Thinking about this, Su Yang didn’t delay anymore. He opened the system and clicked the task list.

There are only two tasks left in the task list, both of which are silver tasks.

One is [Silver Mission: Foothold] in an unfinished state.

The other is the completed state [Silver Task: Foundation Laying].

Unfinished tasks are gray, and completed tasks are silver light.

Looking at the task that flashed with silver light [Silver Task: Foundation Laying (Completed)], Su Yang was full of excitement: The fourth ability!

I have so many abilities unconsciously!

Although he has already had three silver abilities, every time he obtains silver points, Su Yang still gets excited from the bottom of his heart. Because the silver ability is the only ability that directly affects him!

This is the point that really made him transform from “human” to “god”.

No matter how many other special items and little monsters, they all belong to themselves, but they always feel like they are one level different, but the silver ability is different. This is the real “power belongs to oneself”!

Thinking about this, Su Yang ignored the silver task of letting himself buy the island and became the Island Lord’s silver task. Instead, he directly clicked on the [Silver Task: Foundation Laying] task.

Suddenly a reminder of [Drop: Silver Point +1] sounded in his ear.

After receiving the silver point, Su Yang went to the toilet, facing the mirror, turned on the point system.

With the addition of system turned on, a translucent [+] sign appeared on Su Yang’s head.

He reached out and clicked on the [+] sign, and a prompt popped out in front of him.

[Please choose a way to add points.

1.special ability,2.Change body parts,3.Enable other people’s emotions.

Su Yang chose option 1.

System pops up a prompt,

[Do you want to add points for the fourth time of personal special ability? The fourth time adding points has a very low probability of success. After failure, all added silver points will be cleared. The success probability of adding points this time is 2%.

[Yes], [No].

Su Yang:…

what the hell!

Why does Little Di +4 have a success probability of 12%, but I only have 2%!

The difference is 6 times. And he is just a fraction of Little Di! This is too weird!

Tucao returns to Tucao. Since his success rate is low, Su Yang can only default to the behavior of wasting 600 more coins.

So he opened the advanced system store and bought 9 lucky stones. I bought Little Di a lucky stone last time, and there is one left, which is just right for me.

After buying, Su Yang grabbed 10 [Lucky Stones] in his hand, and waited for the lucky stones to disappear slowly. Su Yang really saw that his +4 probability of success has risen from 2% to 100%!

Su Yang relaxes, and then clicks the [Yes] option.

Following Su Yang Su Yangs confirmation, he appeared out of thin air in front of him like the previous few times. A box made of silver white metal still had three words written on it: [Pick A]…

Su Yang has become accustomed to the “impolite” behavior of this silver ability lottery box, so he put his hand in without caring. I randomly selected a table tennis ball.

The table tennis ball I took out was written with two words: Ability.

Well, it’s ability. Not bad.

The ping pong ball and box in his hand disappeared out of thin air, and the second box appeared in front of him.

Su Yang reached in and touched it, there are still six balls.

He grabbed one casually, and the English letter said: E.


E-rank ability, this ability is not the lowest level, right?

Su Yang breaks his hands and counts, unless the A-Rank ability is already the highest, then the E-rank is now the lowest ability!

Su Yang has an ominous premonition in his heart…

The ping pong ball and the box disappear again.

The last box appeared in front of Su Yang, with an uppercase [E] written on it.

Su Yang is thinking about it. A-Rank ability knows how to divide it, so how are the capabilities below A-Rank divided?

Will there be a lower level, but more useful ability?

Thinking about this, Su Yang reached in and started catching the ball.

There was still an infinite space and an infinite number of table tennis balls. Su Yang grabbed one.

Take out the ball, Su Yang took a look, and it said [Silver Ability: Truth or Big Bang]…

A real truth or a big adventure?

Can Truth or Dare actually become an ability?

Can flying chess become an ability?

Su Yang feels this ability seems a bit funny.

Just when Su Yang was spitting out like this, suddenly, that ping-pong ball burst into strong rays of light, and then rushed towards Su Yang’s forehead.

Su Yang reflexively wanted to escape, but found that his body seemed to be still, and simply couldn’t move.

So he could only watch this ping pong ball rush into his mind.

At that moment, he only felt that his head was burned by a soldering iron, and his forehead was hurting. He felt like his head was about to split, it was about to explode!

Fortunately, just when he was about to be unable to bear it, the pain disappeared. A cool breeze followed.

Su Yang clutched his head, gasping for breath, and quickly turned on the faucet to wash his face.

He feels that every time he absorbs silver, he feels like experiencing a mutation. Although there is no mortal danger, it is very uncomfortable.

