still refuse to accept Rich Ranking List has always been the most “influential” Rich Ranking List in the world.

The reason why we did not say “the most authoritative” is because the wealth of many rich people may not be accurate, and in some developed countries, there are indeed invisible rich people.

Most of these invisible billionaires have inextricably linked relationships with the country’s Helmsman, and they hold huge wealth through several cross-holdings.

The wealth of these people is not easy to count, and it is not visible. It is normal not to be included.

So in general, the still refuse to accept Rich Ranking List can be regarded as the most comprehensive list of rich people in the world, with the widest influence and the highest recognition.

As a result, as long as the still refuse to accept richest Ranking List, the Ranked 1st person will generally be named the richest man in the country, such as the richest man in China, the richest man in the United States and so on.

The Ranked 1st person in the world list will be named the richest man in the world.

Other rich people on the list rank 2 to 200 according to their net worth. Even the 200th is a well-known local billionaire, a real person with a face…

Last year, Su Yang ranked 137th in China with a net worth of 8.52 billion, becoming the youngest billionaire.

And this year, Su Yang’s development speed is almost a small step every day, one big step a month, and his wealth is rising. Has become an upstart in the domestic top rich circle.

In addition to the recent hot discussion on “Wandering Planet”, in order to show respect, the still refuse to accept rich list also asked Su Yang’s thoughts through Li Zijun and wanted to send management Come and meet Su Yang.

For this kind of thing, Su Yang himself doesnt care. After all, there is no way to make money, and there is no way to get coins and influence the number of people. So when he heard the news, his first reaction was to refuse .

As a result, Zhao Licheng called Su Yang and said his opinion.

He believes that this list is of great help to the group’s brand and its influence. The brand and influence of the group have increased, and it will be convenient to wait for some coins to be harvested.

Su Yang felt that what Zhao Licheng said made sense, so he took time out of his busy schedule to meet the people on this list.

When he arrived at Jiadian headquarters, Su Yang directly recognized his pupils and entered the headquarters building. Then he took the elevator up to the 10th floor.

Coming to the 10th floor, Jia Xiaoqian and Pan Zhaodi are already waiting at the elevator door. As Su Yang’s assistant and secretary, they are now very competent.

Su Yang nodded to them and asked, “In Xiao Bao’s office?”

Jia Xiaoqian held a document and shook her head, “In Conference Hall.”


Su Yang nodded, and then took the lead to the Conference Hall.

As soon as I arrived near the Conference Hall, I heard the voice of talking and laughing. From the sound point of view, it should be Li Zijun and a woman: the rich list is a publicity aspect, so Li Zijun is solely responsible .

When I came to the door of Conference Hall, the door of Conference Hall was not at all closed, it should be the door specially reserved by Li Zijun.

Jia Xiaoqian walked two steps quickly, came to the door, tapped twice, and then reminded, “General Su is here.”

Hearing Jia Xiaoqians reminder, Li Zijunhe The woman inside quickly got up to greet Su Yang.

Su Yang walked in with a smile, then moved towards Li Zijun nodded, extended the hand and shook the woman.

Next, under Li Zijun’s introduction, Su Yang learned of the identity of a woman: still refuse to accept, the vice president of the rich Ranking List China area. This time, he specifically came to visit Su Yang.

The purpose of this vice president to visit Su Yang is actually very simple. One is to get acquainted with Su Yang, and the other is to do a small interview. The third is to know some information and confirm Su Yang’s net worth.

The first one is easy to understand, so I wont explain much.

The second purpose is because Su Yang is too legendary, and his family history can be written as a novel. So the still refuse to accept rich list wants to interview Su Yang, and then this year the main promotion Su Yang. Of course…and by the way, get some heat. After all, Su Yang itself is very popular on the Internet, and now because of “Wandering Planet”, it is even more popular in half the sky.

The third purpose is their rigor for their work. Generally speaking, after reaching the top 100 of the rich list, most of the companies owned by the rich are already listed companies. Even if it is not listed, because of financing or data disclosure, the capital market generally has a more credible valuation.

But Su Yangs group… is neither a listed company, nor has it raised capital (Jiang Familys one is too early to be used as a criterion), and even because of its rapid development and technological content Too high, resulting in the capital market unable to carry out effective valuation.

