Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1476 Ordinary and Peaceful Times (Seeking Monthly Tickets)


    In a slight landing sound, Fang Li fell on top of the huge Kurohebi (black snake).


    There, Trinity's eyes all converged on Fang Li's body.

    Whether it is Hecate, Sydonay or Bel Peol, the eyes are extremely complicated.

    Obviously, Trinity also did not expect that the object that had been entangled with himself and the others in the past and who had made enmity against each other would actually become their partner.

    Especially Hecate, watching Fang Li's eyes is more complex than ever before.

    Because what Fang Li is about to do here is almost equal to redemption for Hecate.

    However, Fang Li did not seem to care at all. Regardless of Trinity’s complicated performance, he came to the top of the head of “Snake of the Festival” and looked between heaven and earth.

    There, countless Crimson Denizen and Flame Haze both breathed their breath.

    Then, God of Creation's voice was introduced into Fang Li's ear.

    "Do you really want to do this?"

    Listening to the voice of God of Creation, Fang Li did not say anything.

    "This is a good thing for you and me?"

    Fang Li’s Side Quest did not solely assist “Snake of the Festival” to retrieve the ontology but also had to complete the creation of a new world within one day, so that “Xanadu” was born, and even had to solve the problem between Crimson World and present world. The balance issue eliminates the worries of catastrophes.

    In other words, after the "Xanadu" was successfully created at the "Snake of the Festival", Fang Li had to ensure that all Crimson Denizens of the present world went to the New World and prevented the human of the present world from being hunted again.

    Therefore, Fang Li intends to use Holy Grail.

    He is ready to make a wish to Holy Grail, forcing all Crimson Denizen to travel to the New World.

    In this way, Crimson Denizen, who has remained in the present world for the pleasure of eating humans, can be avoided.

    As for those Crimson Denizen who will not stay for the purpose of eating humans, they will definitely go to the New World on their own.

    After all, if you do not eat humans, you will not be able to maintain your presence in the present world, and you will still have to travel to the new world.

    Of course, there may be parts of Crimson Denizen who, like Pheles, have nostalgia for human.

    Unfortunately, there is only one Reiji Maigo.

    Therefore, this part of Crimson Denizen surely still brings his loved ones to the new world together?

    As long as the present world's all Crimson Denizen travels to the New World, the world of the present world will no longer be foraged until the door to the new world is closed.

    The New World has rules that can not eat humans. There is absolutely no need to worry about this.

    That is, in this way, the balance between Crimson World, the present world, and even the new world can be guaranteed, so that the world will not be distorted any more. Catastrophes will never come again and Quest can be completed perfectly.

    In this regard, Fang Li is also very fortunate. If there is no Holy Grail's power, it is really difficult to solve this problem.

    No matter how you say, you can't let Fang Li go all over the world and drive all Crimson Denizen into the new world.

    In that case, the requirement to complete the creation of a new world within one day must not be completed.

    Can only say, really is the Side Quest of Rank A+, the difficulty is still the same.

    As a result, Holy Grail's power is a must in order to complete this Quest.

    "In order to complete the creation of "Xanadu" as soon as possible, all the tedious things need to be abandoned."

    Fang Li glanced at Hecate's direction, talking lightly.

    "For example, use your Miko as a sacrifice to launch Divine Summoning."

    He this time, Hecate's eyes become more complicated.

    In order to complete the creation of a new world, the third stage of the Grand Order still needs to go through several steps.

    One of them is the sacrifice of Hecate.

    However, all these steps need to consume a lot of time.

    In order to gain time and complete the goal of creating a new world within one day, Fang Li's Holy Grail has become a top priority.

    "As long as we wish to Holy Grail and use Holy Grail's power to complete all the tedious steps, we can now create Xanadu."

    Fang Li said like this to the God of Creation underfoot.

    "Do you want to complete the Grand Order as soon as possible?"

    For this sentence, God of Creation naturally cannot find a disproved word.

    "Start it."

    Fang Li declared it extremely decisively.

    "time waits for no one."

    After that, Fang Li took Holy Grail from the Fairy Bag.


    The glory of the Divine Shrine suddenly blooms on the altar-like Greater Grail, illuminating the entire world.

    "Oooh …"

    Exclaimed, starting from all directions.

    At this moment…


    The dark flame started from the body of the "Snake of the Festival".

    It is a spectacular and huge flame that has never been seen before.

    The flame that ignited in the vast Kurohebi (black snake) body of the upright, as if able to raise the temperature of the entire world, turned into a huge pillar of fire, straight into the sky.

    Immediately, the deep voice of God of Creation was heard inside.

    "Divine Summoning! Saiki Reisou! ”

    The surging fire column suddenly fell into the clouds.

    There, Rift Between Both Worlds was once again opened at the location of Divine Gate, which had just broken.

