Shanghai, a community not far from the villa area where Su Yang lives.

Xu Lu is living in this community.

In the early morning, Xu Lu got up early, poured herself a cup of hot water, and then brewed a cup of oatmeal. This is a habit she has developed recently: because she read a report on the Internet and said it was breakfast Girls who eat oatmeal are 30% more likely to be thinner than those who do not eat oatmeal.

The reason seems to be because oatmeal is rich in fiber, vitamin and minerals, anyway, many professional terms. She can’t understand.

But she thinks its okay if she doesnt understand, after all, no one can know everything, omnipotent. Just do what you dont know about.

For example… stocks.

the past few days, she never looked forward and backward like last time, doubts and doubts, but directly bought Beihe Huachuang according to Su Yang’s account.

Although the cousins reminders have been around her ears, what kind of new scams, everything is fake, what kind of recommenders are liars, etc. But Xu Lu decided not to listen.

Because she believes in Su Yang.

She believes… If she loses, Su Yang will definitely give her a bite of food.

Sometimes she even thinks, if she loses money, she will rely on Su Yang, just to have the opportunity to contact Su Yang more.

At 9:20, the call auction, the Beihe Huachuang long-short game is serious, and it has been up and down, which is not stable. If it was Xu Lu before, maybe her heart would follow up and down.

But now she has a very good mentality. Anyway, all of her money, even with her previous cousin who looked pitiful to her, gave her several thousand yuan, a total of 20,000, all thrown into the stock. It’s too late to regret. Because according to the “plan” that Su Yang told her, today there will be big funds to boost Beihe Huachuang.

Even if it didn’t rise, it fell to the limit, and now it can’t run.

So Xu Lu calmly finished the cereal. At 9:30, the market opened.

At the moment when the market opened, Beihe Huachuang was like a starter installed, and it went straight up. In just one minute, all the stocks of pending orders were swept away.

A super-large order was directly linked to the daily limit, and then the daily limit was sealed to death.

Before Xu Lu could react, the profit and loss of her stock today changed from 0 to +2047.

This…is this the daily limit?

Even with countless psychological preparations, Xu Lu still couldn’t believe her eyes at the moment when things happened.

She rubbed her eyes and looked at her account with a little surprise. The total amount of her account clearly changed from 20035 to 22082: This is not a dream! This is real!

Xu Lu’s heart was beating “peng peng”, and the hand holding the oatmeal trembled slightly.

Half a while, she swallowed, then put down the cereal in her hand, and clicked on the stock analysis of her stock trading software.

This half a month, she actually studied stocks hard with her cousin, so although she is not very good at analysis, she will still look at the analysis of software.

The software showed that the main inflow of Beihe Huachuang was only over 10 million. And the main force inflow was not much a few days ago. As of yesterday, the stock software gave a diagnosis result of 60 points, which is only recommended for long-term holding.

Xu Lu snort disdainfully, these softwares are indeed deceptive. This is the daily limit, only 60 points.

Sure enough, a real trader expert will not let retail investors and software notice a lot of traces. Only when they really exert their power will they amaze the world with a single brilliant feat.

Thinking of this, Xu Lu hurriedly called Su Yang to express her thanks…

I received Xu Lu Su Yang on the phone is now helping in Sanques health care products factory. This time Sanque actively sought Su Yangs help: because the first batch of Jiadian oral liquid was finally successfully accomplished and mass-produced.

The first batch of oral liquid is not much. There are only about 100 boxes. Su Yang is going to mail some back to his parents and let them drink every day, and then give one point to his friends and company employees, which can be regarded as “buying people’s hearts”, and then give the channel business and open it. market.

These channels are all left by the original health care product company. During this time, Su Yang also asked Xiao Baozi Li Zijun to recruit some people for the health care product company. In addition to attacking Sanque, he also maintained The relationship between those channel vendors.

When Xu Lu called, Su Yang had just cleared the oral liquid.

After answering the phone, Xu Lu’s slightly charming voice came from the phone, “Junior Brother ~!”

Su Yang asked, “What’s wrong?” “

An unconcealed surprise in Xu Lu’s voice, “The stock you recommended to me has a daily limit!”

Hearing this news, Su Yang serene, “Oh. Normal. Me.” Everyone said that it will have a daily limit.”

