After all, nothing can compare to the system.

So Su Yang rubbed Tang Xiaomi’s hair without the slightest hesitation, and dropped the sentence, “You can play by yourself. I have something wrong.” Then he slipped back to the room.

Coming to the room, Su Yang chose the golden spot without the slightest hesitation. Suddenly, a translucent “+” sign appeared on the system interface.

Su Yang clicked the plus sign.

As Su Yang chose to add points, suddenly, a strong orange light broke out in his body. At that moment, Su Yang screamed “ge-deng” in his heart, and yelled badly.

Sure enough, with his body as the center, a loud noise of “bang!” suddenly erupted, followed by a terrifying wave of air, “Stab, ka-cha ~” room All the glass inside shattered, even the table and bed were lifted off.

After the air wave, Su Yang surrounded a golden transparent sphere, the sphere slowly contracted, and it fell on Su Yang to become a densely packed light net, and then entered Su Yang’s body.

Su Yang was startled, and quickly touched his body. After finding that there was nothing abnormal, he quickly called out the system again. As a result, the system list not at all appeared, only a picture of a light cocoon floating quietly in the air appeared.

And there is a countdown on the light cocoon: 2:59:58.

As time changes, this countdown also, 2:59:57, 2:59:56 beating…

This is not a natural phenomenon that appears after item +3 ? It didn’t expect system +3 to be the same…

The scene of system plus 3 was similar to that of ordinary items, or the scene of little monster +3, which surprised Su Yang a bit.

After being surprised, Su Yang called Little Di quickly, “Little Di, Little Di, are you there?”

Little Dis voice rang in his ears, “Master, what’s the matter?”

Su Yang felt at ease, “It’s okay.”

The reason why he is at ease is because he is completely relieved.

Because… he had always thought that all the things he added depend on the system, but now it seems that when the system is not available, other items and little monsters are not affected, then Explain that in addition to the function of the system itself, other things are independent after adding some points.

Thinking about this, Su Yang tried the bronze ability [painting ability], but found that his painting ability still exists, and he used the silver ability [fiddle with the hands of fate] and special item [eat The iron pot of grass], it turns out that it can still be used.

Su Yang is completely relieved.

He is not afraid of accidents during these 3 hours when the system cannot be used, but his personality likes to take precautions: since 3 hours will be added when +3, then +4 in the future, + What about 5? Will it take a long time?

What if the system suddenly freezes for 3 days like this silver ability, and all the little monsters and special items cannot be used, what should I do?

So Su Yang must study clearly in advance.

Fortunately, all the added items and abilities are separated from the system. Su Yang is relieved.

Just when he was relieved, suddenly his room door was knocked, and a milky voice came from outside the door, “Su Yang, what are you doing? Why did it explode? Are you here? Do you want to be a nuclear reactor?”

Su Yang:…

What’s all this?

He opened the door and saw Tang Xiaomi standing outside the door, a pair of smart eyes looking into the house with curiosity.

Maybe she saw the mess in the room, she couldn’t help but said curiously, “Is there a bomb in your room?”

Su Yang touched her head, “It’s okay. Something went wrong.”

Tang Xiaomi’s eyes lit up and she asked cutely, “Do you need my help?”

Su Yang looked at her vigilantly, “No need, Thank you.”

As he said, “Peng” closed the door with a beep.

The sound of Tang Xiaomi slamming the door came from outside the door, “Ahhh! Su Yang! Let me play together!”

Su Yang inside the house revealed a “Sure enough “Such” expression: He knew that Little Brat’s intentions were not pure, and it must be so proactive about the super power genius.

Ignoring Tang Xiaomis cry outside the door, Su Yang released a few demon beans and asked them to clean up the room, while he himself took a chair and sat aside, opening the circle of friends Watch, kill time.

The first circle of friends belongs to Liu Ru, the host of [Interview Liu Ru]. After Su Yang got off the show that day, the two people added WeChat friends according to normal social etiquette.

This kind of WeChat friend Su Yang has added a lot, usually it is a polite addition, but it may not be a word for a lifetime. Even when I see it occasionally, I still wonder: Huh? Who is this guy?

In Liu Rus new circle of friends, she is sitting on the tatami in her home, drinking coffee, and playing with the computer photos, highlighting an artistic conception and petty bourgeoisie.

She had a very good week. The ratings of Su Yang, which she and Sashas parents pushed forward, finally exploded, making her position in the station more stable, and even faintly rising. a lot of.

The entire program team also became proud of Su Yang’s program.

Moreover, audiences don’t just watch one episode of the show and leave, so they also quickly made a special plan related to artificial intelligence, which was broadcast this week, leaving a large number of viewers.

This caused Liu Ru and the program crew to be very grateful to Su Yang. They called specifically to invite Su Yang to have a meal, but Su Yang couldn’t see it at the time, so they declined.

The second circle of friends belonged to Li Runze. Perhaps because of the Su Yang incident, Li Runze seemed to be more interested in artificial intelligence. He focused on artificial intelligence, and the circle of friends was all All kinds of incomprehensible codes and emotions.

Su Yang feels that when Little Di can appear in the real world, after the artificial intelligence laboratory is formally established, Li Runze can be absorbed.

After all, Li Runze was a genius who shocked Little Di.

Moreover, Little Di has 8 cores, but it is not an infinite core. With genius to help, it is faster than her own research.

