"Yamate complexion anger.

    No problemTeshio Megumi also frowned and yelled: "Now you're going to do something. What are you arguing about?"

    Tetsumou and Yamate immediately closed their mouths.

    Teshio Megumi sees the last person in "BLOCK" and is also the leader of "BLOCK".

    "How's it going? Saku? ”

    Teshio Megumi's call to let Saku Tatsuhiko raised the head has been staring at the laptop computer.

    No problemSaku Tatsuhiko said in a strong voice: "The people I have arranged have already tampered with the venue. Then we will wait for us to act."

    "Can you do it?"Teshio Megumi in a tone of pure doubt, asked: "I heard this time not only we, even the" SCHOOL "are deployed, and in order to prevent, the above also sent the" GROUP "," ITEM "and" member "three of the dark, even if our people have the police undercover, Can find the opportunity to infiltrating the venue, then how to deal with these three dark parts? ”

    No worries.Saku Tatsuhiko shook his head and said solemnly: "I've got contact with the "SCHOOL" side and promised to send a sniper over there to the venue. But as a condition, they must help us deal with the rest of the shadows. We fight for time."

    Sunazara Chimitsu had the opportunity to infiltrating to the venue under heavily investigations and guards.

    "so that's how it is."Teshio Megumi also said plainly: “Is it been because of this reason that the whereabouts of “MEMBER” was revealed to “SCHOOL”?”

    “Correct.”Saku Tatsuhiko nodded, said: “Besides that, I also informed the above to send a private force to support the team. When the “GROUP” will go against them, “ITEM” will go under our guidance to “SCHOOL”. The location, involved in the dispute, the four shadows will all be contained, allowing us to move freely."

    Saku Tatsuhiko made so much preparation for today's action.

    "Now, preparations are already in place. We should also act."

    Saku Tatsuhiko stood up.

    The rest are also standing up.

    Saku Tatsuhiko looked around at everyone.

    "Then, start it."

    Saku Tatsuhiko so declare.

    "Start to occupy Academy City."

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