Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1444 I don’t want to leave regret


    After returning to the room, Fang Li was lying directly on the bed with his eyes closed and relaxed took a breath.

    No tempering of Prana.

    There is no plan to recharge your batteries.

    Just purely want to lie down.


    The battle plan has been drawn up.

    With Jeanne, an outstanding leader in history, this large-scale war should not require much care from Fang Li.

    However, to be completely relieved, it is not enough.

    After all, this time opponents are not roles that can be dealt with casually.


    When Fang Li thought of these things, there seemed to be a gleam of light in the room.

    Without waiting for Fang Li to open his eyes, a soft, cheeky body with familiar temperature is lying in his arms.

    "Is thinking about tomorrow?"

    The melodious sound that can attract billions of fans around the world echoes gently in Fang Li's ear.

    This voice, even if it was not to be guessed, Fang Li knew who the Master was.

    Therefore, Fang Li gave up his intention to open his eyes and directly extended the hand and embraced the girl lying in her arms.

    There’s nothing to be done.Fang Li sighed and said: "This time, even I can't say I must win?"

    The largest and most modern Crimson Denizen Group – Balmasqué.

    There are many powerful Demon Kings headed by Trinity, and even Sapsac, which is also comparable to Heassa, Bel Peol and even Sydonay assassins.

    Coupled with Fecor, who has the name of an iron wall, is also a large number of Crimson Denizen gathered from all around the world.

    To be honest, faced with such a terrible army, the Flame Haze side has no advantage from the beginning.

    "The gap in the end still is too much."Fang Li analyzes: "Don't say that a lot of Crimson Denizen and even Crimson Lord, just say Rinne made by those who are not, it's also a huge quantity."

    Although in the face of Flame Haze, Rinne is ultimately too small, any newcomer has a way to overthrow the district's Rinne, but in front of the huge amount, there is still a great danger.

    Not to mention that there is a special presence in Rinne.

    Like Rinne, Marianne whom the past “Hunter” fell in love with, has a very high intelligence. He can use Noble Phantasm (Treasure Tool) to fight. Even if it is Flame Haze, then there is a big May be defeated.

    This Rinne, even if not much, is only one ten-thousandth. Under a huge number, it can also show considerable combat power.

    In such circumstances, countless Crimson Denizen from around the world, together with various Crimson Lords known for power, can understand the size of the upcoming army.

    In contrast, Flame Haze, the number is certainly not the opposite.

    It is possible to conclude a contract with human and make Human become Flame Haze's only Demon King level presence.

    The Crimson Lord was originally a rare individual known for its power.

    As a result, the Flame Haze side naturally lacks in quantity.

    At least, according to Flieder's statistics, the Flame Haze that can be on the battlefield will be around 10,000.

    "Thirty thousand Flame Haze, the army of Crimson Denizen, who is at least a hundred times and even a thousand times larger than the army, will this war accidental be cruel?"

    Fang Li like this.

    "In fact, if there isn't Jeanne, the odds of success on the Flame Haze side will never exceed 10%."

    Unless you let the Alastor of the Shana within the body appear completely, display the power of the Divine Punishment that broke the Heavens and extinguishing the Earth.

    Otherwise, the odds of success on the Flame Haze side are so low.

    The result could be Shana's death.

    Six months ago in a battle in Seireiden, after all, only Alastor's incomplete manifestation.

    If Alastor fully manifests its power, then Shana's container will die even if it is bigger.


    It's like the previous Flame-Haired Burning-Eyed Hunter when it was hundreds of years ago.

    For Fang Li's calculations, not only Sylvia understands, but Jeanne also understands.

    "Precisely for this, we have the opportunity to use our power."

    Jeanne's voice came from the necklace in front of Sylvia.

    "The three great strengths you have prepared for Flame Haze have greatly improved odds of success, and we definitely have more than half chance of winning."

    This is a very objective statement. It is not that Jeanne is comforting Fang Li.

    Knowing how well Fang Li's has prepared Jeanne can be sure that Flame Haze's odds of success is definitely not low as long as there is no accidental.


    "That at best God of Creation did not make a move…"

    Fang Li whispered.

    Jean Jeanne is also silent.


    God of Creation does not make a move, this odds of success can be established.

    If God of Creation make a move, there are only two ways to win this side.

    One: The full appearance of Alastor.

    Second: Fang Li liberated Mystic Eyes from the restrictions, even using Stigma's power.

    The former means Shana’s death.

    The latter means that Fang Li's died.

    Which side is destined to have sacrifices.

    Precisely because of this, Jeanne sincerely hopes that in the second phase of the “Bal Masqué” launching the Grand Order, he will go to the Rift Between Both Worlds and get back to the body of the “Snake of the Festival” before taking action.

    Now is the time to race.

    Is God of Creation the first to come back?

    Or "that thing" was first sent to Outlaw around the world, a firm step for Flame Haze's victory?

    It depends on whether Fang Li's preparation is faster or whether Bel Peol's strategy is faster.

    Think of it here, Fang Li opened his eyes.

    Appearing in front of her is the purple eyes that look at her and the Sylvia's charming face that reveals her most beautiful smile.

    Holding the most beautiful lover, watching Sylvia's moving eyes, Fang Li could not help but smile.

    Immediately afterwards, a stand-off turned down the lovers in his arms.


    This is the shriek of Sylvia.


    This is the voice of Jeanne's full range of emotions that are full of panic, panic and overwhelming.

    Looking at Sylvia, Fang Li's eyes widened and seemed to realize what it was like when the other party was teasing himself, revealing naughty smile.

    After shortly afterwards , Fang Li took the necklace from Sylvia's front and opened it to Jeanne.

    "Can't you see what's next?"

    In a word, tell Sylvia and Jeanne what Fang Li intends to do.

    And moreWait

    "you…You can't see…! ? MayBut I'm inin the body of Sylvie…! Still can see Ah…! ”

    Sylvia cried out with Jeanne at the same time.

    Especially Jeanne.

    Say it can be seen, but in fact, Jeanne with Sylvia sharing a body can even feel it completely, just like the experience.

    How can Jeanne not panic?

    But Fang Li is turning a deaf ear.

    "Maybe tomorrow may be dead?"

    Fang Li smiled and said such words.

    "I don't want to leave any regrets."

    The unabashedly ridiculous speech was a complete disintegration of the mentality that Sylvia and Jeanne intended to resist.


    The quilt was covered by Fang Li and Sylvia's body along with the screaming of who did not know.

    Before long, clothes began to fly out.



    Within Sylvia's body , Jeanne collapsed again.

    NoI don't want it

    In voices like crying, Jeanne was dominated by extreme shame and affection.

    If possible, Jeanne really wants to escape.

    Think of Fang Li and Sylvia as lovers after all. They shouldn't be an obstacle between the two. Jeanne gave up half.

    The other half is what Fang Li just said.

    "Do not want to leave regrets…"

    Recalling this sentence, the other half also gave up.

    "Why is that?"

    This is the final voice of Jeanne's voice.

    On this day, Saintess also fell.

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