So for the sake of accuracy, the vice president wanted to chat with Su Yang in person to obtain more information to determine Su Yang’s net worth.

For these three things, the vice president had called in advance before coming, and passed the meaning to Su Yang through Li Zijun. Su Yang also has a belly draft.

So for the next two hours, Su Yang and the vice president had a good chat about these things. Talk about the positioning of the entire Jiadian Group, the development of each company of the Jiadian Group, and the most important changes that Jiadian mobile phones can bring.

Even after communicating with Li Zijun, Su Yang also revealed a little bit of “revenue.”

Of course, this revenue is only a false figure, and there is still a lot of moisture: Su Yang has dropped a lot.

But finally let the still refuse to accept rich list have a reference to follow.

Next, the vice president added a few more questions after sorting out the chat content between the two, and then recorded it one after another, which is considered to be the completion of this interview.

According to the contract between the two companies, the rich list will send all the information about Su Yang, the reason for the assessment, and the content of the interview to Jiadian The group is reviewed and proofread by the publicity department of Jiadian Group, that is, Li Zijun.

A simple cooperation ended smoothly. Both the host and the guest are happy.

Next, in accordance with normal interests, Li Zijun will represent Su Yang to entertain the staff of the rich list. So Su Yang did not continue to stay in the company. After chatting with the woman a few more words, he ended the interview on the grounds that there was still something to come.

After finishing the interview, Su Yang took Jia Xiaoqian and Pan Zhaodi out of the Conference Hall, ready to go home.

On the way to the elevator, Jia Xiaoqian smiled hehe and said to Su Yang, “Manager Su. You are really awesome now. You are going to be on the rich list.”

Su Yang As he walked, he said indifferently, “I was on last year.”

Jia Xiaoqian said, “I know. 137. But…many news reports cover the top 50 at most, 50 After that, almost no one took the initiative to publicize.”

“But now, you can at least be in the top 20 this time.”

Su Yang pondered: the top 20?

Su Yang has different opinions. He feels that at least the top 10…

Judging from the surprised expression from time to time in the interview with the woman just now, some of his own situation is obvious Beyond their expectations, then the valuation of the net worth is likely to rise.

In the top 10 last year, the net worth was 48 billion.

Although it may rise this year, it may even rise by half according to the trend of previous years, which is about 70 billion.

But you must know that you have been jokingly called the billionaire. In fact, even if your net worth will shrink, it will not be cut in half.

With this calculation, it might really be the top 10!

A 20-year-old richest man in the country?

This should blind everyone’s eyes, right?


Su Yang looked forward to it for a while.

At this time, the theater on the third floor.

Guo Fan and Jiao Zi are watching the movie quietly.

Even though I have watched it many times, Guo Fan still feels that he made this movie really well!

Maybe it is really possible that you will stay in history?

The Jiaozi next to him, his face is extremely calm at this time, but his heart is surging like a tsunami: Is this a damn domestic movie?

I believe this is a movie made by the five Hollywood giants with more than one billion investment!

The completeness of this plot! How exquisite this special effect is! The profound meaning of this idea! This is not like a domestic movie at all!

Its not that I look down on domestic movies, mainly domestic movies in the past 10 years. Except for low-cost movies like martial arts, suspense, comedy or love, almost no major productions have been made. .

At the end of the 1990s and the beginning of the 20th century, several famous directors also invested heavily in making oriental classical martial arts movies, which caused a wave of enthusiasm, but they were soon crushed by Western science fiction movies. , Is not the enemy of one.

And animated movies are even worse. Daoist movies have at least stood up, but animated movies have never been popular. In addition to last years “Great Saint Returns” which was a hit, then The first count is “Heavenly Palace” several decades ago!

That’s why Jiezi devoted himself to the business of animated films, in order to save domestic animated films!

While learning the advanced western production concepts hard, selecting talents, forming a team, and hard work for more than a year, Jiaozi barely came up with one to satisfy himself and get Demo shot. In his mind, this is definitely the most “advanced” movie in China. Even more than daoist movies!

The result…this pride was completely crushed today: because “Wandering Planet” was shot so great! Whether it’s the idea, the characters, or the special effects, it can be said to be impeccable.

