When the “Wandering Planet” promotional video is released. Many netizens who have been waiting in front of computers and mobile phones, and insiders in the entertainment industry, including the fatty who is far away in the imperial capital and interested in “Wandering Planet”, all immediately clicked on the promotional video.

As always, the promo is simple and direct, without that many bells and whistles. From the first frame, it is a tragic and heroic narration.

“The highest mobilization of the coalition government. The highest mobilization of the coalition government.”

“Notice to global combat readiness: Affected by Jupiter’s gravity, a total of 4777 engines around the world have failed…”< /p>

“In order to avoid collisions between ground and wood. All ministries set off immediately in accordance with emergency plan No. 3. Be sure to restart all malfunctioning engines within 36 hours…”

“This rescue operation is about The life and death of 3.5 billion people. Goal priority is above all else.”

“At no cost!”

“Repeat it again! At no cost!”

With In the voice-over, Su Yang walked out of the snow war chariot with the protagonist group wearing protective clothing, and a blizzard in front of them. Under the blizzard is a city frozen by ice and snow: every building, every path, is all covered by snow and ice…

As the screen turns, thousands of snowmobiles and the protagonist of the target center are located The snowmobiles moved towards the distance together. In front of him, there is a frozen earth and a dark sky, but the lights of each of their cars are connected to a spark that can start a prairie fire…

The picture turns again, and it is the glacier that has split into a canyon. The glacier canyon is bottomless. Occasionally, a huge fragment of ice falls off the glacier and moved towards the bottom of the canyon, while snowmobiles… are driving at the bottom of the canyon…

The camera slowly pulls from the snowmobile to the sky, all the way out of Earth. Outside of Earth, there is a huge Earth space station, which is piloting in front of Earth, and further forward, is a Jupiter much larger than Earth and Navigator space stations…

The lens is pulled from Jupiter Back, started moving towards the space station that was crossing over, gradually drawing closer. Every part of the space station is clearly visible, without any flaws in the details, and even the crossover operation seems to have an inexplicable elegance. The lens goes deep, deep and deep again, showing every detail of the space station, little by little, in front of all the audience. Pulling it all the way to a window of the space station…

There is a black figure in the window. Wu Feng is wearing a spacesuit and standing at the window, looking tenaciously at Earth not far away. ..

The picture gradually darkened, and finally, a big “wandering planet” appeared on the screen.

At the end of the end, a line of small characters appeared at the bottom of the title: Jiadian Films Special Effects Production.

The whole promo is almost two minutes, which is considered to be the longest promo of the several promos of “Wandering Planet”, but…most of the viewers have been watching this before suddenly reacting Come here: Oh. It turned out that this was just a promotional video…

After that, their second reaction was: What the fuck is it just a promotional video? !

What about the feature film?

I want to watch the feature film!

Can you play the feature film quickly!

this World Sometimes strength can really crush everything.

As soon as the special effects promotional film of “Wandering Planet” was released, the entire network and the entertainment circle were blown up.

After all, Ive been watching the leopard, this special effects trailer leaked too much: the ice-covered city that is as realistic as the real thing, and every frame is perfect: the blizzard with perfect trajectory and perfect special effects, then It looks like a real navigator station standing in outer space…

Too much content can make people taste and shock.

If this time “Wandering Planet” only focused on a certain special effects clip, then some people may question whether the essence of this movie will be in these two minutes.

But now, “Wandering Planet” has selected a lot of special effects clips, and changed at least seven or eight scenes. This is simply a naked “show technique”: each of our special effects clips has been pulled out. You can hang other movies.

This kind of bursting special effect is simply blinding people’s eyes.

So for a while, the online wind reviews made a 180-degree turn. They used to question “The Wandering Planet”, but now they are all blowing up!

In addition to the “trouble introduction” of the previous promotional film of “The Wandering Planet”, it has created a tall “personal design” for “The Wandering Planet”: a professional team, costly Over the course of many years, hundreds of millions of dollars have been spent to create a domestic science fiction movie to save the world.