After saying that, he thought about it, and he was afraid that Xu Lu would sell it halfway, so he warned repeatedly, “You strictly follow what I said. Dont do it yourself. “

Xu Lu is very well-behaved this time, “Don’t worry. I will definitely do what you said!”

Hang up the phone, Su Yang asked Little Di to take a look. With his own income, Su Yang made a full profit of 3.5 million, and now the total market value has reached 38.5 million.

Su Yang shook his head: Making money is always so boring and boring. Not good, not good.

He is not pretending to be forced, but his realm has improved a lot. Knowing that people who start an Early-Stage business like himself, in fact, it is best not to make “quick money”. People are lazy. If you get used to making quick money, you will no longer like to make money on the ground.

And this is terrifying.

After really becoming bigger and stronger, just thinking about making quick money, not doing research and development, or product iteration will soon be eliminated.

Of course…Speaking of which, since the money has been delivered to the door, you still have to make money, cough cough.

So Su Yang asked Little Di to stay the same as the original plan, but asked Little Ha to smell a few stocks every night. Dont cause the “future” to happen because of the increasing amount of funds. Variety.

After all, his current capital is nearly 40 million, and it will soon reach the level of 50-60 million. Once bought and sold, it will have a great impact on the market value of the stock.

And Su Yang himself…returned home with the oral liquid made by Sanque, and began to make phone calls.

“Hello? Mom? My company has acquired an oral liquid company. I personally check it out. I feel that this oral liquid is very good. I will mail two boxes to you and my dad. You two must drink every day.”

“Its not a lie! How could this be a lie. This is a product of your sons company. Who can harm my parents if I harm? Bah, I wont harm others. My mother.”

Speaking of which, Su Yang’s parents finally agreed to accept the oral liquid, and agreed to drink it everyday all.

Su Yang feels that if he has extra [Silver Ability plus points] must give [absolute verbal contract plus points], when the time comes a few more positions, sign a contract for his parents, let them drink everyday all .

After all, this is an oral solution diluted with ginseng soup from a person with three defects. Even if it is diluted too many times, the effect is reduced a lot, but if you drink it for a long time, it can strengthen your body and repair the damage little by little.

Its really good.

After calling his parents, Su Yang started the gift package delivery again. One box contains three large boxes of oral liquid, beautifully packaged and looks very high-end, and there are 48 bottles in one box.

Su Yang gave a box to each employee of several companies, 70 people from Qidian business company, 43 people from film and television company, 56 people from brokerage company, and 7 people from health product company. This is 176 boxes. Then 50 boxes are gone.

Followingly, Su Yang gave Lin Jiali, Pan Zhaodi, Xu Lu, Han Yi, Li Runze, Teacher Old Zhou of China Modern History, and Qu Xiaomeng each gave a box.

Then Su Yang thought for a while, and gave Ying Shao, Jiang Yan from Jiang Family, and Lu Fatty a box.

Lu Fatty is congenial, Ying Shao has given himself that many benefits after all, and if there are good things, you should think about him.

And Jiang Yan…Its Su Yang who feels that although this girl is a bit arrogant, she doesnt seem to be bad, and she blackmailed her by relying on the video, and sent her lover to prison. Most of the thoughts of the children of the Aristocratic Family will follow up with revenge.

Su Yang has always been prepared to deal with her revenge, and the result…not at all.

This shows that this person is honest and good character. If you lose, you lose, and you won’t find compensation afterwards.

Su Yang admires Aristocratic Family children like Ying Shao and Jiang Yan. So giving them a copy is also a reward for myself. As for whether they drink it or not, it has nothing to do with Su Yang.

Su Yang is very “Buddha” now, not that he has started to salt fish. It’s because he feels that everything is going to happen. Since the treasure is given, it’s up to them to be sure of it.

Others are not his parents, and he doesnt have to force them to drink…

In addition to these people, Su Yang left two boxes for Chuxia for Tang Jing I left two boxes with Tang Xiaomi, and these all are Su Yang intends to give them personally.

As for the remaining first batch of oral liquid, Su Yang has already let the company’s sales start to be sent to the distributors. There are not many distributors of health care products that should be left to Su Yang, only provincial-level, but there are also twenty. So this giveaway is twenty boxes.

Su Yang intends to wait for the feedback from his friends, and then officially launch it on the market!

He hopes to help more people with this health product: Then…complete his golden mission.

