The breakthrough point of the Wang Family problem is the Golden Ox Group mentioned by father and son Wang Jiang.

According to the information found by the big guy in Hangzhou, the relationship between Golden Ox Group and Wang Family is very close.

He used his position to check the history of the Golden Ox Group. The predecessor of Golden Ox Group is their chairman Qiu Shi, who founded Jinlang Hardware Factory in Yongliu City, Zhejiang Province in 1991.

This factory was very small that year, with an initial registered capital of only 10,000 yuan, but after 4 years of development, it miraculously became a large group with a registered capital of more than 100 million: Golden Ox Group.

This kind of development speed is simply appalling. When Su Yang first learned of this information, he even suspected that the chairman of this company also had cheat.

Don’t look at the 100 million yuan that year from the current perspective. In 1995, people’s monthly salary was generally only about 200 yuan, so you can imagine what a horrible sum of money a hundred million is.

During the period of rapid development of Golden Ox Group. Wang Jiang is Helmsman in Yongliu City.

If there are no tricks, no one believes it.

Later, with Wang Jiang’s step-by-step development, Golden Ox Group gradually expanded.

After 10 years, in 2005, Golden Ox Group became Huangma Co., Ltd., Kaili Automobile Co., Ltd., Golden Ox Technology Co., Ltd., Golden Dragon Sect Industry Co., Ltd., and Golden Ox Group. A super large enterprise with dozens of subsidiaries such as Ox Mold Processing Center.

And their business scope has also expanded from the initial hardware to many fields such as automotive sheet metal, automotive molds, automotive parts, real estate, tourism, information engineering, import and export.

Followingly, with the support of Wang Jiang, Golden Ox Group established the top several auto brands in the domestic auto industry: Zhongan Auto. And it has been favored by various policies of Zhejiang Province.

And the key information that Zhao Licheng and Hangzhou bosses found was about ZhongAn Automobile.

If a complete automobile company wants to be born from nothing, it needs a series of pre-industry configurations, and these industries are not available in Golden Ox Group.

So, when he founded ZhongAn Auto, Wang Jiang used his identity to help Golden Ox Group annex many upstream and downstream companies in the automotive industry, and helped Golden Ox Group complete the entire industrial chain. Construction.

Its not a violation of regulations, but a normal management method to help the industry chain reorganization of leading enterprises in their jurisdiction. After all, only by forming an industrial chain and having sufficient competitiveness can it take the lead in the ever-changing domestic market.

But the problem is that this kind of operation must be done in a fair and just manner. The relationship between Wang Jiang and Golden Ox Group is not normal.

Su Yang knows from Wang Jiang and Wang Jues memory that Wang Jiang is actually the master behind the Golden Ox Group, and most of the shares of the chairman of Golden Ox Group are actually held for Wang Jiang.

With this relationship, Wang Jiang’s support has become his most fatal problem. During this period of time, Hangcheng tycoon Yang Lao also obtained some evidence from both sides through his various relationships. And also unexpectedly got a more important message.

Not long ago, an explosion occurred in the car workshop of Zhongan Automobile, causing three deaths and six injuries on the spot. This was caused by Zhongan Automobile’s production standards not meeting the requirements.

However, as the “king” of the entire Zhejiang Province, Wang Jiang suppressed this matter and helped ZhongAn Automobile to put pressure on the relevant departments to characterize this incident as an ordinary accident. This leaves a handle for the interested person.

However, although the handle and evidence are now in hand, before the attack, the Hangzhou boss Yang Lao proposed to meet Su Yang in person to talk about the details of the cooperation.

Now that Wang Family is Su Yangs chief enemy, Su Yang will certainly not have any delay in matters related to it, so Su Yang personally rushed to Hangzhou on the 2nd day and went to meet him. Let’s talk to Mr. Yang.

In a secret club, I met with Mr. Yang. Su Yang realized that Mr. Yang looked only 50 years old. He was hair grey-white and had many wrinkles on his face. Zhang square-faced, slightly blessed, looks very kind. In general, Su Yang’s first impression of him is very good, and I feel…a good person.

