Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1363 I have been walking

    "I didn't expect it to happen like this…"

    Seeing Jeanne show himself the most direct hostility, Shakespeare has some headaches to hold the forehead sigh.

    This Servant can really be said to have no combat ability.

    Although because of Skill, as long as Amakusa Shirou Tokisada is not a problem, Shakespeare can escape almost all the crisis. Jeanne can't kill Shakespeare at all, but Shakespeare can only escape and can't stop it at all.

    The only facility that Shakespeare owns is the three-inch tongue.

    Depending on the words, it occupies absolute dominant power and leads the form to the party that is in their favor.

    This is the only thing that the most famous writer in history can do.

    Unfortunately, this incident was undone by Fang Li in the most direct and crude way.

    Now Shakespeare is also playing hard.

    Of course, Shakespeare still has a way to try to catch the enemy.

    But this time the enemy is not just Jeanne.

    Next to Jeanne, looking at his own Fang Li with an expression of laughter, that is the worst enemy.

    (For such a Murdering Demon, the reason is simply not clear.)

    Even if there are even stronger words, if the other party has remained calm and ruthless, there is no room for action.

    Not to mention that Shakespeare doesn't think that his skills will allow him to escape the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception.

    One is the person who gave death.

    One is a person who escapes death.

    Like spears and shields, when the spears collide with each other, the shields will be pierced if the spears are sharper. If the spears are stronger, the spears will break and only one side will be stronger.

    Shakespeare doesn't think his skill is stronger than God's Domain's Mystic Eyes.

    Therefore, the first second may be able to survive, but in the second second it is absolutely dead.

    In this case, Shakespeare's choice is only one.

    I understand

    Shakespeare's extremely bachelor's hands.

    "I surrender."

    That neat and neat appearance made Jeanne stunned.

    TrueReally surrendered? ”

    Jeanne's reaction was not come.

    "Who lets us have no combat ability? If you fight it, you will definitely die, so be sure to spare me."

    Shakespeare is very hearty to say this, it does not seem like the attitude of a surrendering person.

    Conversely Fang Li, he took a deep look at Shakespeare.

    This Servant, who has no hands on her strength, is estimated to have seen Fang Li. There is no plan to work on the Greater Grail. Is this just a neat and smooth surrender?

    As long as there is no plan for the Greater Grail, Red Faction is not lost.

    No matter how you say, Amakusa Shirou Tokisada is still being transformed in the Greater Grail.

    Once transformed by Amakusa Shirou Tokisada, Magic Power will be drawn from all over the world, and Amakusa Shirou Tokisada will also make a wish in the first time to universalize Third Magic to realize all mankind's relief.

    Therefore, there are only two ways to stop this.

    One: destroy the Greater Grail.

    II: Acts that hamper Amakusa Shirou Tokisada.

    Since the former does not appear, the latter has become the only method.

    How can this hinder the behavior of Amakusa Shirou Tokisada?

    Amakusa Shirou Tokisada has already been assimilated with the Greater Grail, and unless it is destroyed, the Greater Grail cannot be stopped at all.


    "Jeanne, you stay here."

    Fang Li retreated to Shakespeare and turned to Greater Grail.

    In the mouth, such words are spoken.

    "I went to find Amakusa Shirou Tokisada."

    The amazing words were spoken from Fang Li's mouth.

    "Go to find Amakusa Shirou Tokisada?"

    Jeanne can't help but startle.


    Even Shakespeare was stunned.

    Did this person know what they were talking about?

    Amakusa Shirou Tokisada can connect to Greater Grail and assimilate with Greater Grail because of the effect of Noble Phantasm (Treasure Tool).

    What about Fang Li?

    What should Fang Li do to enter the interior of Greater Grail and find Amakusa Shirou Tokisada?

    No worries.

    Fang Li naturally knows how incomprehensible it is to say what he says.

    In fact, if there is no way, then it is really only a futile argument.

    Fortunately, Fang Li has a way of not knowing whether it is feasible or not.

    “The Greater Grail is a ritual Magic Array built on the basis of Third Magic, which allows Hero's separation in Throne of Heroes at the manifestation of the world because of the effects of the physicalization of the soul.”

    Fang Li stated this way.

    "Since this is the case, then I will use the same power here to involve the power of the soul, perhaps to enter the interior of the Holy Grail."

    ———— "Stigma".

    Fang Li defeated one of Boros' power.

    When using this ability, the power of the soul can be turned into substantial power to enhance the user's power.

    Then, at the instant of launching Stigma, Fang Li injected the extracted power of the soul into Greater Grail before the power of the soul was transformed into the real power, and contacted the Greater Grail, which might have entered its interior.

    That is, Fang Li wants to adopt the same method as Amakusa Shirou Tokisada.

    Amakusa Shirou Tokisada connected the Greater Grail with the Noble Phantasm (Treasure Tool) and then entered the interior of the Greater Grail.

    The Fang Li connects the Greater Grail with the power of its own soul and then enters the interior of the Greater Grail.

    If you say that Amakusa Shirou Tokisada's Noble Phantasm is able to connect to any Magic Circuit, then Fang Li will be connected using the same power as the Greater Grail.

    This is what Fang Li's intended.


    Jeanne didn't want to, and he denied it.

    "Indeed, the Magic Array of Greater Grail is based on Third Magic, and Third Magic is the materialization of the soul. If the power of the soul is used as a medium, its connection is not impossible!"

    That's too dangerous.

    “Don't forget that the significance of Holy Grail War is to collect the soul of Servant. With its return to the power of Throne of Heroes as a weapon, you can open the hole to the outside of the world. You rush to connect the power of the soul to Greater Grail. Will be considered part of the Greater Grail, fall apart personality, as a pure Magic Power to store it!"

    Jeanne looks at Fang Li.

    "Not to mention, the inside and the real world of the Greater Grail are two spaces that are different from each other. Whether it is the laws of physics or the magical principle, they are definitely not the same. No one knows what will happen strangely. Amakusa Shirou Tokisada Entering it, I was already amazed. It was a dangerous act like walking a tightrope!"

    That kind of behavior will only be attempted by Amakusa Shirou Tokisada.

    The man who had extraordinary beliefs and had walked through the wire in front of Fang Li's would try.

    As for Fang Li …

    "Maybe you don't know yet?"

    Fang Li looked at Jeanne and smiled.

    "If I was walking on the tightrope in the face of death, then I have been walking."

    After that, Fang Li was turned into a phantom and fled to Greater Grail.


    White phosphorescence burns like flames in its body.

    With Fang Li's speed, Jeanne had no time to stop.


    The next second, Fang Li is integrated into the greater Grail, completely disappeared.

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