With this feeling, relying on the effect of the promotional film, the pre-sale box office of “Wandering Planet” began to skyrocket. 1,000,000, 2,000,000, 5,000,000, 10,000,000, 50,000,000…

In just one day, the pre-sale box office of “Wandering Planet” skyrocketed to a hundred times the original, directly soaring by more than 100 million.

If it werent for the skepticism and wait-and-see mentality of some people, and the “Mermaid” had been pre-sold for many days and had accumulated advantages, it is estimated that “Wandering Planet” could directly pull “Mermaid” off.

And when all kinds of noise on the Internet, the film and television circle also turned the sky. As professionals, relevant people in the film and television industry have to be more mature in their knowledge of movies.

If you want to make a special effects blockbuster, you don’t actually rely on the director and actors, but the entire technology chain and industry chain are mature. Over the years, its not that you haven’t worked hard, or you haven’t tried to make a domestic special effects blockbuster, but because of many reasons such as capital and technology, you can’t make it.

This has also led to the fact that most movies are 50 cents special effects.

If you want to make a good special effects movie, you must go to Europe and America. At home…not to mention that the quality is not comparable, and the cost is higher than in Europe and America.

This is the first-mover advantage of Western countries’ industries: because of the global leadership, filmmakers all over the world come to them to produce, resulting in lower costs and greater competitive advantages. More money can be invested in research and development technology.

The domestic special effects companies have to purchase various software licenses and spend a lot of money to learn. The cost itself is higher than that of Western countries. In addition, the technology is not comparable to foreign countries. No one wants to find them for special effects, which makes them even less money and no way to develop.

This is a negative feedback loop.

The special effects technology shown in “Wandering Planet” is comparable to Europe and the United States, and comparable to Hollywood.

This…how did it happen?

Is there a special effects company in China that has developed?

In addition to these people who were shocked by the special effects, some people think more: through the information revealed by the current “Wandering Planet”, this is a story that happened in the “end days”, in reality There is no directly usable material, plus those special effects screen display, “Wandering Planet” will not be every frame with special effects, right?


Is it possible?

This is too terrifying!

This is Chi Guoguo’s burning money!

That is, Su Yang is rich, otherwise who would be willing to burn like this.

Who can compete with this kind of film made purely with money?

The whole Spring Festival stall will not be bloodbathed, right?

At this time, Imperial Capital, the office of the general manager of the animation company.

With the phone in his hand, Jiaozi was completely dumbfounded.

Because he set special attention, he received the prompt as soon as Jiadian Pictures released the special effects promotional clip. He also immediately watched this new promotional clip.

The result…he watched this promotional video with his mouth wide open. The mouth has never been closed.

After watching this promo, he had only one thought in his mind: Me Cao? This is also ok?

After that, he looked back again and “I’m Cao” again in his heart.

He felt that all the words could not express his inner wonder. There is only “I Cao”.

And…is this movie really something a domestic company can make?

The exquisite degree of the special effects, the realism, and the texture of the details can fully illustrate the awesomeness of this movie.

Jiezi really never thought that one day, there would be a movie like this.

This… shouldn’t it be done by yourself?

Isnt it supposed to save the mess of domestic movies?

Jia Zi, a man who has always regarded himself highly as nodded, scratched his head in pain, and said, “Forget it. Anyway, it’s a good thing. Someone charged together and worked harder than himself. It will be difficult.”

At this time, he thought of the “iron triangle” in the film and television industry in recent years: Xu Zheng, Huang Bo and Ning. Because of the similar interests, these people have been working together in the film industry, supporting each other, and developing better and better. In a short time, all three of them have become the most important big shots in the domestic film and television industry!

Can I learn from them, and contact “Wandering Planet”?

See if you can join that circle and work hard together?

After all, everyone is a filmmaker with sentimentality who hopes to save domestic films.

Should be a good chat?

Thinking of this, Fatty got up, locked the door of the office, ignored Xiao Jia who was knocking on the door and shouting, “Boss! Boss! Did you see the promo?”, then gave himself a friend I made a call…

Three days later, Shanghai, Jiadian headquarters building.

Jiaozi was carrying a backpack and was greeted by Guo Fan with a smile on his face.

When I came to Jiadian Group, I had a pleasant smile on my face, but my arrogance was unabated. Because today he also brought his own “works”. I want to come here to talk to Guo Fan!

