Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1584 Punishment

    Concert venue, backstage.

    In a dressing room, Sylvia is sitting before the vanity mirror.

    Its around the body, with two girls.

    One is Sylvia's make-up artist who is helping Sylvia make-up.

    One is Sylvia's temporary broker, who is working with Sylvia to finalize the process of a concert.

    "Kacha …"

    In the opening sound, Fang Li pushed the door of the dressing room and walked in.

    Upon seeing this, the agent and make-up artist stopped the movement at hand and turned around.

    Before they could say anything, Sylvia took the lead in making a chuckle.

    "Two, thank you. I'm ready. The next thing is for me."

    Hearing this, the agent and make-up artist said a word to Sylvia at the same time, and then he retired.

    The two young girls seemed to have some curiosity about the relationship between Fang Li and Sylvia, and with the persistence of some women's unique curiosity, they withdrew from the dressing room.

    When the two left, Sylvia came before Fang Li's.

    Looking at Sylvia's charming face with makeup, Fang Li can't help but smile.

    "What are you laughing at?"

    Sylvia blinked and seemed to have some suspicion of asking questions.


    Fang Li also deliberately looks like an unperturbed, so that Sylvia displeased with the soft flesh around his waist.

    "All right, tease you."

    Fang Li quickly pressed Sylvia's funny little hands into his arms.

    "I'm proud that my lover can be so beautiful, so I laugh, so you're satisfied?"

    This is the truth.

    You know, Sylvia has had a world-class beauty, and now with a few finishing touches, also a gorgeous dress, it suddenly became the world's most shining Goddess.

    If it wasn't right for time and place, Fang Li was afraid he couldn't help himself.

    Sylvia was obviously also very fond of Fang Li's honeyed words. With a smiling face, he seemed to be in a good mood. He did not have the tension to be on the world-class stage and sing in front of millions of people all over the world.

    It is also natural.

    For Sylvia, this is already a familiar stage.

    World Famous Diva is as easy and calm as ever, and the topic of questioning is not a concert thing. It is a trick in darkness.

    "I didn't expect it to happen. It was safe to usher in the concert."Sylvia said so: "I think it will happen before the concert starts."

    After all, many people are reluctant to see the successful conclusion of this concert.

    Only …

    “The only concert that the other person did not want to see was successful, not that they did not want to see the concert appear.”Fang Li, as in the evaluation of the minor character, said indifferently: “Although before you solve the problem, the concert cannot be performed. Oyafune Monaka’s calculations will also completely fail, but the ambition of the other party It seems to be bigger."

    Those who have eyeed Sylvia are all guys who want the war to continue.

    If this is the case, if there is an incident that can throw the world into chaos, the other party will certainly not use it.

    And if Sylvia were suddenly killed in front of everyone in the world, that fact alone could make everyone around the world watching the concert fall into panic and confusion.

    Therefore, the other party may also sit and watch the concert to be held up and then hit the day of the concert.

    Fang Li, who had already had such a hunch beforehand, was not surprised at all.

    "Is really a group of willful guys."Sylvia sighed. "And don't think about it. If there is confusion on this occasion, then how many people in the world will be involved in the disaster."

    For example, in the 15,000 spectators who came to the concert, like Sylvia, they are also in danger of being attacked. All the people around the world may also be injured or even killed due to the subsequent panic after the incident. problem.

    Of these things, the other party obviously did not consider it.

    "Not so much as thinking about it, but rather saying that this is what they want to see?"Fang Li unemotionally said: "The more turmoil it is, the faster the war will come. The more natural it is for those chopped pieces."

    In this way, the darkness of Academy City really does not bottom out.

    Deep enough to make people feel sick.

    Oyafune Monaka wants to make the world peaceful by not resorting to bloodshed.

    However, some people also want to use this method to bring the world into chaos.

    I have to say that this is really a very ironic thing.

    Ironically, both sides are also directors of the Board of Directors.

    One party is an incorrigible good man.

    One side is an incorrigible wicked person.

    Today's concert has already become a stage for both sides games.

    And there is only one thing that Fang Li has to do.

    That is to make these self-righteous guys sober and clear that they understand how insignificant they are.

    For this situation, Sylvia seems to want to say something.

    It is not enough to say that Fang Li interrupted directly.

    "You don't say anything to me, I'm sorry, because your willfulness leads me to be so tired."

    Fang Li likes to laugh and laugh.

    "If you say this, then it's wrong to think about time and place. I have to think about whether it's time to punish you."

    With such words, Fang Li's hand gripping Sylvia also became restless and even brazenly probed into the clothes.

    Suddenly, the place where Fang Li's hand passed was a soft and creamy one.

    don’tDon't mess with clothes! ”

    Sylvia charming face is slightly red, and she has a look of Fang Li.

    However, the eyes are moist and affectionate.

    Originally only a joke, Fang Li, was really hesitant this time to put it into action.

    Until another voice sounds.

    "You…you two! Now is not the time to do this kind of thing! ”

    Jeanne's voice came from the pendant in front of Sylvia.

    The voice was filled with anger and shyness.

    Fang Li and Sylvia regained their ambiguity.

    Fang Li quickly pulled his hand from under Sylvia's clothes and smiled at Jeanne.

    "Sylvia also asked you here, Jeanne. If Revelation sees signs of danger, don't be afraid. When the exchange of the body's dominance is over."

    Although the existence of hiding Jeanne is to protect Aleister, if it causes Sylvia to be injured, it is not necessary.

    "I understand."Jeanne coughed and said seriously: "I will pay attention."

    Fang Li nodded.

    At this time, the knock on the door rang.

    "Two, didn't bother you guys?"

    It was like a deliberate voice intervening. Both Fang Li and Sylvia turned their heads to the door.

    "you guys…"

    Fang Li raised the brows.

    There, four young girls appeared in Fang Li's vision.

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