Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1364 Partners Gathering Together


    Jeanne's exclamation sounded like a late arrival.

    Really too late.

    At this time, Fang Li was already connected with Greater Grail and entered the interior of Greater Grail.

    "Fang Li …"

    Immediately, the voice of Jeanne somewhat concerned sounded.

    Conversely Shakespeare, eyes widened, cheering loudly.

    "Lovers and madmen are full of chaotic thoughts! This is what the madman is doing! ”

    Jeanne immediately stared at Shakespeare and even raised the Holy Flag.

    don’t Our surrender! Please treat prisoners! ”

    Shakespeare quickly raised his hand and spoke out to let the insiders know that he would definitely give a big speech.

    Because Shakespeare is a member of the United Kingdom, Jeanne was stigmatized after being captured by the United Kingdom and was finally fired.

    This kind of treatment is not a so-called preferential treatment.

    Shakespeare used this statement against Jeanne, it was too bad taste.

    Speaking of this, Jeanne and Shakespeare had a long history before they were born.

    That doesn't mean that there is an intersection between the two lives, but Shakespeare's unilateral involvement with Jeanne.

    In Shakespeare's play "Henry VI", Jeanne was described by Shakespeare as Strega (Witch) and prostitute.

    That's because Jeanne has defeated the United Kingdom army several times. He was the general of France, the enemy of the United Kingdom during the 100-year war. Later, he fired the punishment for Strega (Witch) in the United Kingdom. In the hearts of the United Kingdom, it was fundamental. Devil not different.

    Therefore, in the English literature that can be started after the fifteenth century, Jeanne was described as such and thoroughly defaced.

    According to the situation at the time, and the patriotism of the United Kingdom's citizens rising, Shakespeare similarly defaced Jeanne's image in order to attract the drama to more audiences.

    Jeanne naturally knows this thing, but it doesn't mean that Shakespeare will be involved.

    In any case, Jeanne always believed that he should make atonement for the lives of enemy soldier who died in his own hands.

    Therefore, Jeanne will accept whether it is fire or vilification.

    Right now, there is only one thing that Jeanne really cares about.

    That is the safety of Fang Li's entering the Greater Grail.

    Nothing more.

    Let’s hope for the best…


    At the same time, in the rest of the Sky Garden, various movements began to stop.

    "Pā… /p>

    In the cracking sound, Sky Garden's on the ground, and the last Dragon Tooth Warrior crashed and turned into a pile of bones, scattered everywhere.


    In the air, Astolfo on Hippogriff body wiped his sweat and smiled at Sieg behind him.

    "Master, how did I perform?"

    Hearing this, Sieg is speechless to Astolfo.

    "The Dragon Tooth Warriors are suddenly blasting themselves…"

    However, Astolfo showed his appearance as a solution to his own, which is indeed tsukkomi.

    "I also solved a lot, and I was also hunted down by Archer of Red. I'm also very hard!"Astolfo said unconvincingly, "Can't you boast about me?"

    "Alright!"Sieg can only touch Astolfo's head.

    …hehAstolfo suddenly showed a look of enjoyment.

    Looking at this scene, people who don't know are only afraid to think that it is a couple who are in love.

    In fact, both men can be male.

    "But why does Dragon Tooth Warrior suddenly break itself?"Astolfo asked, "Why didn't they think about maintaining Familiar?"

“……It should not be because of this problem. ”Sieg shook his head and said, "It may be that the Dragon Tooth Warrior's servant was defeated and Dragon Tooth Warrior lost his mobility."

    "Really?"Astolfo quickly said: "Then what do we do next?"

    Sieg took a moment to think about it, and he immediately set his sights on the central temple.

    "We also go in."

    Sieg made such a decision.


    Astolfo did not hesitate to drive Hippogriff directly and rushed to the direction of the temple.


    On the other side, in another divine hall, in a dimly lit hall, a Servant unleashed Spiritual Bodyization and appeared in it.

    "Is it here?"

    Minamoto no Yorimitsu looked up and looked forward.

    There, behind a curtain, five Dante (Magus) who lost the Master qualification are talking.

    "So, my credit is the greatest…"

    “Remuneration was used to acquire the relics of Northern Europe…"

    "Isn't that Phantasmal Species fur?"

    "Whenever I need it, I'll tell me anytime…"

    "Today's course, we will first talk about these…"

    No, it cannot be called a dialogue. It is a nonsense that hasn't been intersected for a while.

    Minamoto no Yorimitsu frowned.

    At this time, in their behind, the two sounded up with surprise.

    "Berserker …?"

    Hearing the sound, Minamoto no Yorimitsu turned his head and looked at his back.

    I saw that Fiore and Caules were walking around with their prostheses, and one ran towards this side.

    "How could you be here?"

    Minamoto no Yorimitsu asked in surprise.

    Fiore and Caules suddenly shook their heads with a wry smile.

    "We are temporarily evacuating here to take refuge."Fiore said: "The number of Dragon Tooth Warriors outside is too much. We can't handle it all."

    "Moreover, I don't know if I will suddenly meet Servant."Caules said: "So, we first looked for retreat in the temple and we found it."

    While speaking, Fiore and Caules also noticed the strangeness behind the curtain, but did not say anything.

    Minamoto no Yorimitsu was aware that there was no Servant's aura around the two, and he almost asked subconsciously.

    "Archer is not with you?"

    When this was said, the two men were silent at the same time.

    Fiore, in particular, seems to want to hide his emotions.

    Seeing here, Minamoto no Yorimitsu will understand.

    “Are you?

    Minamoto no Yorimitsu murmured.

    "Is Chiron lost?"

    Fiore struggled to smile at this statement.

    "Chiron was very satisfied when he went."

    This is true.

    Because, oneself is like that.

    "Beyond being a disciple, that is Master's victory."

    With such words left, Chiron turned into a satisfied smile and turned it into light particles.

    Minamoto no Yorimitsu can understand it, too.

    Chiron's strength is definitely not weak, only Achilles is stronger.

    In a place like Sky Garden where there is no cover, Chiron will be defeated in the face of Achilles' war chariot and sturdy foot.

    "Since you have come, that's right."Minamoto no Yorimitsu said to Fiore and Caules: “Please help me bring the five Masters there together.”

    "Bring it?"Fiore slightly surprised.

    "Where to take it?"Caules asked the key.

    As a result, Minamoto no Yorimitsu smiled warmly and made a noise.

    "To my Master."

    The survivors of Black Faction finally began to gather.

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