After more than a year of running-in, the animation film company of Jiazi finally determined its plan for its first work: Nezha, the Demon Boy of the Conferred God Series.

Of course, this is just an internal project code. The actual movie name will be confirmed after submission for review.

In order to increase investment and increase the confidence of the company’s people, Jiaozi also led the team to make a wonderful plot in this animated film ahead of time, which is considered a demo.

It is also the excellence of this demo, which makes Jiaozi confident.

He believes that this animated film he made must be of the top domestic film level! It even has the potential to crush all daoist movies and become the No. 1 box office in history!

Also, know that this is a series of movies!

Once the first big hit, the results of the next few will not be bad!

Then he can really rely on a series to reverse the weak domestic situation of animated films, and even leave a name in the entire Chinese film history!

So even though I was thinking of asking for advice this time, Jiaozi was still arrogant.

Compared to sons, Guo Fan is much more easy-going. He also knew some things about Jiaozi from his good friends. He knew that Jiaozi is a big ambitious, strong and capable The ideal animation filmmaker.

So after seeing Jiaozi, although he saw Jiaozi’s inner arrogance, Guo Fan still smiled and took the initiative to extend the hand, expressing his kindness, “You are Jiaozi, right?”< /p>

Jia Zi looked at Guo Fan. From Guo Fans body, he seemed to see a temperament similar to his own, so he immediately guessed Guo Fans identity, “Guo Fan?”

Guo Fan nodded, “Yes.”

Jiao Zi extends the hand and Guo Fan shook hands.

Guo Fan was amused by Jiaozi’s arrogant performance, but he led Jiaozi into the headquarters building indifferently, “Come on. Let’s come in.”

Jiaozi’s circle is too far away from Su Yang, he can’t get in touch with him, and he always thinks that Su Yang is just an investor and doesn’t understand movies, so at first came to Guo Fan. So it was Guo Fan who came to receive him.

Following Guo Fan into the Jiadian headquarters building and getting on the elevator, the two went to Jiadian Pictures on the third floor.

The elevator opened, and I looked curiously, and found that it was different from the Jiadian Films I had imagined: all employees of Jiadian Films work in a large office area, and the office atmosphere Its very easy. Everyone has a computer, and happy laughter and cheerful voices come from time to time.

Guo Fan led Jiaozi inside while introduced, “This is the Jiadian Film Industry established by President Su. It is mainly engaged in film investment and special effects production. So Jiadian Pictures also has two departments. .”

“What we see now is the special effects department. The investment and production departments are upstairs.”

As the boss of the company, Jiezi still knows a little about company operations. He asked, “Aren’t you working together?”

Guo Fan shook his head, “No. There is actually a new department, mainly responsible for the headquarters, more like a group of savvy “financial talents”, and sensibility here. The technicians of the company have very different personalities. There is almost no cooperation between the departments, so they just separated.”

After finishing, he added, “If you want me to say, it is estimated that Zhao always has The special effects department went out independently to set up a special effects company.”

Jia Zi asked curiously, “Mr. Zhao?”

Guo Fan casually explained, “The groups CEO. The person who handles the specific affairs of the group.”

Compared to nodded, politely did not continue to ask.

The two of them walked to the cinema of Jiadian Pictures. At this time, the equipment had been adjusted. Guo Fan led Jiaozi in and said, “I know that although your name is Exchange, in fact, I mainly want to see how “Wandering Planet” is doing. So I have applied to the company and I can give you a trial in advance.”

“But…” Guo Fan paused and said seriously. “We are going to sign a non-disclosure agreement. After you watch it, you can’t divulge any content of the movie.”

The dumplings, who had anticipated all this, quickly nodded, “Okay.”

No After a while, the agreement was signed, and he put down the bag contentedly, rubbed his hands, looked expectantly at the big screen, ready to wait for the movie to start.

He was really curious about how “Wandering Planet” was filmed, is it really as godlike as a promotional film…

And Guo Fan did not continue to delay, he I closed the door of the auditorium and started to play the movie for Jiaozi…

At the same time, Su Yang also happened to have something to deal with at the company, so he drove towards Jiadian Group headquarters. …

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