Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1515 is about to move

    The periphery of Academy City is an area with a wide variety of scenery.

    Originally, Academy City occupies one-third of the area of ​​Tokyo. It is located in the eastern part of Tokyo and faces various regions. It naturally has various scenery and features outside.

    At this point, Fang Li's convenience was above the high facade of Academy City, overlooking the warnings from surrounding patrol robots and looking into the distance.

    "From here, Academy City is really like a prison."

    Giving the entire city to the high external walls encircling it, as if to silently separate the two worlds, the interior and the exterior, makes the interior and the exterior present different scenes.

    After all, with this exterior wall alone, the level of technology between Academy City's interior and exterior differs by an entire ten-year Rank, leaving the interior with a high-tech bustling scene and the outside being somewhat desolate one by one. Strips, some have even been abandoned.

    But Fang Li who is standing here also closed his eyes and turned Lv.3's Enemy Detection Skill works out.

    Soon after, Fang Li opened his eyes and murmured.

    "Sure enough, there was a lot of reaction…"

    Under the detection of Enemy Detection Skill, Fang Li can feel the presence of enemies in all directions.

    Some of them have Independent Action, some of them are integrated into the army, some are waiting to be treated, and others are back and forth around the external walls of Academy City.

    "As Tsuchimikado said, these people should be more than just a Magic."

    Because the actions of the reactions returned from various locations appear to be inconsistent and obviously not a single force.

    "In these people, some of them are sent by Magic forces to monitor the movement of Academy City. Also, part of them should be the troops that have only recently arrived."

    "So that's how it is. Is that what Jeanne said about the disaster?"

    If it is to prepare for the Magic power of Academy City make a move, then since Jeanne's Revelation sees disaster, Academy City will certainly suffer an unprecedented crisis because of them.

    If it is those Magic forces that monitor the movement of Academy City, then when the Academy City is in distress, the other person will certainly not get down the drain.

    Anyway, after the night is over, should something happen?

    If Fang Li makes a move here and strikes all Magic’s elements to kill, it is estimated that the crisis will be resolved.

    However, Fang Li did not take the initiative to make a move.

    "What are you going to do?"

    "Aleister …"

    With this, Fang Li smiled and closed his eyes again.

    At night, it gradually came.


    School District 7 ,Windowless Building.

    Floating on the space screen in front of the life support device, the scene of Fang Li standing on the external wall of Academy City is clearly reflected on the scene.

    Aleister's brain area received this information and whispered.

    "It seems that something is going to happen."

    Only see Fang Li's actions, Aleister has come to such a speculation.

    Combining all the information obtained before, Aleister made the most effective judgment easily.

    Then Aleister understands.

    "Not ready to make a move?"

    It is also true.

    Even if Academy City encounters any crisis, Fang Li has no obligation to make a move.

    In any case, Academy City is Aleister's site, not Fang Li's site.

    Even if there are a lot of Fang Li's acquaintances in Academy City, but it seems to be too naive to want to make Fang Li move.

    For Fang Li, Aleister is a black hand behind the scenes.

    For Aleister, Fang Li is also a chess piece that is not easy to control.

    Now, Fang Li is definitely waiting for Aleister to act.

    Regardless of Aleister's response to this, Fang Li can sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight.

    The real purpose of Fang Li should be to let Aleister ask to make a move.

    After all, Fang Li also promised to help Aleister do one thing.

    Even if it is to complete this matter here, then Fang Li has enough reason to continue to wait.

    "It's a really bad person…"

    Aleister said so, but his mouth was lifted.

    Actually, Aleister has many cards in the hands of responding to various situations.

    Among them, there are two cards that are special.

    One of them was Aleister who was ready to push it to the front desk and contact Index Librorum Prohibitorum to become the guardian of Index Librorum Prohibitorum. He asked him to deal with the various events brought about by Magic. However, due to Fang Li's intervention, Aleister decided to continue it. Snow hiding.

    One is for the purpose of inciting Magic's power and the weapons created by Artificial Heaven as its core.

    "————"Imagine Breaker"."

    "————『Counter Stop』."

    "Which one should I use?"

    Aleister murmured.

    "The former's words may not be enough to deal with this time. The latter …Should he guess that I will use this card sooner or later, so will the two protective talisman be handed over to Accelerator and Last Order? ”

    As a result, if you want to use the latter, you may have some trouble.


    "This is also a rare opportunity…"

    The window in front of Aleister suddenly turned and began to change.

    The appearing window changed from one to three and lined up.

    The one on the left is a white-haired teenager with an impatience to put a chestnut hair girl in her hands, regardless of her struggling and rushing to the place where she lives.

    In the middle, the teenager with a hedgehog head is sitting at home and is preparing to unscrew the faucet to wash the dishes. The result is that the faucet suddenly bursts, spills a lot of water, and drenches the whole body. The cell phone and wallet are also connected. Wet all wet, let the teenager hold his head screaming scene.

    The one on the right appears to be a scene of a teenage girl wearing a school uniform walking slowly down the street.

    Watching the scenes presented in these three windows, Aleister smiled.


    Academy City welcomes the night just as the clouds move.

    In an outside of the gate at Academy City, an uninvited guest arrived.

    "It's a really unpleasant city…"

    Saying such malicious words, the balance of the face was shown here by the hoop to the woman who destroyed the woman holding a huge blunt instrument.

    Looking at the technology-filled exterior of her eyes, she spoke to her as she spoke.

    "Science is really hateful."

    "Science is really disgusting."

    "Science is something that should not exist."

    "As long as it is science, it should all be destroyed."

    The sick woman who spews sewage comes close to the direction of Academy City.

    Hey! That outlaw over there is going to run for the keep in the southeast. He's only going to recruit for three rounds before he'll start moving and he and his footpads are much faster than we are. Let's make haste or we'll never catch him.Note: This scenario uses a combination of two Micro AIs, the Hang Out Micro AI which makes the Side 2 units remain around the keep for two turns (while moving off castle tiles to allow for recruiting) and the Messenger Escort AI which takes over after that. A Micro AI can be added and adapted to the need of a scenario easily using only WML and the [micro_ai] tag. Check out the <span color='#00A000'>Micro AI wiki page</span> at for more information.

    "No closer!"

    In front, the guards guarding the gate seemed to have discovered newcomer and began to shout.

    However, regardless of the woman's disregard, the voice was shielded, only spit out the tongue, let the cross fall from the mouth, passing a curve.

    The expression on his face is extremely embarrassing.


    It didn't take long before the explosion rang through the gate.

    The disaster of Academy City came to this end.

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