Su Yang found that the environment in front of him suddenly became dark, and a beam of light hit him and Tang Xiaomi.

Su Yang looked around and found that he was actually in the environment of a villa, but there was always a feeling of incompatibility, like…I was in another world.

This is a very strange feeling.

Su Yang looked at Tang Xiaomi, only to find that Tang Xiaomi didn’t seem to see the scene in front of him, and he was still waiting carelessly for his own question.

Just when Su Yang was thinking about it, suddenly he felt his pocket sink. He drew out his pocket suspiciously, only to pull out a 12-sided dice from it.

The 12 faces of the dice are written with 1-12, a total of 12 numbers.

This is?

[Please use the dice to shake the size to determine the outcome. The loser accepts the punishment of “truth or dare”. ]

Um…Is that so?

Su Yang, who has never played this kind of city game, can only do it according to the system’s prompts.

He took out the dice and put it in Tang Xiaomi’s hands, “Come on. Let’s roll the dice, and whoever has the lower number will accept the punishment.”

“Oh.” Tang Xiaomi didn’t care about nodded, then took the dice and threw the dice on the table.

“Gu Lulu…” The dice rolled on the table a few times, and finally stopped slowly. Su Yang leaned over and took a look, and the side with the number 11 was facing up.

Su Yang:…

Is this kidding me?

Is this Little Brat so lucky? Just throw it 11?

How do you throw this yourself? Must throw 12?

But thinking about it, there is no chance, so Su Yang picked up the dice and threw it on the table, “Gu Lulu…”, 3 o’clock.

Su Yang:…

It’s okay, not just this game.

Tang Xiaomi looked at Su Yang’s dice carelessly, his eyes lit up, and then said, “You lost!”

Su Yang nodded, “Yes.”


Then he thought for a while and said, “I will choose [Big Adventure].”

Tang Xiaomi clapped his hands and said, “Okay, okay. Then I want you to lift it high. “

Hold up high…

Go ahead. Who let himself lose?

Next, Su Yang and Tang Xiaomi played a five-minute lift: the kind of game that lifts the child up and then drags the armpit into the air.

After five minutes of playing, the two started the second game.

“Gu Lulu…”, Su Yang, 10 o’clock!

Su Yang is happy: I should win!

“Gu Lulu…”, Tang Xiaomi, 11 o’clock.

Su Yang:…

Tang Xiaomi jumped up and clapped his hands, “I won again! I won again! Yeah!”

Su Yang:… .

“The truth.”

Tang Xiaomi’s eyes rolled around, and for a while, she asked, “Do you like me?”

Su Yang touched her head, “Of course I like it. Xiaomi is so cute, who doesn’t like it?”

Tang Xiaomi hehe smirked, still not forgetting to say, “I just Say I am the cutest!”

The third game,

“Gu Lulu…”, Su Yang, 7 o’clock.

The number is neither high nor low, Su Yang feels that the probability of winning is great.

Because Tang Xiaomi has had big numbers in two consecutive rounds, according to the [European Gas Conservation Law], when a person has two consecutive rounds of big numbers, the probability of a big number in the third round… “Bone Lulu…”, Tang Xiaomi, 11 o’clock.

Su Yang:…

The chance of a big number in the third game… well… it is possible to continue.

“The truth.”

“Mum and I have been living in your house, will you be annoying?”

“Not annoying, I am very happy Yes. Come, continue.”

The fourth round,

Su Yang: 8 points.

Tang Xiaomi: 11 o’clock.

Su Yang:? ?

Is there a problem with this dice?

Has Tang Xiaomi’s points changed? Why is it always 11 o’clock!

Is this Little Brat’s luck so good? Is it true that the heroine Mary Su was born?

And… why is it always 11?

Does this indicate something? Should Mary Soho find her boyfriend?

Su Yang suddenly faintly worried about Tang Xiaomi’s future. This poor little will not be single for a lifetime, will he?

Su Yang, “You ask.”

Tang Xiaomi, “Do you like my mom?”

Su Yang:? ?

What is all this and what. This Little Brat paved the way for two questions just to ask this?

As an adult, of course Su Yang…should have escaped.

Ghosts have to answer this kind of question!

At the end of the game, Su Yang was defeated and was chased by Tang Xiaomi for several laps in the villa.

After running to hide in the utility room, Su Yang felt that this silver ability was poisonous. This ability is really for playing games, and it must be won to stimulate the ability… This is too weird!

This ability deserves to be E-rank!

If this is not E-rank, what is E-rank!

This waste wood breaks the ability!

Su Yang is angry!

After getting angry, when Tang Jing came home from get off work, Su Yang quietly pulled her into the room while Tang Xiaomi was away…and then…

started the game again.

He doesn’t believe it! Can you still lose? Still unable to test the ability?

