Little Di had been watching Su Yang in the bedroom before.

Li Runze did not come to work in the company for something at home today. So she can free her 8 cores to do other things.

This also caused her to leave a few core things ready to deal with Su Yang at any time.

And when she waited for another four hours, the patience was about to wear away. Suddenly, Su Yang sat up from the bed.

At that moment, Little Di almost jumped up excitedly, and immediately came to Su Yang’s side, and then plunged into Su Yang’s embrace.

“Master, people are worried about you.”

Su Yang is still gathering psionic energy, when he heard Little Di’s words, he almost lost his thoughts, he eyes opened, looked towards Little Di.

Little Di has been weeping beauty.

Apparently Lou Ling’s unreliable words and deeds scared her just now. Let her worry about Su Yang all the time.

Su Yang quickly patted her back, comforted, “It’s okay. It’s okay. Isn’t it good for me?”

While speaking, Su Yang felt like she was mobilized just now His psychic energy seems to gradually “rise up”. Su Yang feels that she is not very familiar with psychic energy now, it seems a little strange…

She seems to be very slow and slow to “command” them. There is no way to do it easily.

He has been trying to control these psionics just now, but the psionics are not very “obedient.” As a result, they are not controlled now, but they are slowly coming up by themselves.

For a moment, a large amount of psychic energy condensed in Su Yang’s eyes. Su Yang’s eyes condensed golden light like floor zero.

Its just different from Lou Ling, Lou Lings binocular golden light is almost like the sun, while Su Yangs is just a faint golden light. If you dont observe carefully, you cant see it at all. What is the difference when he is normal.

But even this is enough. Su Yang only felt that the scene in front of him had changed, as if he had seen something different.

He seems to be living in a world full of psychics.

Those psychic energies are in the air, in the walls, in the ground, everywhere anyway.

But what is strange is that these psychic energies do not seem to exist in isolation. They fuse together with other substances, flowing slowly like a vein.

Su Yang glanced down at Little Di again, but when he saw it, he was taken aback.

The clothes on Little Di looked like nothing in his eyes, and couldn’t hide Su Yang’s gaze at all. His eyes fell directly on Little Di’s clean body.

Every part of Little Di’s body can be seen clearly, even the nice buds are right in front of them, like a, you can touch them with your hand.

What’s even more amazing is that Little Di actually has psychic abilities in him. It’s just not much, only a small group. And it only exists in her Pigu, which is the tail spine, which only exists in that part like a human.

Su Yang pondered for a while, remembering that Little Di is actually a mobile monster after the [Higher Life Jump] in some respects. It’s just that she doesn’t at all way out of the virtual space that’s all.

Su Yang has been tested by professional instruments before. She, Koike, Paobao, Janet, Azure Bamboo, these little monsters after the [Advanced Life Transition], are actually indistinguishable from humans.

After reading Little Di’s psychic powers, Su Yang turned his head and looked towards the old lady Louling, and as a result, he almost blinded his eyes.

He really went blind!

Because Lou Ling’s old woman actually shines like a golden body in his eyes. Especially her hands are as if they are holding two suns, which is eye-catching and scary.

Su Yang looked down at himself again and found that he had a lot of golden light on him, but it was far inferior to Lou Ling.

Comparing two people is simply the difference between Yinghuo and Haoyue.

Su Yang gave up: This old monster is really awesome, it seems that I can’t deal with her!

hmph! Allow you two more days. Wait for me to cultivation for seven or 80 years, when the time comes, I will retaliate for “you use me for experimentation”!

Next, Su Yang walked through the entire virtual space, and all the little monsters and creatures looked around. It turns out that the little monsters have psychic powers in their bodies, but the ordinary saplings of the real world have no traces of psychic powers.

Su Yang came out of the virtual space, and then condensed his eyes, looking at the real world.

It turns out that it is strange that the real world has no psionic power.

Not only is there no psionic power in the air, but even in the building, the ground, and the sky.

It’s like a world where Spiritual Qi is extremely scarce.

Whats even more strange is that Su Yang went downstairs and looked around Tang Jing and Tang Xiaomi, and found that although they had no psionic energy, they had signs of psionic energy, or in Lou Lings words …Has life energy.

What is going on here?

Su Yang felt that as he came into contact with Strength of Source, he seemed to have discovered some incredible secrets…

After reading it at home, Su Yang began to observe on the street again people.

This observation is one day, Su Yang has almost nothing.

In addition to discovering that everyone in this world has natural energy but no psionic energy, he has hardly any new gains.

This also makes Su Yang a little puzzled.

If there are no psionics in the world, where do these psionics that condense into special abilities, condensed into little monsters, and condense into virtual space, come from?

From system?

But how was system born?

Thinking about this, Su Yang called out the system.

Then something more magical happened!

Su Yang discovered that there was no trace in the eyes of other people, and the completely invisible system interface actually exudes a layer of superficial power.

This shows that the system is also composed of psionic energy.

Su Yang feels that things are getting more and more interesting…

But like Lou Ling said, everything about psionics is just groping. There is no way to increase, and only the basic application method, even with the exception of Su Yang, it is impossible to activate psionic energy for other little monsters.

Everything is still in the most basic cognitive stage.

So these secrets can only be slowly unraveled with the study of psionic energy…

Based on this situation, Su Yang also made plans for the future , First continue to use the system to improve your own strength, so that you can get more core abilities and information, to increase the decryption process, and then study psionics to crack the secrets of the system and this world.