Thinking about this, Su Yang continued to scroll down. The third… is Xu Lu’s.

Xu Lu spent the past few days very moisturized and comfortable, not because of anything else, because she made money!

This World Who doesn’t like money?

Everyone likes it.

Even Su Yang, who has a system, cannot do without the influence of money. Think about how he cheated Qu Xiaomeng for 21 yuan.

And Xu Lu the past few days not only made money, but also made money!

She finally realized what a real exponential explosion is! She finally knew why Su Yang was getting more and more money! I finally know which thigh I will hold for the rest of my life!

Because of the lessons learned last time, Xu Lu strictly followed Su Yang’s instructions for stock trading the past few days.

I bought [Beihe Huachuang] on the first day, and then it rose tepidly…0.3%, but Su Yang said that this is a position, dont worry, the daily limit will only be on the 2nd day .

So she waited in front of the computer early on the 2nd day, wanting to see if she could get the daily limit.

The result… just one minute, the daily limit is reached.

At that time Xu Lu exploded.

But it’s not over yet. On Friday of the 3rd day, the stock once again rose by the limit. Two consecutive daily limits brought the amount in Xu Lu’s account to more than 24,000.

The speed of making money is shocking to her.

She actually wanted to continue to hold this stock, but in the detailed plan that Su Yang sent her, it clearly stated that the stock must be sold on Friday for another stock Zhongxing Electronics.

Xu Lu hesitated and hesitated again. In the end, her trust in Su Yang overwhelmed her sensibility. She finally sold it at the daily limit and bought [Zhongxing Electronics].

Sure enough, [Beihe Huachuang] Not long after she was sold, the daily limit was opened by a huge selling order. Although the follow-up was quickly returned, it still made her feel relieved: She felt Su Yang judged Correct.

The next fourth and fifth day is the weekend. The stock market is closed and there is no way to buy or sell. Xu Lu could only be anxious there, looking forward to coming soon on Monday.

I just looked forward to it for two days. On the sixth day, Monday, as soon as the market opened, Xu Lu habitually took a look at [Beihe Huachuang], and it turned out… it was still the daily limit.

At that moment, the regret in Xu Lu’s heart: Why did the daily limit stop again! Why did you sell it yourself! Did Su Yang make a mistake in his judgment?

She looked at another stock again, and found that this stock had been fluctuating up and down, and she could not see any signs of a daily limit.

In such a comparison, the second stock is far worse than the first!

The most distressing thing in the stock market is not falling, but running short. Because it will make people feel endless regret.

Xu Lu is in this situation.

But the sale has been completed and there is no way to regret it, so she can only comfort herself that she has made at least 4,000 yuan in frustration, neither loss nor loss.

With this idea, she packed up and went to class.

As a result… After she finished the class, she opened the stock trading software at 4pm and found that at 2pm, when the market was about to close, [Zhongxing Electronics] actually bought a huge amount of money. The bargaining chip was directly sealed to the daily limit.

At that moment, Xu Lu no longer had any doubts about Su Yang! I just want to fall under Su Yang and follow Su Yang every day to make money!

Next, on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, Zhongxing Electronics will have a daily limit for three consecutive days. There is no slightest decline.

Beijing Huachuang has already opened the daily limit as early as Tuesday, and it directly fell the limit. This made Xu Lu more convinced of Su Yang’s vision!

She feels that Su Yang is simply a stock god!

This kind of ultra-short-line high-frequency operation is almost like having the ability to predict.

ninth day, that is, today, Friday, this stock opened the daily limit, but Xu Lu is extremely calm, because in Su Yang’s plan, this stock can still be held.

Sure enough…After fully changing hands, the stock once again rose to the limit. This means that people who had low-priced chips in their hands before almost realized and left the market this round, while those who entered the market had high stock chips and had to continue the daily limit to get profits.

To put it bluntly, the stock’s potential has not yet been exhausted, and there will be another round of daily limit.

At this time, Xu Lu looked at the account and found that the total amount of her account had reached 39121!

She nearly doubled her funds in just one week!

What a terrifying number this is!

So vanity asked Xu Lu to send a screenshot of her account to show off. Tell me about her brilliant record: 7 days 7 daily limit, double the funds!

Seeing Xu Lus thanks in friends and the screenshots, Su Yang indifferently clicked a thumbs-up, indicating that he had read it.

After clicking like, Su Yang did not continue to read Moments, but quit WeChat and opened his stock trading software.

His stocks are all operated by Little Di, so he doesn’t know how much he earns now.

But in his opinion, since Xu Lu has earned so much, he should only have a lot more, right?

Thinking about this, Su Yang opened his stock account curiously, and then took a look.

Just that glance, Su Yang’s mouth slowly opened, and his eyes couldn’t hide the surprise.

70.25 million!

How is it possible!

Look at the appalling numbers in the account!

Su Yang was stunned!

More than 70 million shares! I actually made 35 million in just one week! Funds doubled? !

When I saw the screenshot of Xu Lu just now, Su Yang actually didn’t feel anything, because with his current status and income, tens of thousands of dollars was a small amount of money.

He even wanted to laugh a little: After all, he was so happy after making more than ten thousand, and he also posted to his circle of friends to show off…

Now it is his turn…


Fuck! Must post to Moments! Lao Tzu is a stock god!

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