At the moment before he fainted, Su Yang had only a single thought in his heart, “I, Cao, Lou Ling, you pit me! This calmness is useless! I still have to Dizzy!”

After this thought flashed past, Su Yang completely lost consciousness.

I dont know how long it took. When Su Yang’s consciousness regained, Su Yang felt nothingness in front of him. The feeling he had experienced when “losing three days of light”, so his first reaction Yes: I go? Blind again?

But just as he thought about it, he suddenly realized that although he was in nothingness, he was not the same as he was blind. He seemed to be unable to even feel his body.

What is going on here?

Su Yang now deeply suspects that Lou Lingkeng is herself. When she stimulated her psionic energy, she heard what she said “failed before”, which clearly shows that she tried before. Not at all success when stimulating psionic energy by others, and she was regarded as a test subject by her!

This old woman! When I recover, I will turn you back into an unfinished building!

And when Su Yang was talking angry, he suddenly found a pale-yellow little ball of light appeared out of thin air in front of him.


What is this?

Su Yang hesitantly “looked” towards the little ball of light, but found that the little ball of light seemed to know he was here, slowly approaching, and then disappeared with a “biu~”.

At this moment, Su Yang only felt his body feel comfortable, like drinking a cup of hot water in the early morning of the severe winter twelfth lunar month…

…< /p>

In the virtual space, a few Little Dis surrounded the building zero, glared at her, and asked, “What the hell is going on with you! Why did the master fainted? Why haven’t you woken up yet!”


Lou Ling’s old woman sat on the bed, as if she couldn’t see Little Di’s baring fangs and brandishing claws.

She just closed her eyes quietly, crossed her legs, Five Hearts toward the Heaven, and then the old voice said calmly to Little Di, “don’t be impatient, don’t worry.”

< p> Next to her lies Su Yang who has passed out, and it seems that he has completely lost consciousness.

Little Di said angrily, “How could it not be in a hurry! Now the master has been fainted for three hours! Are you sure about it?”

“What’s wrong with is Master, I I wont let you go!

Lou Lings old woman didnt change her expression, she said indifferently, You cant beat me. You cant beat me together. Just the shark. You can do two tricks with me.”

When I said this, the thin body of Lou Ling’s old woman exuded strong confidence.

And she does have the confidence to say this.

She has overdrawn her strength from 16 to 86. But the lost years gave her nearly 70 years of accumulation.

And she is the only monster who knows how to use mysterious energy like psionic energy.

The expression on Little Di’s face was stagnant, but he immediately said fiercely, “You are in my world now, and I will be perish together with you if I can’t survive!”

Lou Ling’s old woman suddenly opened her eyes, and suddenly the wrinkles on her face were reduced, as if she had recovered seven or eight years of youth, and then a golden rays of light swept across, and several Little Dis were instantly knocked off.

But she obviously knew in her heart that she didn’t use too much force at all, so Little Di only felt a burst of soft force, which made her fly involuntarily.

But when she flew into the air, she found that she was so frozen in the air.

Lou Ling old woman coughed and said, “You are so excited.”

“He is your master, but he is not my relative. How could I harm him .”

“I have tried it myself, and I will give it to him after I make sure that there is no problem.”

“I dare not say that it will succeed, but even if it fails, It wont hurt him.”

“Its just that he is the first awakened person in the world after all. No one knows what difficulties he will encounter. But we should trust him.”


Little Di, who was suspended in the air, asked, “Then why don’t you test with other little monsters first?”

Lou Ling, the old woman, drooped her eyelids and said weakly, “Try it. I didnt try it. But it didnt work. I dont know why.”

When I saw Little Di, I wanted to say, Lou Ling quickly said, “Of course, they dont have any side effects.”


She probably was also annoyed by Little Di, and added, “So, I cant say if I can earn blood, but its definitely not a loss.”

Little Di finally calmed down. Up.

The reason why she is so excited is not without reason.

Su Yang fainted after being stimulated by Lou Zero’s psychic energy. At first, she didn’t care about it, but she soon discovered that something was wrong, because she checked the two people before they stimulated their psychic energy. In the dialogue, I also noticed Lou Lings words “failed before”.

So she couldn’t help but wonder if Lou Ling was experimenting with Su Yang.

at first she also comforted herself not to worry, it might be fine in a while.

But then one hour, two hours passed, and for three hours, Su Yang did not wake up, she was really worried.

That’s why there was a quarrel between the two.

After being told by Lou Ling, Little Di calmed down and left the sentence, “If the master has an accident, I will not let you go.”