According to his idea, now he is only 65,000 people short of completing the task. If he only needs to drink his Sanque oral liquid, even if it is well affected, then… only ten About 10,000 boxes, it is estimated that the task can be completed!

After finishing the busy day and all the gifts were mailed out by SF Express, Su Yang lay on the sofa and watched Tang Xiaomi playing Liujin Beast next to him.

During this time, Tang Xiaomi seems to be fascinated by Liujin Beast. He holds a Liujin Beast every day, and gives her a gu lu without changing it.

As he watched, the sound of a sports car engine rang from the villa garage. For a moment, Tang Jing ran in in a panic.

Su Yang looked towards Tang Jing a little curiously, and asked, “What’s wrong, Sister Jing? Have you met the gangster?”

Tang Jing couldn’t even bother to speak, Without changing his shoes, he ran over and grabbed Su Yang and said, “Su Yang! Something happened!”

Su Yang suddenly felt in his heart and asked quickly, “What’s the matter?”

What he thought immediately in his heart was: Did Tang Jing’s dad come here? Or maybe her stepmother went to the company to make trouble?

As a result, things completely exceeded Su Yang’s expectations.

Tang Jing took a few big breaths and recovered herself, then she said to Su Yang, “The child is lost!”

The child is lost?

Su Yang looked towards Tang Xiaomi, who had to hide the Liujin beast in his pocket because his mother came, and it was very innocent, with a question mark on his face: Is this child not here?

Tang Jing followed Su Yang’s gaze and looked over, and then the expression on her face became more anxious, she quickly explained, “It’s not Xiaomi! It’s Xiaomi’s classmate Sasha!”

Then Tang Jing tried to use short language to tell the whole story:

Sa Sa is the little girl Tang Xiaomi contacted a few days ago, Tang Xiaomis best friend. The two have a good relationship. In the kindergarten all day long. This is also a good relationship with Tang Jing and Sa Sas mother. The two parents added WeChat and shared their parenting experience with each other.

Today Tang Jing got off work at 8:30 and was driving home when she suddenly received a call from Sasha’s mother. On the phone, Sasa’s mother couldn’t cry anymore. Tang Jing said for a long time before she understood: Sasa was lost.

After the kindergarten was over, Sa Sas mother took Sa Sa to eat out. After eating, when she was walking in the night market, there was a flow of people, and suddenly she could not find Sa Sa.

Sa Sas mother was in a hurry at the time, but there were too many people in the night market, and she couldnt find it in the night market.

At the time, she also reported the idea of “The child may not be able to find himself, go back to the parking place”, but she couldn’t find it after going to the parking place.

She had no choice but to tell her family the news quickly and let them come to the night market to look for it.

As a result, two hours later, no one was found.

At this time, Sasha’s mother was completely panicked and could only call the police.

After the police came, it was a headache to investigate the whole story, because the night market has complicated personnel, heavy traffic, and no monitoring. Where can I find it? So you can only call nearby monitors to find out.

It was around 9 o’clock in the evening, when Sasa’s mother was still watching the surveillance, she suddenly remembered Tang Jing. Because she suddenly remembered that when she was chatting before, Tang Jing once said that Tang Xiaomi was lost once, Tang Jing was scared to death, and all kinds of alarms and people were not found.

Finally, I found a fortune teller who was very accurate. I figured out that Tang Xiaomi hid in his villa in the outer suburbs. I went to see it and it was really there!

When Tang Jing talked about this, he was actually trying to praise Tang Xiaomi for his cleverness and his ability to run home from Dinini alone. As a result, he didn’t expect to let Sasha mother remember the fortune-telling.

Poor parents in the world, all parents are really willing to grab any life-saving straw when they lose their child. So at this time, she didn’t care what the family thought, so she quickly called Tang Jing, hoping that Tang Jing could introduce the fortune teller to her.

Tang Jing has seen a lot of Salsa, and likes this cute little girl like Salsa, so she was shocked when she heard it. She was almost home at the time, so she didn’t have time to call Su Yang, and drove home with the accelerator, and came to Su Yang in person.

After listening to Tang Jings description, Su Yang is not in a hurry, Tang Xiaomi is in a hurry, she stood up, her big eyes were all worried, “Sasha! Sasha is lost!?”

Tang Jing looked at her worriedly, and then nodded.

Tang Xiaomi cried out with “wa!”

Today, 4 chapters and 2 chapters will be added. 4000 words per chapter.

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