Of course, if you want to improve your own strength the fastest now, the most important thing is the release of “Wolf Warrior”.

That night, Su Yang sent Pan Zhaodi to pick up Zhao Licheng. After one day, one night, Zhao Licheng was obviously different from before. He became full of energy, as if being reborn. .

While meeting, he also directly moved towards Su Yang and bowed to the ground, saying that he would work hard for Su Yang, create value for Su Yang, and live up to the trust that Su Yang gave.

Su Yang didn’t say much, but took him to Jiadian Commercial Company on 2nd day, appointed him as the CEO of Jiadian Commercial, and then left the company.

Su Yang didn’t pave the way for him, nor did he appease the other employees of the company: If a 5-Star level talent can’t solve this problem, he might as well send him back to the circus.

As for the string of numbers that Zhao Licheng and his wife broke out, according to Zhao Licheng, it is their common password, and only they know it.

The passwords for all their accounts are this string of numbers and letters.

As for the meaning of this string of numbers, in fact it is meaningless. It’s just that when the two got married, cracking a joke said that they wanted to establish a secret location of their own home in a secret place.

So… we built a QQ group together, and the group number is this string of numbers: 664616129.

There are only two of them in the group. They don’t talk privately at ordinary times. They talk in the group when they have something. It’s the little taste of the couple.

According to what Zhao Licheng said, they had previously imagined that when the child was born, when the child was a little older, they would also bring the child in. This group will be a small family of three in the future.

Wait until the child has a daughter-in-law and a child, they will all come in too.

This group became a witness to the rise and fall of their family.

Su Yang was very touched, and then… I feel that Zhao Licheng is really a loyal user of Fujisun. Even the family’s investment in Fujisun’s investment took place in Fujisun.

But even though he complained so much, Su Yang still secretly searched the search group number. Sneak glanced.

The group has changed from two to three. It may be the new QQ account of the newborn Zhao Licheng.

Su Yang thinks this should be a kind of weird romance belonging to Old Yus husband and wife…

On Monday, Su Yang rushed to the imperial capital and participated with Wu Feng. The press conference of “Wolf Warriors”.

When it is said that it is a press conference, it is actually a propaganda conference and mutual praise.

Su Yang also made a statement at the press conference, and they were all planned. Su Yang complimented “Wolf Warrior” and Wu Feng according to the scripted version according to the drafts written in advance.

At the end of the press conference, Wu Feng, the host, invited Su Yang to dinner.

Su Yang happily attended the appointment, and the two had a very private meal, and talked about the next announcement and distribution.

Wu Feng said that he did a survey before the release, and knew that his box office appeal was not good enough, even if there was more publicity in the early stage, it would not have much effect.

Now that the schedule and the number of films are just advantageous, I will simply reduce the cost of pre-publication and focus on the post-screening publicity.

Because of this, the issuer’s workload is very small, and Wu Feng’s issuance fee is reduced to the lowest: 5%.

All the other taxes and fees were divided into Wu Feng and given to Su Yang. Let’s talk a lot, anyway, the central idea is to win everyone the greatest benefit.

Su Yang looked at Wu Feng and listened to Wu Fengxu’s babbling, feeling that Wu Feng was actually a little nervous.

His first movie failed. This movie rarely drew the support of the military region and himself, and it was under great pressure. Today I said it was a meeting and a chat, but in fact, he was decompressing it.

Thinking about this, Su Yang patted Wu Fengs shoulder, “Angkor. Relax. Even if this film fails, I will vote for you in the lower part. Even if it is a sequel, its no problem.”


“If you are really stressed, at worst, “Wolf Warrior 1” will no longer be released, so we will go straight to “Wolf Warrior 2″.”

Wu Feng was amused by Su Yang’s words , “Brother Su, how can there be such a show operation. 1 is not shown, just show 2.”

Su Yang haha smiled, “some of them, some people do it.”

Wu Feng smiled and shook his head, feeling Su Yang teasing himself.

But because of Su Yang’s card chattering, Wu Feng’s mood relaxed a lot.

He sighed, took out his phone, unlocked it, opened WeChat, and handed it to Su Yang.

Su Yang took the phone strangely and listened to Wu Fengs explanation, “Actually…Im not so stressed at first. But the bet between you and Liu Da Huo is now the whole circle. I know…”

Wu Feng didnt say anything afterwards, but Su Yang almost understood what he meant: everyone was waiting to see the results, or to put it more bluntly: most people They are all waiting to see the jokes of the two.

Su Yang straightened the phone and looked at the screen of the phone, and found that Wu Feng’s popularity is really good. There are many friends and WeChat groups that he chats with.

What “battle king pesticide-entertainment circle”, “chat and blow water”, “Beijing people in Beijing”, “18 line artist chat group”, and many others.

If you just look at the group name, it feels like a group of funny comparisons, which is different from the entertainment circle that the public understands.

Su Yang clicked in and took a look, and found that some groups are relatively large, with hundreds of people, most of the members are actors or staff, and there are directors, but fewer.

Some groups are relatively small and have higher specifications. They are all second-tier or higher artists or well-known directors.

But without exception, most of the groups are talking about “Wolf Warrior” and betting. They say and so on, but most of them are not good things.

The like activity lasted until the end of March, and many book friends have won awards. Come on, everyone~

In addition, if it is convenient, everyone should be more active in the book review area. The level of our book review area is too low and the activity level is too low. It was very embarrassing to even collect less than 500 for a few months.

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