On the day of the broadcast of “Wu Lei Legendary”, Su Yang summon all the little monsters and came to watch TV at home. In fact, at the very beginning, he also wanted to invite Early Summer.

But Chu Xia refused him, saying that her mother was also very interested in “Wu Lei Legendary” because of the gossip these days, so she could only stay at home and watch TV series with her father mother.

Su Yang didnt know for a while whether he should say that his promotion was in place or if it was too much, so that he and his girlfriend were unable to date…

As the launch time of “Wu Lei Legendary” approaches, the news of the launch of “Wu Lei Legendary” has also been directly topped on the hot search lists of major platforms.

This TV series that has been attracting attention recently has made everyone look forward to it. Especially since it will be released tonight, you can see the voices of netizens discussing it everywhere on the Internet.

[“Wu Lei Legendary” is finally going to be released. I am looking forward to it. I have been screened by them all this time. I really want to see how it goes. ]

[What to look forward to, doesnt it mean that they are the previous crew? It must not look good. ]

[This has been clarified before, dont you watch the news?

[Really? I really didn’t pay attention, but I feel that even if it is clarified, it should not be a good TV series, but I will go and see how it is. ]

[I plan to check it out too. I really like it.

Because of the negative news some time ago, although the exposure of “Wu Lei Legendary” is very impressive, the audience’s sense of expectation is not at all particularly strong.

Most of the audience, just holding a curious state of mind, want to learn about this TV show.

This is also Su Yang’s purpose: to be curious, but not to have a strong sense of expectation. In this case, as long as the quality of the TV series is excellent, most of the audience can be retained.

At 19:30 in the evening, Mango Satellite TV’s prime time.

“Wu Lei Legendary” is on the air!

That night, although it might not be said that it was an empty alley, there were also many audiences who stopped doing things and watched TV series.

The employees of many departments of Mango TV are also working overtime, waiting for the TV series ratings to return, so that they can make the next step.

The domestic ratings are generally divided into cms average ratings and Huanwang real-time ratings. The results of the TV series in the circle are mainly based on the average audience ratings of cms, but CMS is generally announced on the 2nd day, so when you need data urgently, you will also refer to the real-time audience ratings of Huan.com.

After all, as long as a TV series is really popular, then both the real-time ratings and the average ratings should increase proportionally. Therefore, through the ratings of Huan.com, most of the time, the average ratings of cms can be estimated.

This also leads to the fact that sometimes people in the circle also use the curves of the two major ratings to evaluate whether a TV series has been used.

In the evening, at 19:30, the first episode of “Wu Lei Legendary” officially started.

The content of the first episode is relatively simple. It is about Wu Lu was selected as a talented man. When he entered the palace on decree, he saw the empty Huang Luan not at all kneeling, and was attacked by the eunuch. Scolded.

While Emperor Taizong watched the three Prince competitions in the palace, he proposed to compete with the three of them when he saw it, and the winner would be rewarded.

Other concubines in the palace came to the great hall to inspect the new talents. One of the concubines found Wu Lu and knew that his father was a humble businessman, so they insulted her in public.

In general, the content of the first episode is relatively plain. It mainly introduces the various characters and pulls out the hatred. The plot is not outstanding. But I have to say that the exquisite costumes, beautiful makeup, and beautiful pictures of “Wu Lei Legendary” are very attractive. Enough to attract the audience to watch.

This is actually the credit of the crew of “Wu Lei Legendary”. Before filming began, the crew did not position “Wu Leigendary” as a historical drama, but as a [historical idol drama].

This allows it to make many adaptations that are more in line with current preferences, which also makes it easier to be loved by the audience.

At the end of the first episode, when the commercial was interrupted, Mango Satellite TV got the real-time ratings data of Huan.com. When it saw the first broadcast data, Mango Satellite TV directly exploded.

According to the statistics of Huan.com, the ratings of episode 1 of “Wu Lei Legendary” reached a staggering 2.28, and the market share reached a staggering 6.05%.

This data directly broke the record for the first broadcast of historical TV series. It is the highest premiere record since the concept of ratings in 2002!

Of course, the ratings of this kind of achievement will definitely make “Wu Lei Legendary” the top spot in today’s prime ratings.

And this is the first episode of the first broadcast. According to the normal TV series ratings curve, as long as the quality of the first episode is not problematic, then the ratings of the next two episodes must be an upward curve.

The staff of Mango TV were all shocked. Everyone suspected that they had seen the fake data, but after confirming it three times on Hehuan.com, they all got the reply “there is no problem with the data”. Finally believed: I might have to witness the gradually raised of a popular TV series.