Jiaozi feels that even if he took out “Nezha”, it is estimated to be inferior…

After a movie is over, the theater is lit up, and Guo Fan looked towards side Zi, then asked, “Jia Zi brother, what do you think of this movie?”

“Not bad.” Jie Zi said calmly. But in fact…there is “curse” in my heart: You still ask me how! How about this movie, you have no points!

Guo Fan took a strange look at Jiaozi, and felt that his reaction was different from what he had guessed. He said, “By the way, Brother Brother, you seem to say that you also have a demo of your own work. Let me take a look. Shall we see it now?”

Jiazi held the backpack tightly, coughed, and said, “I’m going out today, as if I forgot to bring it.”

< p>After finishing, he quickly turned the topic off and asked, “Yes. Guo, how long did you take to render the special effects of this movie? I think every frame is special effects, it should be a long time?”

After watching the whole movie, I finally know how many special effects this movie has and how beautiful it is.

He compared it with his movie “Nezha”, and felt that his movie might be comparable in other aspects, but the special effects and rendering are not at all rivals.

If you let their company do it, it is estimated that it will take four or five years of careful polishing to achieve such an effect.

Guo Fan didnt know what Jiaozi was thinking, he recalled it, and then said, “It seems to have taken six months? It should be six months. After all, we only took a year for the whole movie. . Its said that its been prepared for five years, but thats all for publicity.”


Six months…

“ka -cha.” Jiaozi snapped off the handle of the chair.

This sudden situation made the theater a bit quiet for a while…

Half a while, Kyoko coughed and said, “The quality of the chairs in the theater is a bit poor Ah. Why did it break with a light touch. I… go to the bathroom first.” After finishing talking, I threw the chair’s handle and ran to the bathroom like flying.

Guo Fan blinked awkwardly behind him: The chair is of poor quality? Not bad, right? It seems to be newly bought. Could it be… Lao Liu (Vice President of Film and Television Company) embezzled public funds?

At this time, when he came to the toilet, he rushed straight into a cubicle.

I came to the cubicle, closed the door, and then the whole person was silently frantic, and then “yelling” in his heart, “Six months to make this level special effects, one I made a movie of this level in the year! Do you want people to live!”

“Oh my God! How did I live with this kind of perversion in the same age!”

“My The dream of saving Chinese movies!”

“I’ve always been so proud! I’m so proud!”

Jia Zi silently “yelled in the cubicle” “After a while, vented.

Then… he packed up his mood, and calmly left the cubicle, as if nothing happened…

Back to the screening room, compare Sorry to Guo Fan laughed, “Sorry, Director Guo. I just broke the handle of the chair.”

Guo Fan waved his hand indifferently, “It’s okay. Maybe the quality is not good.”< /p>

Compared with the son without words.

He did not continue to talk about this topic, but asked about the topic he was interested in, “Yes, Director Guo. You can shoot this movie with high quality so quickly and make it. What experience? Can you tell me something?”

Although Jiaozi is proud, he is not stupid, and he really has a heart dedicated to Chinese movies. So he was very curious how Guo Fan made such a beautiful movie in such a short time.

He also wants to hear if there are any skills in it that can help him complete his animation movies faster and better.

Hearing that Jiaozi asked this question, Guo Fan thought for a while, then said with a trace of memory in his eyes, “Experience? It seems to be there. That is to find a good Boss…”


Next, Guo Fan said to Jiaozi about Su Yang’s role in this movie one after another.

For example, modify the script, such as helping to build the crew, such as looking for the national film to get the copyright, such as trusting the new director with full authority, such as letting artificial intelligence produce special effects, such as being in person when there is no suitable candidate The protagonist…wait, wait.

It was with Guo Fan’s narration that Jiaozi gradually realized that: I’m going! It turns out that the rich and powerful Boss Su is the soul of this movie?

I always thought that he was just an ordinary investor and didn’t understand movies. It seems really wrong!

No wonder Guo Fan was able to make such a good movie. It turned out to be the reason for his support!

Thinking of this, I can’t help but think that my animation company’s funds are not very sufficient. Suddenly, a thought came up in Jiezi’s mind:

Since I can’t beat him, then… or join the other party?

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