Before, Su Yang had put down his vision of positioning at Lin Jialis house, now its time to travel to the past and try it.

Thinking like this, Su Yang Sanque replied, “I’ll call you later, and I need you to call my name again.”

Sanque is slowly mixing potions, even if he becomes a fairy, Everything is so stable and…slow.

His hand is like the most precise machine, he steadily pours the medicine into the measuring cup, then takes a closer look, then slowly picks up a series of notes and writes down a series of data.

Looking at his movements, it was as if he saw a big smelly and hard rock.

Su Yang finished speaking for three seconds, Sanque slowly put down the pen in his hand, nodded, “Okay.”

Su Yang’s breath for those three seconds There is no panting. If it werent for the slow changes in Sanques movements, Su Yang would have thought Time Freeze…

After receiving Sanques answer, Su Yang without the slightest Hesitation uses the [multiple eyes] ability in [Binocular Eyes Shuttle Time].

As he used his abilities, everything around him slowly turned black. For a moment, his surroundings were completely plunged into darkness. He felt that his body was slowly rising, waiting for him The darkness dissipated, and a huge map appeared in front of him. It was a map of the entire country: a rooster standing in the east.

At the same time, a golden eyeball lit up from the east side of the rooster’s belly and neck, and there was a red five-pointed star on the east side of the eyeball.

Su Yang took a look, and his good geographical knowledge told him that the golden eyeball on the neck should be the position of the Imperial Capital, and the eyeball with the five-pointed star on the east side should be the position of Shanghai.

This should indicate the position of one’s own body and [Locating Eye].

Su Yang’s mind selected the eyeball of the imperial capital, and suddenly, the golden eyeball with the red five-pointed star rose to the sky and merged with Su Yang. Then Su Yang felt like he was burning all over The flames, and then whizzed towards the [Eye of Positioning] towards the Imperial Capital.

Across the ten thousand li clear sky, the scene in the sky can hardly be taken with the most beautiful lens: a plane still in the sky, a sea of still clouds, a still bird, still bright sunshine and stillness Rainbow…

Su Yang didn’t appreciate these wonderful scenes enough, he came to the sky above the imperial capital.

When he arrived in the imperial capital, his speed was also much slower. If his original speed was almost a rocket lift-off, then it is now the speed of an airplane.

But even then Su Yang is still fast.

In a moment, he flew to the high-end apartment building where Lin Jiali lived.

Coming to the roof of Lin Jiali’s apartment building, Su Yang’s body sank suddenly and began to descend.

When Su Yang arrived, he felt as if he didn’t have any entity, and his whole person just dazzled golden light and landed straight from the top of the building.

With the decrease in height, his speed is getting slower and slower. When he enters Lin Jiali’s bathroom, he is like jumping off a chair and entering the [Eye of Positioning].

A golden light flashed by, and Su Yang successfully came to Lin Jialis bathroom.

Lin Jiali was not in the bathroom. Su Yang slowly opened the sliding door and went to the toilet, which was empty.

Su Yang is relieved a lot.

He opened the door of the toilet quietly and looked out. Lin Carrie was doing yoga in the living room.

As a female celebrity who wants to be popular, Carrie Lin still has high requirements for her body shape and face, but today she is hungry and has a [grazing iron pot] cooking delicious , So she accidentally ate too much. This caused Su Yang to start exercising as soon as she left.

She changed into tight-fitting yoga clothes, and then sat on a yoga mat to stretch her body.

Her girlfriend Han Yi skipped ballet and swam before entering the showbiz, so she is in good shape, and Lin Jiali is not bad. Su Yang remembered that when the CEO of the economic company gave him the resume of the owner of the company, he paid special attention to Lin Jiali.

Before entering the entertainment industry, Lin Jiali studied…gymnastics, so her lines are actually very beautiful.

This can be seen from her body displayed on the yoga mat.

That stretching movement, that beautiful figure, and the bumps and camel fingers outlined by the tight yoga clothes…Su Yang:? ?

what the hell, what I saw!

Does this female celebrity wear…

And still don’t wear it up and down!

Do not look at evil, dont look at evil.

Su Yang took out his cell phone while chanting… and sent a message to Little Di.

Su Yang asked her to tell Azure Bamboo and use [Raincoat who likes bad weather].

For a moment, Su Yang felt a basin of water poured on his head, he felt a cold body, and knew that the ability had taken effect: he was invisible.

He went back to the toilet and took a photo in front of the vanity mirror. He really lost his body.

After confirming that he was invisible, Su Yang walked out of the room with confidence. He strolled around Lin Jialis house and admired her beautiful posture. Then when Lin Jiali adjusted, he quietly Slid to the door, made a slit, then flashed out of the room.