Sure enough, they did not surprise them. The ratings of episodes 2 and 3 of “Wu Lei Legendary” have steadily increased, reaching 2.31 and 2.36, respectively, and their share of ratings has also risen to per cent. 6.5, also ranked first in the ratings of the same period.

When all the data was settled, the people on Mango TV were shocked, and they were speechless.

This is how people are, always telling the history of surging forward with great momentum in the past, but when I turn around, I find that I am also in history…

. ..

Because the data of Huan.com is only a reference, we will have to wait for tomorrow’s cms ratings data to be fully confirmed. So Mango Satellite TV was excited, not at all announced this data to the outside world, and even issued a password. Of course, as a partner, they still reported some data to Jiadian Group.

Su Yang and Zhao Licheng, who had predicted this data for a long time, were not at all surprised, but expressed that they knew it indifferently. This made the people of Mango Satellite TV feel that Jiadian Films was really deep and unmeasurable. Also, they were actually taken down before…

According to the conventions of the entertainment industry, generally speaking, if a TV series scores very well, there will usually be news or take the initiative to promote it.

But the first episode was over, and the second episode was half played. As a result, Mango TV not at all promoted. At this time, people in the entertainment circle were speculating whether “Wu Leigendary” was violent or not. Up?

After all, a hot TV series, because of excessive publicity in the early stage, and the quality of the series cannot keep up, it is indeed very easy to die.

So many stars and entertainment companies who are jealous of “Wu Lei Legendary” and Han Yi, frigid irony and scorching satire in small groups in the circle:

[It looks like Han Yi The dream of first-line celebrity is really not working, “Wu Lei Legendary” is obviously dead. ]

[I was not optimistic about “Wu Lei Legendary” before. Also historical idol dramas, how do historical movies make idol dramas! ]

Its not that no one has spoken out against it. [I watched this show and felt that it was made very well, and it shouldnt be violent. ]

But it was also frigid irony and scorching satire, [have you never watched a TV show? Do you pursue art? This kind of TV series is also good? You should really go back to school and study.

So the various small groups in the circle quickly fell into the battle of supporting and opposing “Wu Lei Legendary”. From this, we can also see the current influence of “Wu Lei Legendary”.

Of course, in addition to these battles and guesses, there are also people who have taken the initiative to check the real-time data of Huan.com, but after seeing the real-time data of Huan.com, they found that “Wu Lei Legendary” The data is simply historical. In addition, Mango TV did not make any publicity, so it made them wonder if the data of Huan.com was wrong, so there was no publicity.

That night, at 22:30, Chu Xia and his parents watched TV and happily called Su Yang.

On the phone, in early summer, like a little sparrow on “chirp chirp twitter twitter”, I happily talked to Su Yang about how beautiful Han Yi is in the TV series, how beautiful, and how beautiful the TV series are. interesting.

Su Yang smiled and listened to Chuxia finished all this, and then suddenly remembered that Chuxia is a fan of Han Yi. The development of the relationship between myself and Chuxia is also because of participating in Han Yi’s program together.

The two people chatted for a full 5 minutes. After the conversation, Su Yang remembered to make herself more intimate with her a few days ago. So Su Yang said, “Baby, it’s time for you to sleep.”

The first time I heard Su Yang call him baby, and it was a pampering tone, my ears were blushing in early summer. Up.

She screamed like a mosquito, “Uh”, and then said in a voice that Su Yang was almost inaudible, “Then you go to bed early”, and she hung up the phone in a panic.

The quality of the drama “Wu Lei Legendary” is indeed very good. There are many people like Chu Xia who discuss and share this drama with me. It is also a hot TV drama with one episode. The reason why one episode went higher.

Many topics of “Wu Lei Legendary” that night once again occupied the hot search of the major Ranking List, which not only made more and more people curious about the show, but also let these people know the ” The quality of “Wu Fei Legendary” is very good and it is worth watching.

Those people who originally had doubts about the money laundering of “Wu Lei Legendary” did not have the slightest doubt after watching the show: because the “Wu Lei Legendary” was worthy of investment. Two billion.

I saw the hot searches of the major Ranking List that night, and there were more and more discussion topics. Those celebrities and insiders who opposed Han Yi and frigid irony and scorching satire “Wu Lei Legendary” finally started to feel something wrong. But they still have a hint of illusion in their hearts, thinking that these all are illusions.

But their fantasy did not last long.