While Su Yang was looking at Lao Yang, Lao Yang was also looking at Su Yang. As early as the Cao Qiguang incident, Mr. Yang had heard of Su Yang, and even at the time he warned Cao Qiguang not to provoke Su Yang.

Later, Cao Qiguang was arrested in the incident, but Su Yang gradually raised and became a major entrepreneur of the countrys focus, and Mr. Yang has been paying attention to Su Yang. However, the attention belongs to the attention, but Yang Lao has never seen Su Yang.

When we first met, Mr. Yang realized that the youngster in front of him was younger than he thought. If he didnt know Su Yangs identity and also knew Su Yangs information, he would never have thought of it. , The “juvenile” in front of him will be an entrepreneur with a net worth of hundreds of billions.

Su Yang wore ordinary clothes today, a decent suit, a pair of brand-new shiny leather shoes, and his hair was slightly groomed, but none of these could conceal the childishness still on his face. It looks like a youngster.

Old Yang recalled Su Yang’s information, and then he remembered that Su Yang was really small, only 19 years old.

Think about his grandchildren and granddaughters who are the same age as him. For a moment, Mr. Yang feels: Sure enough, he is still a child of someone elses family…

With his thoughts dispelled, Mr. Yang took the initiative to extend the hand, shook Su Yang’s hand, and then praised him, “President Su really is young and promising.”

Su Yang almost hears such words, since After he became rich, almost everyone who saw him would praise him so much. So he laughed and said, “Old Yang is also much younger than I thought.”

People are getting older, and I dont want to hear Binren say they are young, so Old Yang and Su Yang look at each other. After a moment, he smiled suddenly. He took Su Yang to sit on the chair, and then took the initiative to talk about business, “Wang Family, Zhao Licheng should have told you about it?”

Su Yang nodded.

Lao Yang said his purpose, “I can help you accomplish what you want to do, but I also have to get what I need.”

< p>When Mr. Yang said this, Su Yang knew that today was actually an official exchange of interests, so he asked bluntly, “Then what do you need?”

Old Yang stretched out his hand Dip it in the tea at hand, write the word Wang Jiang on the table, and then tap it twice. Su Yang tilted his head and looked at the two words in confusion. At first did not understand, but after a while, he suddenly understood what Yang Lao meant: Yang Lao wanted Wang Jiang’s position.

Lao Yang, as a gangster in Hangzhou, is also the top 3 Peak gangster in Zhejiang Province, but there is an insurmountable gap between him and Wang Jiang. Now, Mr. Yang wants Jump over by Su Yang.

Su Yang frowned slightly, he is not a big brother, and he does not have a special identity. He does not at all offer such a promise to Old Yang.

Lao Yang frowned when he saw Su Yang, not at all urging, he took a sip of tea, and then faintly opened the mouth and said, “Dont be stressed, Im not letting you do it yourself This matter.”

He paused and explained, “If Wang Jiang passed away, only me and another person can compete for his position. The two of us are almost on par, but mine The ranking is lower than that person, plus I intervened in your competition with Wang Jiang, my ranking may be even lower. So I need your help, and the people behind you.”

“This is a very fair thing. I will help you to get Wang Jiang’s things done, and you will help me.”

Su Yang is slightly nodded, indicating that he listened to it.

The next day, two people spent the next day in this secret club, sweating together, taking a bath, and talking about the national major event, but they didn’t talk about the first topic.

Both of them are smart people, and both know that there are some things that are short-lived, and they should give each other time to consider.

The two also talked about Cao Qiguang. In Yang Lao’s words, Cao Qiguang is a promising entrepreneur, but that’s all.

Every big boss who develops will definitely engage in economy, after all, economy is the most intuitive manifestation of ability.

In China, there is a society of personal affection. In the economy, under the same conditions, some policies formulated are more in line with people’s emotional judgments for familiar people than for strangers.

So it is very easy to gather a group of entrepreneurs who have good relationships with the bosses.

Cao Qiguang is one of them.

So when I heard that Cao Qiguang went astray and was investigated, Lao Yang was actually a bit pity, but it was just a pity.

He will not be prejudiced and misunderstood against Su Yang.