    Shortly afterwards , Fang Li's voice also rang from the flame.

    “Holy Grail, fulfill my wishes…”

    At this moment, the brilliance of the Divine Shrine is lit from the dark flame.

    In that radiance, the dark flames have gradually become the color of divine envy, and the deep pillars of fire have become brilliant beams of light, shining and opening.

    At this moment, several steps to create a new world, under the influence of Holy Grail's power, were all completed unconditionally.

    Thus, a section of the complex and lengthy Unrestricted Spell stretched out from the pillar of light, like a strip of light, and circling along the pillar of light, it spread upward.

    Awesome, it is the Psalm of the Grand Order.

    The top rank Unrestricted Spell used to create new things with the God of Creation's Authority was suddenly launched.


    Along the trail of light, the Psalm of the Grand Order, which spreads out into the Rift Between Both Worlds, was all injected there, leaving the doors of Rift Between Both Worlds equally dazzling.

    That light represents new student/life.

    A brand new world was born on the other side of the gate.

    Then, from all corners of the around the world, a meteor-like figure flew in and out of it.

    Those meteor-like figures are naturally forced to be sent to Crimson Denizen in the New World under the Holy Grail's power.

    Then, God of Creation's voice spread again.

    "————The door to the new world has been opened–"

    “————Our paradise has also been completed———”

    "———— Crimson Denizens ah —"

    "————Flame Hazes —"

    “————Complying with Yu’s summoning, I will go to Xintiandi with Yu Yi————”

    This kind of voice, like the vibrations that had been transmitted to the world before, was passed into the hearts of all Flame Haze and Crimson Denizen.

    Looking forward to the road leading to the new world, it has become unprecedentedly hot and moving.

    "Let's go."

    "Let's go."

    "Let's go."

    "Let's go."

    Almost all people spoke the same words and made the same decision.

    "Go to the New World!"

    Under such cheering, Flame Haze of one by one and Crimson Denizen of one by one turned into flames of combustion and flew to the door of the new world in high altitude.

    The scene, it seems, is just like a meteor flew to the heavenly paradise, with an extraordinary beauty.

    Conversely Fang Li, as if he had retired, flew out of the glorious pillar of light, suspended in midair, and stared at this scene.

    In his ear, a voice is echoing.

    "It's just a gift for you. I hope you can use it."

    This is the last dialogue between God of Creation and Fang Li.

    After leaving this discourse, the God of Creation's aura disappeared.

    In that brilliant beam, Trinity also looked at Fang Li.

    Among them, Hecate also likes to thoroughly remember Fang Li's appearance, watching him deeply.

    Immediately, Trinity went with the light beam to the New World.

    Flame Haze and Crimson Denizen, who looked at the one by one, disappeared into the beam and Fang Li retracted his gaze and slowly turned around.

    "Don't you plan to go together?"

    The Flame-Haired Burning-Eyed girl did not know when she came to Fang Li's behind and looked straight at him.

    In the eyes, the emotions revealed are so intense that people doubt whether they will be swallowed up.

    On the side, Wilhelmina and Sophie accompany them, and Pheles and Rebecca are also present.

    However, they did not say anything. Only silently left time and space for the pair of men and women.

    Fang Li naturally knows.

    Shana, also about to embark on the road to the new world.

    That was the unanimous decision of Flame Hazes.

    After all, the present world will no longer have Crimson Denizen, and Flame Hazes is no longer necessary to stay.

    Conversely The New World, although it is no longer able to eat humans, Crimson Denizen, who has far more power than human, is not impossible to oppress human.

    Therefore, in order to find new meanings for survival, Flame Haze will also collectively travel to the New World.

    Also present world, an ordinary and peaceful era.

    In other words, if Fang Li does not plan to go to the New World, then this may be the last time she met Shana.

    However, Fang Li did not respond to this and only gave Shana a smile.

    "see again/goodbye."


    See again/goodbye.

    One day, they will definitely look again/goodbye?

    At least, Fang Li thinks so.

    Shana who understood Fang Li's meaning lowered his head.

    However, shortly afterwards, Shana again raised the head and showed the most cute and beautiful smile to Fang Li.

    "Un… /p>

    Shana, hard nod.

    Therefore, Shana entire group always looked at Fang Li and slowly flew in the direction of the column of light.

    In the end, it disappeared into the light.


    Unknowingly, all the existence of this world has disappeared.


    In sky, the gateway to the new world is slowly closing and disappearing.

    Fang Li only has been watching this scene.

    After a long time, someone caught Fang Li's hand.

    Fang Li turned and looked to the side.

    There, Sylvia also looked at Fang Li and smiled.

    "We will go back."

    The words of the lovers let Fang Li laugh the same.

    Immediately, nodded.

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