On the second day, CMS50 city ratings were released.

With the ratings of CMS50 City at 2.45 and the market share of 7.1% in the same segment, “Wu Lei Legendary” has become the two statistical bands with a ratings of 2.25 and a market share of 6.33%. First in the country.

Moreover, it directly broke the record of first broadcast ratings in the entire history of TV dramas!

Although this is due to the ingenious propaganda strategy of the five major platforms and Su Yang. But this still represents the emergence of a historical TV series.

The premiere of “Wu Lei Legendary” broke the record, and the three episodes surpassed last year’s TV series ratings champion (last year’s champion ratings of 1.9). Suddenly the entire entertainment industry was silent.

The people who frigid irony and scorching satire “Wu Lei Legendary” and Han Yi dont know what to say anymore. They just want to get into the cracks in the ground and pretend that they have never driven mouth.

Those who support Han Yi and “Wu Lei Legendary” are actually a bit surprised and unacceptable in their hearts: Although they feel that “Wu Lei Legendary” will be popular, they really did not expect it to be so hot!

The ratings have already been 2.45 for the first broadcast. Coupled with the excellent production of “Wu Lei Legendary”, the ratings are firmly breaking the rhythm of 3!

You must know that in the past 4 years, no TV series has had a ratings rating of 3, and not many have even scored a rating of 2.

All TV series with ratings above 3 are all historical-level: such as “Returning the Pearl”, such as “The Temptation of Going Home”, and even “The Palace Lock New Jade”, which is Miss Mi The ratings of the famous works are only 2.5, and the ratings have not exceeded 3. And they have already made Sister Mi a first-line celebrity, all over the country.

This can’t help but make people wonder. How popular is Han Yi relying on this drama?

People in the circle analyzed it based on Miss Mis “New Jade Palace Lock”.

Although the drama “The Palace Lock New Jade” is the main heroine, many plots are conspiracy. Although Sister Mi is the leading heroine, the play does not completely revolve around her. In this way, she has benefited infinitely.

And “Wu Lei Legendary” is entirely a historical idol drama tailored by Jiadian Films based on Han Yi. Every frame shows the beauty of Han Yi in 360 degrees without blind spots.

And this play is about the story of “Han Yi” from a talented person to the only female emperor of China five years ago. It has brought a huge bonus to Han Yi’s popularity, so Han Yi should be affected far more than Miss Mi.

The TV series is hotter than “The Palace Lock New Jade”, and the role positioning is better than that of Miss Mi. Everyone just compares and thinks that Han Yi will surely rush to the front line with this drama. Even, her popularity and status directly surpassed her original Boss Mi Mi Sister, becoming one of the female artists closest to the super first-line.

Thinking of this, all people in the circle cant help but envy and hate Han Yi: There is such a “Boss” that spent hundreds of millions of dollars, tailor-made, and vigorously promoted by the five major platforms. “The” TV series, this is envious of everyone.

Of course, in the envy and jealousy, it is not that no one doubts whether the “Wu Lei Legendary” has been used, or that the quality of this drama is only the first three episodes.

But with the broadcast of episodes 4-9 of “Wu Fei Legendary” in the next two days, all these doubts disappeared without a trace.

Episode 4-6, “Wu Leigendary” cms50 has a audience rating of 2.56, a market share of 7.381%, a national network rating of 2.57, and a market share of 7.63%, ranking first in the country.

7-9 episodes, “Wu Fei Legendary” cms50 city ratings 2.80, market share 7.9%, national network ratings 2.72, market share 8.21%, ranking first in the country.

In just three days, the ratings of “Wu Lei Legendary” reached 2.80!

Moreover, the whole network is very popular. Everyone is discussing “Wu Lu Legendary”, discussing Han Yi, and discussing Wu Lu.

From this craze, from this upward curve of ratings, no one doubts that there is any moisture in the ratings, and no one doubts that “Wu Lei Legendary” is about to collapse.

“Wu Lei Legendary” has become a new Legendary, and Han Yi has also been successfully promoted to a first-line star, truly has his own masterpiece, and has a real position in the entertainment industry.

Now she is walking outside, except for those high-ranking predecessors in the entertainment industry, everyone who sees her will respectfully call her sister Yi.

Countless announcements, invitations, and endorsements flew like scraps of paper.

This also means that in three days, she has traveled a distance that most people in the entertainment industry cannot reach in a lifetime…

When “Legendary” was all over the country, Zhao Licheng also brought good news to Su Yang: Wang Family’s affairs have come to fruition…

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