With a few sounds of “pa pa pa”, all of them were teleported away with a few Avatars.

Apparently she is also showing her ability to Lou Ling: Maybe you are the strongest. But in the virtual space, you can’t help me.

After seeing Little Di go, Lou Ling old woman restored her old look, deeply sighed, looked towards Su Yang, “Su Yang, Su Yang, you can wake up quickly . I dont want to be annoyed by them every day.”

After speaking, her gaze stayed on Su Yang for a while, then coughed, her face became serious, and she stretched out her hand… I molded Su Yangs thigh…

At the same time, several Little Di who returned to their room also prayed together, “Master. No. Su Yang, Su Yang. Master, I called your name, you should be able to see my picture, you quietly listen to me…”

Little Di’s heart It is good, and the logic is right. Hope to pass information through silver power.

But what is strange is that Su Yang actually didn’t at all trigger the silver ability in that state, he didn’t see Little Di’s picture, let alone heard Little Di’s instructions.

But he doesn’t need Little Di’s reminder at all, because he is very happy now and has been “collecting” the little ball of light in front of him.

He feels that every time he collects a small ball of light, his energy seems to be stronger.

This visible improvement of naked eye made Su Yang recall the situation that Lou Ling said.

Are you in the state of realizing the potential of an old woman?

Do you want to collect so many balls of light?

Don’t open your eyes, and you have become Seven Old Eighty…

But Su Yang can only think about it, after all, this is completely out of his control. He was in a different state from Lou Ling at that time. He was not a manipulator, he was just an observer state that’s all.

I dont know how many small balls of light have been collected, or how long it took.

Just when Su Yang felt that he was about to forget the time, suddenly, he felt a beam of light shine in front of him.

The beam of light seemed to exist in ancient times, and it appeared in front of Su Yang suddenly.

And then, the light burst suddenly. Su Yang plunged into an exposure state like a flash bomb exploded in front of him.

Half a moment, when Su Yang came back to his senses, he suddenly felt his body, his limbs, his younger brother, he felt everything, and he felt… one is touching The hand holding his thigh.

Su Yang grabbed that hand, and then suddenly opened his eyes.

“Ouch…” Lou Ling’s screams sounded in his ears. Su Yang eyes opened, and what I saw was the old-fashioned Lou Ling.

Maybe Su Yang pinched a little bit hard, Lou Ling screamed, and said, “You, you, you let go.”

Su Yang let go, and then surprised Raised his hand, took a closer look, and found that… it seems that nothing has changed.

There is no such thing as the effect of washing bones and marrow in the novels in TV dramas, there is no mud and dirt on the body, and no skin as clean as jade.

Some are just the shape without any change.

But Su Yang felt like he was full of power. An endless power.

Lou Ling’s old woman’s eyes slowly congealed, and then the golden light flickered, looking towards Su Yang.

She looked around from head to toe, and then slightly nodded, “It should be a success.”

Su Yang said in surprise, “Am I awakened?”< /p>

lou zero old woman nodded.

Su Yang jumped out of bed, and then hit a set of punches directly on the ground. With intermediate fighting ability, he fights in a decent way.

While hitting, Su Yang felt a wave of energy flowing in his body, flowing continuously throughout his body with his movements, and his own strength and speed were also due to this Energy, so it has been greatly strengthened.

After finishing a set of punches, Su Yang closed his hands and slowly calmed his breathing.

He looked towards Lou Ling old woman with a little surprise, “It’s really okay! So what shall I do next?”

Lou Lingdao, “rest.”

Su Yang has a question, “rest?”

Lou zero is nodded, “Yes. Rest. I’m tired.”

Su Yang:…


This is the co-author.

Su Yang couldn’t help asking, “Then you don’t tell me the cultivation method first? What is the use of my psychic ability?”

Lou Ling old woman said in an old voice,” I dont know what cultivation method is. This seems to be born, and simply cannot cultivation.”

Su Yang:? ?

Arent you kidding me? I’ve been looking forward to it for so long, but you actually told me that it cannot be increased? No cultivation method?

Lou Ling has obviously made an excuse long ago, “Dont feel useless. You can at least explore the use of psionic energy with me now. You can also…see the special ability in your hand, Part of the special items operation rules have been set up. This is helpful to you.”

Su Yang:…

Why do you still feel cheated?

But… why not try?

Maybe I can see with the spirit.

Thinking about this, Su Yang closed his eyes and began to mobilize psychic energy. He planned to concentrate the psychic energy in his eyes and wanted to see the effect.

And just at this moment, just listening to “Pa”, Little Di appeared in front of Su Yang…

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