Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1460 Because I am a human


    How could

    Looking at the upper part of the sky, Sydonay, Seireiden’s on the ground, and one of the Balmasqué’s Crimson Denizen were all sluggish.

    Countless eyes stayed in Sydonay, who was seriously injured, and the bodies of Hecate and Bel Peol, who were guarded by behind, extremely embarrassed, and revealed unbelievable emotions in their eyes.

    That's Trinity.

    Thousands of years ago, with the God of Creation descended on this world, the oldest three Crimson Lord.

    The God De Creation's servant and the three Demon Kings created by God of Creation are still notorious for this time. Apart from the three Crimson Gods, almost no one dares to say that they can override it. .

    Today, the general who is famous for his strength in Trinity actually fell into such an end?

    "very strong…"

    In Flame Haze's regiment, he did not know who whispered such a sentence, but it was the voice of everyone.

    With such a strong companion, who can not feel excited?

    If not because of Sydonay stepped forward and blocked the knife, Trinity would probably be like that.

    The power of a knife is so powerful.



    Hecate and Bel Peol are like the sounds are trembling.


    Sydonay was suspended in front of the two people. The fracture at the waist was extremely flat. The purple fire powder was constantly sprayed with turbid. The corners of the mouth were also covered in blood. They grinned miserably, but they could hold the steel spear tightly with both hands. The sunglasses under the microscope stared straight ahead, and said to the hoarse two companions with a hoarse voice.

    "You can't say anything nauseating. After all, it's necessary."

    Among Trinity, if anyone is a sacrificial person, it is definitely not Sydonay.

    Hecate is God of Creation's Miko. He has extremely important duties. The final Grand Order needs Hecate's power to complete. So she must not die. Sydonay's affection for Hecate is absolutely not going to kill her.

    Bel Peol was a staff member of “Bal Masqué”. Losing the divine strategy and wonderful planning military teacher, the role of “Bal Masqué” was only expected to drop by at least half.

    While Sydonay possesses the most powerful fighting power, it is not an inescapable existence.

    Therefore, Sydonay will choose to stand up.

    This general is indeed decisive.


    The turbid purple fire powder was smeared from the mouth by Sydonay as blood.

    However, oneself did not dare to relax.

    Be careful! If slash just like that happens again, then I can't even do it! ”

    Sydonay shouted so loudly that both Hecate and Bel Peol calmed down and his eyes were tightly focused on Fang Li's body.

    In the eyes, what emerged was unprecedented vigilance and fear.


    If Fang Li uses once EXtreme Death – Seven Nights, then Sydonay absolutely impossible again.

    Only, Fang Li are naturally impossible to use once EX treme Death – Seven Nights.

    after all

    "The ultimate Profound Truth of Nanaya Assassination Arts is not something that can be used…"

    At the instant of the sword, Bo Xie puts Fang Li in the sheath, and the hand on the handle is trembling.

    The painful burning pains were flowing on that hand and Fang Li picked up a pair of ice blue Mystic Eyes.

    EX treme Death – Seven Nights is extremely terrible, but its side effects are also obvious.

    Otherwise, if Fang Li can use EX treme Death – Seven Nights all the time, then no matter how many enemies it still has, Insta-kill will not need the rest of the moves.

    Fighting against Trinity even if Fang Li does not think that he will lose himself today, but if he does not use EX treme Death – Seven Nights, he is expected to be dragged for quite some time.

    Fang Li resolutely used EX treme Death – Seven Nights for quick fixes.

    Only, did not think Sydonay will sacrifice himself, with a badly injured end, in exchange for a best ending.

    As Sydonay said, if it was not Sydonay that was just a serious injury, but one of Hecate and Bel Peol, the damage caused to Bal Masqué was the greatest.

    Now, there is no way.

    Before the arm's side effects faded, Fang Li was afraid that he would not be able to send a knife.

    However, as previously stated, it is not just the knife that Fang Li can use to attack.

    Therefore, Fang Li did not show any retreat, only looking at Trinity ahead.

    "You are rather tenacious, and it's the Crimson Lord who lived thousands of years ago."

    Speaking of such words, Fang Li dropped his hand on the handle of Bo Xie and grinned.

    "Only, I don't know how long you can persist?"

    Underestimating the words, Trinity's heart completely sinks.

    Hecate looked at the figure that seemed to be quite upright more than six months ago and suddenly made a noise.

    “ Why?”

    Sudden words let everyone present one after another.

    Only Fang Li, as if to understand what Hecate wants to say, will look to his body.

    "Why was it just half a year, and you have made such a big change?"

    Hecate greeted Fang Li's gaze and brought emotions for the first time in his tone.

    "Your soul is not so easy to be shaken. Don't tell me it's not?"

    With unlimited containers, the heart has always been empty, extremely emptiness, and the young girl who can't make any changes is sending questions to Fang Li.

    Let Fang Li close his eyes.

    When Fang Li opened his eyes again, his eyes were still calm.

    However, the answer is only one sentence.

    "Because I'm human."

    In a word, Hecate's heart shook involuntarily.


    Because Fang Li is human.

    As long as it is human, it will change.

    People have always been growing and progressing.

    "And you are not."

    Fang Li throws a ruthless discourse toward Hecate.

    "As long as you see yourself as an item for the Grand Order, it will never change."

    Such words are introduced into Hecate's ears.

    Similarly, it was introduced to Sydonay and Bel Peol.


    "Since it is my servants, then, for the rest of the Grand Order, don't tell me it's not a change?"

    Such a deep voice that seems to be laughing and laughing is appearing over Seireiden.

    Let Fang Li's eyes suddenly condense.


    At this moment, dazzling light shines in the sky.

    The ray of light, which is like a white pimple, and dark like night, with the ambivalence of sacred and evil coexistence, as the gate of heaven is opened, illuminates the entire world.

    In that glory…

    A figure came and came…

    Dark skin.

    White hair.

    Upright posture.

    Surging domineering.

    Junior, it is coming in the sky.

    Let Fang Li pair an ice blue Mystic Eyes and shake it up.

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