With a sound of “ka-cha ~”, the door closed.

Hearing the sound coming from the door, Lin Jiali stopped on the ground, turned her head and took a look, and found that everything was normal and nothing happened.

If it is an ordinary person, she might even check to see if something went wrong, but Lin Jiali just glanced at it, then retracted her nice eyes, and then continued to do yoga.

Out of Lin Jiali’s room, Su Yang released his invisibility, got off the building of Lin Jiali’s apartment, and had a good time in the imperial capital.

It wasn’t until the night that he found a secluded place without anyone, asked Sanque to call his name again, and then returned to Shanghai through [Descending].

This kind of shopping in the Imperial Capital in the afternoon and returning to Shanghai to live in the evening is obviously very comfortable.

Su Yang even thought about it, as long as he wants to, he can establish his own “base” all over the world.

When the time comes, I can really have breakfast in Times Square in New York in the morning, lunch in Tokyo with cherry blossoms at noon, read a book in Charing Cross Street in London in the afternoon, and afternoon tea in the evening. A wasted candlelight dinner next to the Iron Pagoda in Paris. Wait till night and then go back to sleep in the Shanghai villa.

tsk tsk, this is the real enjoyment.

The world will come in one day.

Moreover, with this ability, my own safety has been guaranteed to the utmost. If I can’t mess with myself, I will fly away straight away: Your missiles are not as fast as my teleportation.

Su Yang feels elated.

But… if there were more [Positioning Eyes], it would be better. Now there are only seven, which is not enough. Su Yang feels a little bit inadequate for the places that he frequently visits in China.

Moreover, I can only fly three times a day, which is a bit less…

It would be great if I could upgrade…When will I get another [Silver Ability Enhancement Coupon]!

Su Yang went to school for the next two days, took a class, and then left the school before the head of the institute found him.

This time back to school, Su Yang found out that he really became an influential figure.

After all these days of reports, Su Yang’s use of artificial intelligence has become well-known throughout the country, and Shanghai as his city has been affected too much.

Besides, the students already knew Su Yang’s deeds under the influence of their ears and eyes. As a result, the school leaders asked the students to watch Su Yang’s interview, which made Su Yang’s popularity reach its peak.

This time Su Yang is famous not because of the entertainment method of singing, nor the way of showing off his wealth, but because of “even if you make money, dont forget to help everyone, take the initiative to initiate As a qualified entrepreneur for a public welfare undertaking. And he is an entrepreneur of a “high-tech leader”.

So in addition to envy, everyone looked towards Su Yang also had a lot of admiration.

While this makes Su Yang feel enjoyable, he also decides that he must use various items. The little monsters will make the company bigger and stronger, so that the whole world cannot do without his ideas.

Saturday morning, Su Yang got up early, this time not because of the influence of [Three Days and Two Sleeps Halo], but because he was really excited. Because after a weeks outbreak, the number of people affected by Su Yangs golden mission finally reached 99,500 points

Although the number of people affected by the [Finding Angels] project is no longer that many, according to Su Yang’s calculations are estimated to be completed in half a day, and he can’t wait to complete the golden mission!

Because he got up early, Su Yang didnt let Tang Jing cook anymore. Instead, he used the [grazing iron pot] to cook a hearty breakfast, with fried eggs and boiled Eggs, poached eggs, fried dough sticks, soy milk, tofu brain…etc.

So when Tang Jing got up and saw a table of food, she was shocked.

But when someone cooks up in the morning, of course he is happy, so this morning Su Yang faces Tang Jing’s gentle smiling face.

After Tang Jing left, Su Yang opened the system interface and stayed at the front left of his line of sight, and then played with Tang Xiaomi all morning.

Finally, at 11:30 noon, the number of people affected by the golden mission jumped to 100,000.

[Golden Mission: The Peak Road (3)]

Mission goal: Lead your business to influence 100,000 people and make them make good changes.

The completion of the task: 100000100000.

Looking at the number of people on the mission of 100,000, Su Yang knew that this marked the completion of his third golden mission!

I can finally get golden points, and finally can add points to the system for the third time, and finally can give a few monsters and items stuck at +3, +4 again!

Of course, the silver mission that he had already completed but not used can finally click to complete, and then draw his fourth silver mission!

At that moment, Su Yang felt that life had never been so beautiful.

drops! Golden Mission: The Road to Peak (3) is completed, please check the rewards.

Su Yang opened the system, then looked at the golden light gleaming task completion list above, rubbed his hands, swallowed saliva, and clicked [View Rewards].

[Drip: Golden Point +1.

Finally, we can add more points to the system!

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