Thinking so, Su Yang turned off the water dragon and wiped his face. At the same time, a silver white interface popped up in front of him:

Silver Ability : Truth or Dare]

You can play the truth or dare game with anyone, as long as the other party agrees to your game request, you will be able to use your abilities.

Ability 1 [True Words]: Regardless of how the other party answers any questions you ask, you will automatically know his true answer.

Ability 2 [Big Bang]: After the opponent chooses a big adventure, you can place a bomb on the opponent. The bomb can locate the opponent’s location, or it can be detonated regularly.

Limit 1: You can only launch two truth or dare a day, the total number is less than 10 people.

Limit 2: You can only know the truth about 10 questions a day.

Limit 3: You can plant bombs on up to 20 people at the same time. The bomb can last up to 90 days.

Note: If it was you, would you choose to be honest or take a big risk?

After reading this ability, Su Yang at first thought that the ability of [Truth Words] and [The Hourglass of Memory Labyrinth] overlapped, after all, he could look through the memory of the other party and confirm that he wanted Know things.

But Su Yang soon knew that this was not the case. [The Hourglass of Memory Labyrinth] reproduced the things in memory through a third-party perspective. Even in some memory corners, things that the owner of the memory wrote down but did not notice, the hourglass of the memory maze can be reproduced.

But this is an objective fact.

The ability of [Truth or the Big Bang] is actually subjective, and it should be more about torturing a person’s true thoughts.

And the second sub-ability [Big Bang], can make Su Yang perfect remote killing, and can also locate the person he cares about.

Su Yang thinks…this ability is very good!

Why did you only give the evaluation of E-rank?

Su Yang is a little puzzled.

Since the new ability has been obtained, Su Yang of course plans to give it a try. He plans to play this game with Tang Xiaomi and then plant a bomb on Tang Xiaomi.

He didn’t want to kill Tang Xiaomi, but he wanted to locate the location of Brat at any time in the future. When the time comes, he is not afraid of her being lost.

What should I do if Brat always misses? Just tie a bomb to your body. cough cough …

Thinking so, Su Yang went downstairs to find Tang Xiaomi to test this silver ability.

Out of the virtual space, and downstairs, Tang Xiaomi and Brat are still playing with Xiao Liu Jin Beast.

Recently, with Liujin Beast, Tang Xiaomi has no idea about Gu Lu and Xiaodao Ji. And these two Little Brat dont seem to want Tang Xiaomi either. They took No.17, No.18 and Little Ha to go out together for an adventure…

Yes, they just left the yard and went to the island outside the yard. , According to Xiaodao Ji… they are surviving on an isolated island.

Well… a little blind and a little “dumb” took a group of weird guys out on an expedition. It’s not wrong to say survival on an isolated island.

When I came to Tang Xiaomi and sat down, Su Yang touched Tang Xiaomis head and said gently, “Xiaomi, let’s play a game?”

Tang Xiaomi He glanced at Su Yang, clenched the little Liu Jin beast in his hand, and looked at him vigilantly, “Are you not hitting my little silver idea?”

Xiao Yin? You should be talking about the Little Liu Jin Beast, right?

Su Yang said, “I gave you the little silver, how could it be an idea.”

Tang Xiaomi gave Su Yang a sideways look, “Then you are very naive Now, how old, and still playing games with the little child.”

Su Yang:…

Is he despised?

This must be despised!

Didn’t expect that I still have a day despised by Brat!

Thinking about this, Su Yang is no longer pretending to be gentle, and knocks on Brat’s head directly, “Do you play or not!”

Tang Xiaomi Was yelled by Su Yang “hit”, clutching his head and shouted, “I play! I play! I can’t play!”

Seeing Su Yang stopped the movement in her hand, she was cautiously He glanced at Su Yang and said aggrievedly, “Mommy said that you can’t always hit the head. If you break it, you won’t be smart.”

Su Yang “tsk”, “This is right. You are not applicable. You are overly smart now.”

“And…” Su Yang took out a set of three-deficiency oral liquid from his pocket, “You have Jiadian oral liquid! Jiadian oral liquid Liquid, promote growth, enhance development, improve IQ, home travel, and a necessary medicine for murder and arson.”

Tang Xiaomi:…

“Su Yang, we dont have any Camera, what are you doing with commercials?”

Su Yang:…

This child with no sense of humor.

Forget it, let’s use the ability directly.

Thinking about this, Su Yang also became serious. He said to Tang Xiaomi, “Come and play Truth or Dare.”

Tang Xiaomi looked at Su Yang twice, Seeing that Su Yang had been insisting, she was sighed and helplessly said, “Okay. Let’s play.”

As Tang Xiaomi confirmed to participate in the game, Su Yang suddenly realized that everything in front of her Changed…

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