Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1463 “Xanadu”

    Divine Decree over the entire battlefield, so that all the sounds have disappeared.

    Crimson Denizens stopped cheering and started on the spot.

    Flame Hazes stopped fighting and stupefied on the spot.

    Even Sophie, who is behind the Flame Haze Corps, and Wilhelmina, who is firmly bound to Pheles, can't help but breathe.

    "Create the world?"

    Words full of unbelievable emotions were passed from the mouth of Flame Haze by one by one.

    "Is that God not sick in my head?"

    In this way Aqua expressed some of the same feelings in everyone’s hearts.

    However, Jeanne and Shana, who knew more about the details, were complexion at the same time, and they yelled badly.

    Because both people know from Fang Li's mouth.

    Amakusa Shirou's upcoming announcement will affect the size of his Flame Haze.

    Before, Fang Li said.

    The true purpose of the God of Creation's Grand Order is likely to cause all Flame Hazes to lose their fighting intent and even lose their significance.

    Today, this matter will be announced from the mouth of Amakusa Shirou.

    "I will follow his own authority and transform the world into a suitable form!"

    Amakusa Shirou is immersed in the splendid light from the sky, just as he intends to embrace the whole world. Such a declaration.

    "In the past, Yu also responded to Denikens' desires and aspirations, challenged creation, and created a self-recycling sealed world in the present world."

    "That is the ideal city –"Great Binding Chain"."

    "There, Denizens does not need to search for the human world in the world, nor does he need to spend time for food. He can use his power to do as one pleases."

    “There, no matter what kind of distortion occurs, it will maintain a balance in the internal scope and show the original desire.”

    "Unfortunately, this plan was eventually frustrated."

    As a result of this defeat, God of Creation "Snake of the Festival" was banished to the Rift Between Both Worlds and wandered for a whole thousand years.

    Recalling this past failure, the three men of Hecate, Sydonay and Bel Peol lowered their heads.

    Conversely Amakusa Shirou oneself unveiled this history with no care.

    "In those thousands of years, I was drifting in the endless void, but it was in the process of embarrassing that I discovered something."

    With this, Amakusa Shirou's voice became hotter.

    “That is, the place where Yu Yu should create was not in this present world but in the place where I was banished—Rift Between Both Worlds.”

    It is an endless vast world.

    Although located between Crimson World and the present world, there can be no borders and no boundaries, and some are only nothingness.

    However, empty space also represents infinite possibilities.

    “The place where I am waiting for the park should not be confined to this present world. The creation of Xintiandi should not be the sealing and independence of a small area of ​​the present world. It should be constructed in such a way that there is no difference with this world. Everything, I found this thing!"

    So, Amakusa Shirou had already decided.

    The location of Denizens' paradise was not created in present world, but was created in the endless Rift Between Both Worlds.

    "It is a world where everything is exactly the same as the present world and is full of Life Force!"

    "That is a paradise full of endless Power of EX istence, for the sake of embarrassment!"

    "After experiencing the failures of the past, I once again challenged the Grand Order to create a paradise in response to expectations!"

    "Representation of the present world created by the God of Creation, for the pursuit of 汝 and others!"

    "It's called — "Xanadu!""

    Amakusa Shirou clenches his fists and raises himself in front of the entire Crimson Denizen and Flame Haze.

    “Correct.” I have already decided! ”

    The place where "Xanadu" was placed, where it is known as Rift Between Both Worlds, is the place that once was exiled!"

    In the Rift Between Both Worlds, the boundless void was created in the third world between Crimson World and the present world.

    This is the real face of Amakusa Shirou's upcoming paradise.

    The keen Flame Hazes finally understood.

    Understand why Amakusa Shirou would say that their battle is meaningless.


    “Once the paradise “Xanadu” was created successfully, the New World will become a barrier to the Denizens who are visiting the present world, so that Denizens can no longer reach the present world!”

    "Denizens, who are in the inconvenient world of present world, will also be summoned by Yu to go to the new world with the infinite power of EXistence!"

    “Denizen eating humans devours the Power of EXistence, which in turn causes the world to be distorted. The balance between the present world and Crimson World will usher in a catastrophe that will no longer exist!”

    “What will be left for you then will be a peaceful world where no one will be foraged, no one will disappear, and no hatred will arise!”

    "Your world will be restored to peace, and you will no longer need to die in battle. You no longer have to fight!"

    God of Creation "Snake of the Festival" said such words to all Flame Hazes.

    "It's time to free yourself from the mission and put down the weapon, Flame Hazes!"

    Only this one sentence broke the hearts of all Flame Haze.

    ————『Flame Haze』.

    The item that existed to maintain the balance of the world finally lost its meaning in this moment.

    Even morale conferred by Jeanne's Charisma is on the verge of collapse under the largest psychological offensive.

    All of them were crushed and opened.

    "clang …"

    On the battlefield, I don't know where to hear such a sound.

    That is the sound of the weapon's slamming from its hands.

    The faith of Flame Haze, who had fought bravely from the beginning, disappeared.

    Let the weapon, constantly slipped from the hands of a famous flame Haze.

    The irrepressible collapse is coming.

    "No."no that is not what i am doing this for,

    Only Shana, still tightly holding Nietono no Shana, whispering in a low voice.

    "Not meaningless…EveryoneIt's not meaningless…"

    That is not the words of at a loss. It is a very certain affirmation.

    Only the young woman, whose mission was her own survival, understood that there was a fatal flaw in the Grand Order announced by Amakusa Shirou.

    That flaw is the reason why the Flame Hazes fight.

    Shana could not return to heaven.

    The heart of Flame Hazes is already disintegrating.

    Even Jeanne could only watch it and could do nothing about it.

    Until, the sound of that sounded.


    The only person who has a position against the Grand Order of God of Creation.

    The existence of the presence of the only human.

    He slowly opened his mouth.

    "If you say, Flame Haze has no reason to fight with you…"

    Fang Li's hand finally recovered to its intact state, letting it grip Nodachi tightly and point it forward.

    In the ice blue Mystic Eyes, Amakusa Shirou's blank expression is reflected.

    Immediately, so loudly.

    "Then, did I have reason to fight with you?"

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