Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1589 People in Various Corners

    At the moment the concert has begun, the gates to the venue have been closed.

    A famous Anti-Skill stayed at all around the venue, meticulously executing his own Quest.

    In the vast square before the concert, there is no one.

    A large number of fans are gathering here, making the square look unusually lively.

    "Sylvia-san's concert is clearly in sight, but we can't go in…"

    "What a pity…"

    "Why did you not get an entry ticket?"

    No fans able to grab an entrance ticket can only be extremely unwilling to kneel in all around.

    Although we couldn't enter the venue, there were many stalls selling Sylvia's peripheral products here, which attracted a lot of people.

    And, in a building around the venue, a huge screen of one by one is also on and live live for the concert.

    The fans gathered in front of a building and watched singing on the stage. It was a very beautiful and seemingly beautiful Sylvia. From time to time, cheers and cheers erupted. The atmosphere was much less than the interior of the venue.

    Nobody knows.

    Danger, it is gradually coming.


    A rush of footsteps rang in an alley a distance from the venue.

    Hundreds of figures pass by and head toward the venue.

    It was a group of soldiers wearing dark gray armor suits.

    The soldiers were all blindfolded and the Body's Equipment was completely uniform, so everyone looked exactly the same and there was no difference.

    And these soldiers also did not have any dialogue, with strong skill, and quickly passed a strip of alley.

    At one moment, the soldiers stopped all the way.

    A character that looks like a conductor makes a gesture.

    After this gesture appeared, hundreds of people’s large forces were divided into four directions in an orderly manner, bypassing a strip of alleys, and finally concentrated in one direction.

    If you look down from above, you will find that the four units have already surrounded the venue of the concert, and they have advanced from all directions toward the venue.

    "kāchā kāchā…"

    Metalic footsteps and the mechanical sound of the machine appear unusually clear in an alley.

    Because of the relationship between holding a machine gun and hard armor suits, these sounds cannot be concealed in any way.

    The soldiers fulfilled their Quest in such a silent manner and approached their goals.

    They are the private forces that the Board of Directors have developed. They are different from the Board of Directors that directly belong to the Board of Directors and Academy City. They only take orders to train their Master.

    Even if the Master's order is to destroy the entire Academy City, these soldiers will faithfully perform the Quest without hesitation.

    If the shadows are in order to defend the existence of Academy City's interests in a dirty way in darkness, then these private forces are the product of true ambition.

    Some directors are prepared to use them to do some unsightly things and give themselves more power.

    Some directors are prepared to use them to eradicate dissidents, or even the following, to exterminate Superintendent one day, and bring them over the entire Academy City.

    Now, these hundreds of private forces are sent by several directors at the same time.

    There is only one purpose.

    That is to ensure the death of Sylvia Lyyneheym.

    If Sylvia Lyyneheym were assassinated on the way to the concert, they would attack the audience directly and become terrifying elements of the undifferentiated attack. In front of the whole world, they spread chaos and terrifying and eventually became the fire of the detonation war. .

    If Sylvia Lyyneheym did not die, their Quest was to kill the target person, including Oyafune Monaka.

    This is a devious killing group.

    For the master's ambition, these people will be mercilessly murdering an innocent audience.

    If they are successful, it is conceivable that under such a tragic situation, Academy City will fall into a state of chaos and panic.

    Unfortunately, some people will not allow this kind of thing to happen.


    East of the venue…


    As a spear strike/gun shot sounded, a round of bullets fell in front of the fast-moving force.

    "Hey —!"

    The bullet hit the asphalt road and the sparks burst into the sky.


    Taking the head start as the beginning, the troops of about a hundred people quickly stopped.

    Until then, the attackers discovered.

    In front, there is one person.

    "This is the end."

    Tsuchimikado Motoharu, wearing sunglasses and wearing a shirt and shorts like a holiday in Hawaii, held a pistol and grinned.

    However, the eyes under the sunglasses did not smile.

    "The bastard group above has not hesitated to do this in order to trigger the war?"

    The voice of Tsuchimikado Motoharu faintly carries a haze and anger.

    In the face of this scene, the attackers only hesitated a moment, it was the machine gun in the hands of Simultaneously and they pointed at Tsuchimikado Motoharu.


    Meeting place west…


    A soldier made a horror call.

    Because a car was thrown at an alarming rate, heavily stunned its body.


    The explosion appeared in an alleyway where both the fire wave and Black Smoke rose.

    The soldier was directly devastated by the explosion and died without even leaving the corpse.

    “dá dá dá dá ———!”

    The rest of the soldiers let the guns of the machine guns continue to emit flames, allowing the bullets to pour out like rainstorms.


    "Bio —!"

    In a strange sound, all the bullets were fired.

    The direction of the exchange was bounced back.

    "pū chī –pū chī –pū chī –!"

    In the sound of a bullet that did not enter the body, a famous gunner fired a groan one after another and fell down.

    In front of the fire wave and Black Smoke, a figure slowly came out.

    "Hey, meet you for the first time, the chops."

    The Accelerator sent death notifications with turbid, crazy, and cruel smiles.

    “also, goodbye, lowlife.”

    In response to the Accelerator, it was a rain-throwing bullet.


    It didn't take long for the explosion to rise again in this corner.


    At the same time, Etzali and Musujime Awaki are also working.

    "It seems that it is not enough to make a big deal."

    Standing on the top of a building, Etzali looked at the explosions and gunfires that appeared from the east and the west and turned to the alleys below.

    There, the troops of about 100 people also traveled past.

    "If the movement is too loud, it will also cause confusion. Those idiot!"

    Musujime Awaki is hiding in a corner, avoiding the strafing of the incoming machine guns, and also watching the explosions and gunshots on the east and west.

    The four members of the shadows attacked the four units.

    And, behind them, a team of people from Scorpius is also trying to find support.

    Some of them drove in four directions, while others sought ways to conceal the signs of fighting.

    Therefore, no one found the movement around him.

    The smell of gunpowder is indeed already filled.

    The war around life and death of a Diva is carried out in every corner.

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