Su Yang didn’t waste time, directly facing the system interface in front of him, clicked the [Submit] button.

Suddenly, three prompts popped up in front of him:

[The use of incomplete materials was detected]

[The use of more precious materials was detected.

Special item will give birth to additional abilities, innate talent or more unknown changes. Confirm to submit].

Su Yang, [Confirm].

Suddenly, the golden spoon, smelting furnace, and all the crafting tools disappeared out of thin air.

For a moment, a beautifully crafted golden spoon appeared out of thin air in the air, and it fell to the ground with a loud cry…

According to the previous practice, Su Yang did not go Picking up the spoon, he also told the little monsters not to move the spoon, and then left the virtual space.

Generally speaking, there will be an interval of ten minutes from the appearance of the special item to the appearance of the attribute panel. If it was the former Su Yang, maybe he would go online, make phone calls, and kill him.

But now Tang Xiaomi is at home, Su Yang of course is going to accompany the lovely Xiaomi.

Out of the virtual space, downstairs, Tang Xiaomi is playing with Liujin Beast.

The Liujin Beast is really a timid creature. It dared not keep its original shape in Tang Xiaomi’s hands. It just turned into a pool of liquid metal and waited quietly, just like he did. Not like a life: this should also be a disguise for it to protect itself.

As a result, didnt expect Tang Xiaomi to be particularly interested in this kind of golden beast. It was squeezed into a rectangle, a ball was squeezed, and it was shot on the ground again. It’s so fun.

Anyway, Liujin Beast resisted creation, Su Yang let her play. _

When he came to Tang Xiaomi, Su Yang sat down and asked, “Is it fun?”

Tang Xiaomi blinked those big eyes, nodded again and again, “Fun! “

But after finishing speaking, she rolled her eyes, stopped the movement in her hand, and asked Su Yang, “Su Yang, can you lend me your phone?”

Su Yang asked curiously, “What do you want your mobile phone for?”

Tang Xiaomi said, “I want to call a friend of mine.”

Su Yang wondered, “Friend Do you still have friends?”

Tang Xiaomi was nodded again and again, “Yes, it is my kindergarten friend.”

Su Yang only then remembered that Tang Xiaomi was killed by Tang Jing before. I was sent to the kindergarten to take care of it. It is estimated that I met children there. Later, because Tang Jing was kicked out and the deposits were gone, Tang Xiaomi was temporarily not allowed to go to kindergarten.

But… should all go to kindergarten children 5~6 years old, right? How could there be a cell phone?

Dont parents worry about their eyes?

While wondering, Su Yang took out Little Di and handed it to Tang Xiaomi.

Tang Xiaomi took Little Di with a small hand, with envy in his eyes, “Wow, it’s so beautiful.”

“Boom~” The image of Little Di appeared On the screen, she said with a laugh, “Xiaomi, you are also very beautiful~”

Tang Xiaomi opened her mouth wide and continued to marvel, “Wow. Isn’t this the beautiful sister I saw that day?”

Su Yang asked Little Di [projection] to come out two days ago, so Tang Xiaomi has seen it.

Su Yang touched her head, “Speak to Sister Little Di directly, and you can call.”

Tang Xiaomi eyes shined, and then said, “Little Di Sister. The phone number I want to call is 664616129.”

Little Di nodded, “Okay. Calling.”

“Du…du…du… .”

For a while, the phone was connected, and a young womans voice came from inside, “Hey. Hello.”

When Tang Xiaomi heard this voice, the expression on his face Suddenly became serious, and even his voice changed: pretending to be old, “Hello. Hello. Is it Teacher Chu?” The woman on the phone said, “Yes. It’s me. You.” Who is it?”

Tang Xiaomi said, “I’m Sasha, Yu Sasha’s sister. I have something to do with her, can it be convenient for her to answer the phone?”

Chu Teacher , “Oh, Sasa’s sister. Okay. Wait a minute.”

Then, there was the sound of female Teacher’s footsteps.

Su Yang:…

This ghostly…

For a moment, a milky voice sounded on the phone, “Hey Sister?”

Tang Xiaomi’s voice immediately returned to its original state, with excitement inside, “Sasha. I am Xiaomi!”

“Ah? Xiaomi. How did the Teacher tell me It’s my sister.”

Tang Xiaomi said, “Yes. I’m one day older than you, so it’s your sister!”

Su Yang:…

Next, Tang Xiaomi and Sa Sha, the kindergarten girlfriends, used Su Yang to chat with the female Teacher for almost half an hour.

Su Yang is dying of boredom on the sidelines. He now believes that girls, regardless of their age, like to talk on the phone… You see, even a kindergarten girl talks to her girlfriend for so long .