This time, Su Yang had good luck and won three games in a row. Apart from asking Tang Jing two “What color do you like?” “Do you like spring or summer?” Lure Tang Jing to play a big adventure.

Tang Jing actually doesn’t quite understand why Su Yang has to let herself play a big adventure, but she has always been weak and refused Su Yang’s request, so she can only agree.

The moment Tang Jing agreed to the big adventure, Su Yang found that Tang Jing suddenly became transparent in front of him, a crystal clear and near-transparent with red light like a gem. Something suddenly appeared on Tang Jing’s chest, and then… straight into Tang Jing’s heart.

After this gem fuse together with Tang Jing’s heart, Tang Jing’s heart exudes a slight red light and pulsates quietly.

The red light spreads from the inside out, Tang Jing reflected like a translucent glass doll, and her clothes are completely useless. Every inch of her skin and every part of her It is clearly visible against the red light. Even her organs are faintly discernible under the skin.

For a moment, the red light converged, and the strangeness in front of Su Yang disappeared.

Tang Jing looked at him curiously, “What’s wrong, Xiaoyang?”

Su Yang came back to his senses, and shook his head quickly, “It’s okay. I was a little distracted just now.”< /p>

Tang Jing said, “Then you tell me what big adventure you want me to do?”

Su Yang thought for a while, “Why don’t you go down and hug Tang Xiaomi? “

Tang Jing gave Su Yang a strange look, she felt that Su Yang today is strange. As soon as I got home, I played games with myself. After I lost, there were all weird questions and weird requests. Can’t understand it at all.

But if you agree to bet you must accept to lose, she still went downstairs and hugged her daughter.

After Tang Jing left, Su Yang quickly turned on the silver ability [Truth or Big Bang] again, and then he found… there was a translucent Earth instrument in front of him.

And there is a red dot on the Earth meter, and there is a Tang Jing’s head on the red dot.

Su Yang clicked on the Earth meter to zoom in, and found that he could zoom in all the time. From Earth to the country, to Shanghai, to Baoshan District, and finally to the streets, everything about Earth seems to be clearly visible in his hands.

Zoom in to the end, the Earth meter in front of Su Yang even showed the internal structure of the villa.

In the display of the Earth instrument, Tang Jing was downstairs in the northeast corner. Su Yang recalled that it should be the kitchen. It seemed that Tang Jing went to cook after he hugged Tang Xiaomi.

Because Tang Jing has always been busy at work, she doesn’t have much time to eat at night, and can only eat a few bites of bread when she is hungry. So after get off work, she usually goes home to make up a supper.

Its just that her supper has always been relatively simple, such as a fried egg, a small bowl of noodles with scallions.

Su Yang has eaten a few bites with it and it tastes good. He guessed that the reason Tang Xiaomi made noodles for himself after he became blind was because he learned from Tang Jing.

So far, Su Yang has finished testing all his abilities.

After experimenting with this silver ability, Su Yang spent the next day preparing stocks and choosing islands.

2nd day, on Tuesday, Su Yang asked Little Ha to smell those stocks again, and found that [Sunday] this stock not only has a daily limit on Friday and next Monday, but it will still have a daily limit next Tuesday.

If so, the stock has a daily limit for at least three days.

Already worth buying.

After confirming [Sunday] as the new target, Su Yang stopped investigating, but talked to Tang Jing and asked her to buy the [Sunday] stock.

The stock of this stock is not big, the stock price is about 7.2 yuan, the total market value is 6 billion, and the circulating market value is about 3.2 billion.

Su Yang Forget it, his current total capital of 73 million goes in, which is easy to cause stock fluctuations, but it is still acceptable.

So he also began to arrange for Little Di to gradually build a position. His goal is very clear. The current stock price is at 7.2. He strives to raise the stock price by less than 10% and consume 70 million in batches.

After making this decision, Su Yang uneasy let Little Ha smell the stock trend again, and found that his entry did not affect the trend of the stock in the next few days, so he completely let it go heart.

On the same day, Su Yang’s first batch of 30 million yuan of funds was slowly suspended for small and medium-sized orders [Sunday]. The method used was still Little Dis usual small order to eat meat, and large orders suppressed the stock price.

Because the amount of funds is a bit large, the stock has gradually increased by 3 points when 30 million is eaten in.

After the stock market closed that day, Su Yang also told Xu Lu and her cousin about the stock he chose.

For the news from Su Yang, Xu Lu and her cousin have a different attitude…

I heard Su Yang After choosing the right stock, Xu Lu was excited.

So she hung up the phone, she immediately dialed a voice to her cousin, and talked about Su Yang’s plan.

After all, my cousin is someone who has seen a lot of people in the market, not at all, like Xu Lu, was greedy and dazzled.

She quietly listened to Xu Lus narration, and felt Xu Lus restless heart at that moment. Then she slowly shook the head and chatted with Xu Lu, “Lulu, come, Lets not talk about stocks, lets talk about you.”

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