Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1478 does not have Promotion Quest? (Monthly ticket

    After getting Holy Grail, Fang Li actually wanted to use Holy Grail to do one thing.

    According to legend, Holy Grail has such a story.

    ————“The holy water inside can rejuvenate people”————

    ————“The holy water inside can bring death to life”———

    ————“The holy water inside can make people have eternal life”————

    Since we clearly know these stories, then whoever they are, they must all think so.

    "Inside holy water, drink it anyway."

    Unfortunately, the Greater Grail was modeled after the legendary Holy Grail's weishing machine. Even Third Magic's product can be used to fulfill its wishes, but the Greater Grail is not the legendary Holy Grail.

    At least, it seems like an altar-like giant spherical appearance, there is no way to carry water, right?

    Therefore, Fang Li also dismissed this idea.

    Today, the Greater Grail has undergone a complete transformation with the combination of Third Magic and the Psalm of the Grand Order.

    The Holy Grail now may have been infinitely close to the legendary Holy Grail.

    Even the power alone is likely to be even more powerful.

    Perhaps, precisely because of this, Holy Grail will change the appearance and become exactly the same as the legendary Holy Grail.

    As a result, Fang Li naturally moved.

    In view of this, Fang Li said this to Sylvia.

    "We'll have a Holy Grail holy water."

    This proposal was immediately agreed with the curiosity of Sylvia.

    So, Fang Li and Sylvia together drank Holy Grail holy water.

    As a result, something incredible happened.

    "Serial Number 11273 and its servant use the Special Item, and the Attribute has been greatly improved."

    The System Notification sounds so loud in both people's minds that both are stunned.

    After stunned, Fang Li and Sylvia were surprised at the same time.

    "Holy Grail holy water actually can be used to promote Attribute?"

    That's a huge surprise.

    At the moment, Fang Li and Sylvia quickly reviewed their own Attribute.

    Showing the Attribute in front of them, it is to let the two stunned again.


    Character :Fang Li

    Race :human

    Class :Genestellar

    Title :Guardian Knight

    Rank :Third Rank

    STR : 188 (+100)

    VIT: 187 (+100)

    AGI : 250 (+100)

    INT : 225 (+50)


    Character :Sylvia Lyyneheym

    Race :human

    Class :Genestellar (Strega)

    Title :Diva

    Rank :Third Rank

    STR : 160 (+40)

    VIT: 150 (+40)

    AGI: 162 (+40)

    INT : 188 (+40)


    Fang Li's Combined Attributes upgraded to 850 points, with the addition of Class, title, and Equipment plus exactly 500 points.

    Sylvia's Combined Attributes upgraded to 660 points. The addition of Class, Title, and Equipment plus 500 points.

    And the limit of Third Rank, precisely 500 points Combined Attributes.

    Holy Grail holy water is to let Fang Li and Sylvia together improve the entire nearly 100 points of Combined Attributes, so that the two directly reached the Third Rank limit.


    Fang Li and Sylvia suddenly look at each other in blank dismay.

    It is a fact that the Attribute panel can be presented in front of two people, but it tells two people.

    "How can I upgrade so many Attributes?"

    Fang Li is really paralyzed.

    Nearly 100 points of Combined Attributes.

    The magnitude of this increase, if converted into strength, is rather alarming.

    Apart from that, the STR before Fang Li was about 140 points. Now it is upgraded to 188 points. Then to Amakusa Shirou's words, the power advantage of Amakusa Shirou will be lost. It may even be Fang Li's side. In turn crushed him.

    After all, the more the Attribute is to the back, the greater the improvement of each point than the previous one.

    This doubled both Fang Li and Sylvia's strength, enough to shock people.


    Afterwards, Fang Li calmed down and finally found the problem.

    “Magic Power in Holy Grail actually consumed so much?”


    The improvement of nearly 100 Combined Attributes is not entirely without reason.

    Holy Grail that holy water has long since melted into the huge Magic Power, as Main God's Dimension said, has become a Special Item.

    In other words, Fang Li and Sylvia are equivalent to wishing Holy Grail to have an item that can be used to promote Attribute.

    In this case, the Attribute of Fang Li and Sylvia was improved.

    "And, all the upgrades are short boards…"

    Obviously, Holy Grail that holy water has become an item that complements the shortcomings of Fang Li and Sylvia, making both of their short boards flat.

    "This is a waste of many Attribute Points…"

    Originally, Fang Li intended to use this time Attribute Points to upgrade his own short board.

    No matter how you say, with a fight with Amakusa Shirou, Fang Li will not learn to learn.

    Fang Li only did not expect that Holy Grail's power actually directly raised oneself and Sylvia to the limit of Third Rank.

    Although Magic Power in Holy Grail also consumes a lot of it, plus the consumption of “Xanadu” that was created before, the rest is already not as good as it used to be, and the harvest is proportional.

    Fang Li, who has reached the Third Rank limit, can apply for Promotion Quest from Main God's Dimension.

    Oneself thinks so.

    However, when Fang Li applied to Main God's Dimension for Promotion Quest, the System Notification tone said that.

    "The Second Rank cannot be promoted through Promotion Quest. Please try your own level up method."

    Such a notification sound, Fang Li once again paralyzed.

    "Promotion Quest Without Second Rank?"

    This can be troublesome.

    "If the Second Rank doesn't have Promotion Quest, how can we break the Rank limit?"

    Until this time, Fang Li was somewhat reminded that at the Trading Area, it seems that the rest of Main God's Envoy also said that the Second Rank couldn't be promoted by the Promotion Quest.

    Just like Main God's Dimension said.

    This time, Fang Li needs to explore level up methods on his own.

    "So that's how it is. Is that why Second Rank's Main God's Envoy is rare?"

    Think of it here, Fang Li also fell in love.

    Even Sylvia is confused.

    As a result, the two people used the rest time to collect information in Main God's Dimension, but they could not get a useful message.

    And the ten days of rest just passed.

    As a result, Sylvia was the first to say so.

    "Anyway, if you are anxious and anxious, it's better to think about the next Dungeon World thing."

    This suggestion, Fang Li listened to.

    However, Fang Li has no mood to reach the new Dungeon World with the Rank limit.

    Ever since, Fang Li has simply used 30000EX change points, bought a Dungeon Command with an opportunity of also two times, and used Battle Suit as an indicator to enter the world he had previously spent.


    "Dungeon World: A Certain Magical Index."

    "Quest Difficulty: Third Rank."

    "Number of Participants :2."

    "Main Quest Number :3."

    "Quest 1: Beat God's Right Seat and decide on the reward based on the final number of defeats."

    "Quest 2: Collect Saint Blood and decide on rewards based on the final number of collections."

    "Quest 3: Get 50000EX change points and decide on rewards based on the final EX change points."

    "Failure Punishment: Every failure of Main Quest will deduct 10000EX change points."

    "Completion Reward: Settle according to the final evaluation."

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