Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1517 One Two

    On the other side, on the street in School District 7, a pair of men and women stopped.

    "what happened? Is stomach pain? Misaka as Misaka asked with an impatient heart to the idiot suddenly stopped next to him. ”

    The Last Order, wearing a little coat outside the dress, drew his head and opened it.

    But around it, Accelerator did not answer anything, only looking at one of the directions.





    Variety of voices came from a distance and were received by Accelerator.

“……Did something trouble happen again? ”

    Accelerator said something unpleasant and quickly stepped up.

    "what happened what happened? Misaka as Misaka feels something is going to happen so it's uneasy! ”

    The Last Order quickly followed Accelerator.

    The Accelerator did not look back, only impatiently.

    "We hurry to go back."

    "How come suddenly? Misaka as Misaka puzzled asked ! ”

    "In order to get out before getting caught in trouble."

    What do you mean? Misaka as Misaka strongly expressed the need to explain! ”

    "It's not good for you to know too much, just go back quickly!"

    The Accelerator's impatience on the face became more and more intense. Finally, the Last Order was simply picked up and ready for use.

    With Accelerator's ability, you can accelerate or expand the vector under your feet, or simply roll up several tornados, and let yourself shorten the distance to the destination at least at the speed of sound.

    In order not to get involved in unnecessary trouble, Accelerator is ready to use the Ability.


    "Don't hurry to go, here's something to find you too."

    With a very frivolous sound, a vision occurs.


    A burst of explosion without any precursors suddenly appeared.

    Moreover, there is no need for any explosives, as if the air itself burst open and explode.

    The big bang set off an astonishing shock, engulfing Accelerator and Last Order.


    The exclamation of Last Order was less than a second later. It was covered by explosions.

    The asphalt on the street immediately turned into fragmented bullets and violently shoots in all directions.

    However, in that explosion, a figure is just like taking a stroll, taking advantage of the Last Order, and slowly walked out.

    "Is there an idiot?"

    Accelerator from head to toe did not lose a single hair, only the expression became more and more unpleasant.

    Last Order is like observing the seriousness of the situation, obediently closing his mouth.

    Immediately, the previous voice rang again.

    "Isn't this level used for you at all? Should I say that I am the first person? ”

    With such laughter, a figure actually flew down from the air.

    It was a brown hair boy wearing a high top garment with a height of nearly 180cm.

    Juveniles have gloomy eyes that can only be seen in social darkness, with a confident smile on their lips.

    Behind it, there are three pairs of six wings, like Angel's light wings, so that it suspended there.


    Looking at this person, the Accelerator first felt accidental, shortly afterwards, as if to see something interesting, cracked his mouth and laughed.

    "Who thought that the idiot for me make a move was this guy from you?"

    Accelerator certainly knows the boy in front of him.

    Not only because the other person is famous in Academy City, but because the other person's position in Academy City is only under himself.

    Academy City is only the second of eight Level 5 (Esper) — "Dark Matter".

    He is second only to Accelerator's ability.

    Its name is — "Kakine Teitoku".

    "It seems like I can play a little bit today, not bad."

    The Accelerator is truly enjoying the same smile.

    That smile, as always, turbid, cruel.

    Overlooking such an Accelerator, Kakine Teitoku's confident smile on the corner of his mouth is slightly more converging.

    "You are as uncomfortable as before, first."

    The voice of Kakine Teitoku is full of irony.

    "You can't be that in addition. Would you like me to be gentle to you? 2nd Order

    Accelerator is even more ironic.

    The two have already not met for the first time.

    So, Accelerator can understand each other's intentions with a little thought.

    "Is it driven again by the above people? It's mean! ”

    Accelerator's words are not made sense.

    Because, in the second place in Kakene Teitoku not only only Academy City, also with the former Mugino Shizuri, under the command of a shadow, take orders from the Board of Directors.

    The dark part of Kakine Teitoku is called —『SCHOOL』.

    Basically, the responsibilities of the shadow department in Academy City are all to maintain the internal stability of Academy City. This includes things such as assassination, extermination, destruction of material evidence, and violent suppression of students.

    However, this is only a general goal and the responsibilities of each organization will still be subdivided.

    For example, the main responsibility of “ITEM” is to prevent the out-of-control of the upper classes including the Board of Directors and suppress the rebellion/riot of other shadows.

    Another example is the "Hound Dog" is the main responsibility is to perform a special confidential Quest, to allow cruel means.

    The main responsibility of “SCHOOL”, which is directed by Kakine Teitoku, is to eliminate data evidence and assassinations that are unfavorable to Academy City.

    "Isn’t this time the goal is me?"

    Accelerator's tone is still so bad, but the meaning of temptation is very obvious.

    Do not know whether or not Kakin Teitoku has heard the meaning of it, or simply does not care, he also does not care about answer.

    "Reassured, you're only going by the way, because Hound Dog's scum was out of trouble so I'll come and act together."

    In other words, Kakene Teitoku only is responsible for pinning Accelerator.

    The actual implementation of the above Quest is not "SCHOOL" but Hound Dog.

    And who is Hound Dog's Quest goal, you can understand it when you think about it.

“……Is it?

    Accelerator closed his eyes.

    When you opened your eyes, the pair of red eyes was full of bleary gas.

    "It depends on you?"

    The air around the Accelerator around the body began to burst, turning into a surging tornado, rising from its body.

    Upon seeing this, Kakine Teitoku smiled.

    Smiled abnormally happy.

    "Yes, it depends on me."

    The air of Kakine Teitoku around the body also bursts, but it is not turned into tornado, but is transformed into a shock wave.

    However, both tornado and shock wave are extremely large in scale.

    Under such circumstances, the road was teetering, and the surrounding buildings were shaking. The roof of a building was torn by terrible winds, and even one by one guard robot and vending machine were ruthlessly shoved. In the air, I got involved in it.

    That scene, as if tornado and violent storm assault.

    Both sides, the bang's impact together.

    Here, the two strongest Level 5 (Esper) of Academy City launched the showdown.

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