Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1445 Summon God’s Ritual

    The night came again.

    Do not know if it is unknown Unrestricted Spell is doing it. Even though there is no dark cloud in the sky during the close combat fight, there is not even a single star in the sky, leaving deep darkness all around. .

    At one point, on the rooftop of Tokyo Outlaw Headquarter, the gate was opened.

    "H ū — !"

    The cold wind whistled, and the long straight hair of the girl who had come out of the door began to swing.

    Until six months ago, there was no name, and finally the girl who got the name “Shana” from others slowly walked toward the railing and came to the edge of the rooftop.

    The nature that is displayed in front of him is the night view of Tokyo.

    Even if there is no starlight and no moonlight, this bustling city will still be brightly lit.

    "If you look at it from here, you can't see the war coming."

    Shana spoke the same words that Fang Li once said on the plane.

    In front of him, Alastor also heard the sound of a thunder-like sound that has become a feature.

    "It is to maintain this world that we will fight."

    This is the speech of Crimson God who was born almost since the birth of the world.

    Persuasiveness is really different from ordinary people.

    Shana is feel if if it had happened to oneself.

    Extending the hand, holding the pendant in front of him, Shana looked at the night view in front of him and said something like this in a tender tone.

    "In order to protect the world and to protect Crimson World far away from the border, I may have to use "That" this time."

    Shana’s words were exchanged for the silence of only Alastor.

    Alastor naturally understands that "That" in Shana's mouth refers to what.

    Out of the psychology of danger in times of peace, Demon King, part of Crimson World, attempted to punish the compatriots in the present world.

    However, if you want to use power in the present world, then Demon Kings need to consume Power of EX istence to maintain their own existence and power, just like their compatriots, so that the original purpose is reversed.

    That is, we must not allow our compatriots to act in the present world and do not do the same. As a precondition, Demon King of this part of Crimson World must come to the present world and ensure that it can exert its power against the compatriots.

    In the face of this dilemma, it can be said that it is a contradiction problem. Crimson Lords tried and tried for hundreds of years and finally developed a method.

    It is a ceremony.

    The name of the ceremony is called — "Divine Summoning".

    In Crimson World, there are three beings known as "God."

    They are different from those in the present world who have embodied faith objects or virtual concepts. They are the extraordinary existence of real existence that can be part of the present world law of privilege and power.

    In Crimson World, by praying and paying the price, it can summon the power of these gods and even summon themselves.

    That is the ceremony called Divine Summoning.

    The ceremony is roughly divided into two steps.

    One: To convey God's will to those who want to get that kind of power.

    Second: The Summoner paid the price and sacrificed in order to obtain God's consent.

    To meet the above two conditions, you can do Divine Summoning, summon God.

    Knowing this ritual, Crimson Lords borrowed reference to its steps to develop a way to interfere with the present world without spending Power of EXistence.

    That's right, in the present world, human beings carry out this summoning ceremony and pay the price of the ritual to get their power at Crimson World.

    In this way, the humans who summoned the Crimson Lord gave up their own existence, became containers at the expense of their past, present, and future, and thus merged with the Crimson Lord to obtain power.

    This is the contract of Flame Haze.

    Alastor also came to this world in this way.

    However, at best this is only a ritual using Divine Summoning.

    Crimson Lords who did not possess Divinity applied this summoning method and contracted with Flame Haze. This was not summoned through their power, but the shilling contractor abandoned all its existence and made it an instrument to accommodate it. Demon King's own existence, such a simple operation.

    In other words, Crimson Lords only allowed human to call itself and move beyond the realm.

    The same is true of Crimson God, God of Retribution Alastor, who made the contract in the same way.

    In other words, the ritual called Divine Summoning was not actually implemented in the ritual used to summon God.

    If only is in the usual state of conferring power, then Alastor is nothing more than a difference from other Demon Kings.

    However, Alastor was able to show itself through Divine Summoning.

    The reason why Alastor appeared incompletely in the campaign in Seireiden half a year ago was that it was not because of the ceremony of Divine Summoning that power was completely incomplete.

    This is the power that can only be possessed by the presence of God.

    According to Divinity, the three gods Divine Summoning of Crimson World need to pay different prices.

    In this case, the ritual of Magic God that can summon “Flame of Heaven” is called “Tenpa Jousai”.

    The person who holds this secret spell is "Flame-Haired Burning-Eyed Hunter" who is a contractor.

    In other words, if Shana likes to, he can use Tenpa Jousai at any time to perform Divine Summoning on Alastor.


    "The cost of using this secret spell is your life as a contractor."

    Alastor concludes with a sentence like this, letting the air become boring.

    Shana slowly gripped the pendant in her hand.

    This matter, Shana had already defended before he had contracted with Alastor.

    So, Shana knows.

    "My existence is that one day sooner or later, when disaster strikes, use Tenpa Jousai's Divine Summoning to give you a real appearance in the world and to open up the future for Crimson World and the present world and destroy the great enemy."

    Shana is like confirming his mission. He does not know whether he is facing the Alastor or talking to himself.

    "Now, is that the moment?"

    The whispered Shana's in the eyes emerged from waves that people couldn't read.


    Alastor naturally calls its own contractor with this already familiar name and seems to be ready to say something.

    But before that, another voice rang.

    "The so-called development of the future does not necessarily have to be done through the sacrifice of anybody."

    Such a sound, is passed into the Shana of the ear, let Shana can't help raised the head.

    Eyes, all of a sudden light up.

    The appearance is like a redemption.

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