If you talk about everything, the day’s meeting is over. Su Yang rushed back to Shanghai overnight and returned to his hotel.

Back to the hotel room, Su Yang entered the virtual space.

In the virtual space, Little Di, Little Ha, and Zhao Licheng are all waiting there. Obviously, they have been using their mobile phones to observe everything about Su Yang and Yang Lao.

Coming to a few monsters, Su Yang sat down on the main seat, and then asked, “Do you have any ideas?”

Zhao Licheng looked at Little Di first, After looking at Little Ha again, he found that they are not at all want to answer. Then he hesitated and said, “Mr. Su. I feel we need to cooperate with Mr. Yang.”

Su Yang looked towards him, without any fluctuations on his face, “Tell me your reasons.”

With Su Yang’s consent, Zhao Licheng said, “With my many years of understanding of that circle, if it were us Submit the evidence to the relevant department yourself. Most of the result will be suppressed. Or the major event will become smaller and the trivial matter will be reduced.”

“After all, the person we are dealing with is Wang Family, the King of Zhejiang . With their status and power throughout the country, if there is no big boss of the same level, they are almost invincible.”

“There are only people like Yang Lao who pass them. The internal channels are attacked by Wang Jiang, and Wang Jiang may receive a fatal blow.”

“From this perspective, Mr. Yang is necessary for us.”

Zhao Licheng looked at Su Yang, and then said, “In other words, within the range of our options, Mr. Yang is the simplest and most direct option for us.”

“And we should not be The little Wang Family is holding back.”

Su Yang thoughtfully nodded.

If this conversation is heard by other people, it is estimated that it will probably be shocked to no more. After all, Wang Family, it is one of the top domestic powers. In Zhao Licheng’s mouth, it was just a “little Wang Family.”

More importantly, several people here are not at all aware of any problems with this statement.

After all, in the hearts of several people, their opponent is the global hegemon, the sea of stars, rather than a Wang Family who can only dormant in Zhejiang Province.

After understanding this, Su Yang immediately decided to cooperate with Yang Lao.

But the decision is up to the decision, how to meet Lao Yang’s requirements, still makes Su Yang nodded.

Especially because he doesn’t understand the big boss circle, so after thinking about it, Su Yang decided to go to a professional person for consultation.

And Su Yang’s person who is most professional about this kind of thing is of course Jiang Chi.

So after making a call to Jiang Chi and confirming that she was back in Shanghai, Su Yang took the initiative to invite her to meet.

Because the relationship between the two people is there, I didn’t go to too formal occasions, but made an appointment at the bar where I first met: La Moda.

It is still that niche bar, it is still the kind of flowers everywhere, the pink Princess atmosphere, it is still the bar. But…Su Yang and Jiang Chi are all different…

No one knows how they talked that night. Only know that Su Yang left the bar with a smile in the end.

After leaving the bar, Su Yang went back to the virtual space again to discuss with the little monsters. After confirming that his ideas were okay, Su Yang sent a message to Old Yangs cell phone, nothing else, Just two words, [Yes].

The next half a month is like the calm before the rainstorm.

The ratings of “Wu Lei Legendary” have stabilized for a period of time, and have risen steadily again. Finally, on the 11th day of the show, when it reached 23 episodes, the ratings broke through 3 points!

At this time, there are still more than 70 episodes of “Wu Lei Legendary” that have not been played, which means that the average viewership rate of “Wu Lei Legendary” is almost likely to be above 3.

This is also the TV series with the highest ratings in recent years. It can rank among the top 5 in the history of TV series.

This makes Mango Satellite TV smile: They have recently received a soft spot in the commercial, and now they have begun to broadcast TV dramas in commercials…

The popularity of “Wu Fei Legendary”, The most intuitive impact is that the actors in the play are on fire. Not to mention the well-deserved one in this drama: Han Yi. Just say that several supporting actresses in the play have all jumped directly from the little transparent in the entertainment circle to second-tier stars.

In and outside the play, the gossip of these actors and Reuters are also frequently searched. There is a feeling that as long as they stick to the side of “Wu Lei Legendary”, they will be hot.

On this day, photos of several contracts were topped in hot search…

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