Finally waiting for Tang Xiaomi to finish talking, Su Yang feels like this is a waste of time! So he didn’t bother to continue to accompany Xiaomi this girl, he took the phone, and after a few words to Xiaomi, he went back upstairs and returned to the virtual space.

Half an hour has passed. So when he returned to the front yard and turned on the system, the golden spoon on the ground suddenly showed a system interface:

[Golden Spoon+1: Obtained special ability, the ability name is “Golden Spoon of a Woman Surnamed Pan” . ]

[Golden spoon of a woman surnamed Pan]

Ability: When you use this spoon to feed others, no one can refuse your “feeding”. It’s just that the effect of scooping into the opponent’s bowl is different from directly feeding the opponent with a spoon.

Limit 1: Use a spoon to scoop vegetables, soups, medicines, etc. into the opponent’s bowl. After the opponent eats it, the favorability will be +1. Limit 5 times a day.

Limit 2: Use a spoon to feed the other person directly to eat, the favorability must be +2, and the limit is 3 times a day.

Note 1: Da Lang, it’s time to drink soup.

Note 2: Why do you drink poison? Because I love you.

Note 3: What kind of poison is this? Love!

After reading the notes on this spoon, Su Yang’s first reaction was: Is this spoon still a “cultural relic”?

It feels a bit funny.

But…I got another thing that can add favorability. Su Yang feels that his progress in attacking Guo Xiaoying can be accelerated again!

Actually, Su Yang went out with Chuxia a few days ago, and wanted to turn on the favorability for Chuxia, but… when it came to turning on favorability, Su Yang hesitated.

Maybe Su Yang became indecisive because he cared about early summer. He wants to open the love degree for the early summer, and then he will play the early summer and unlock many, many gestures.

But… he didn’t want to hurt Chu Xia again.

Because he doesnt know how he feels about Chu Xia now, but Chu Xia is still a big girl with a yellow flower, and she has great youth. If he is turned on by himself like this, then he will attack… So in the future, I find that I don’t love early summer?

There is no props to wash love, what if you cant do without yourself in early summer?

Isn’t she ruined in her life?

Even if you dont think so for her, think selfishly, if after you attack her, you find that you dont love her, when the time comes, what should she do if she pesters herself?

So after thinking about it, Su Yang didn’t open up his emotions to Early Summer.

Maybe he can open up his emotions to a stranger or an ordinary friend, but he cant do it for early summer.

This may be because you care, but look forward and backward.

As for Guo Xiaoying’s favorability, Su Yang didn’t have any pressure. After all, he didn’t plan to chase Guo Xiaoying, just for the 1.3 billion big project, and it was friendship.

Now that I have obtained a new item, this girl has just dropped a lot of affection. It seems… it’s time to find a chance to have a meal with Guo Xiaoying.

When the time comes, feed her a few more spoons…

Thinking of this, Su Yang put the spoon up, out of the virtual space. He plans to meet Guo Xiaoying for dinner when he goes to school in a few days.

In the evening, Su Yang and Little Di talked about adding a short video function to the Find Me app. Little Di has set up the server and everything is his own, so I am fully capable of trying Make short videos.

Qu Xuan also found out the news and said that something went wrong. He said that Xue Ya and Guo Xiaoying had recently joined the student union and they signed up for the organization department, and the director of the organization department happened to be early summer…< /p>

Early summer may have heard about Guo Xiaoying and Su Yang before, and then didn’t even smile at Guo Xiaoying.

Guo Xiaoying is at a loss and doesn’t know how to provoke Early Summer. But with her female devil character, she definitely couldn’t bear it, so she went straight up to ask Chuxia.

As a result, although his attitude was poor in early summer, he was straightforward and upright in doing things. He had no good impression on Guo Xiaoying. It is said that Guo Xiaoying is too strict with his girlfriends. Everyone is an adult, not a child, and does not need a mother to be with her.

While someone is chasing after him, Guo Xiaoying can help Xue Ya check, or help out countermeasures, but he should not be forced to stop, let alone report to school leaders, making this a vicious incident.

Because of this incident, Su Yang almost got punished. This is something she cannot tolerate.

Although Chu Xia also said that she has a bad attitude, but her attitude is not good, but she will not wear small shoes to Guo Xiaoying, leaving Guo Xiaoying still depends on Guo Xiaoying’s function. And if Guo Xiaoying wants to transfer, she can also go and say hello to other ministers.

Guo Xiaoying’s temper was the first time she met such a strong girl, and she immediately jumped on the bar: he didn’t transfer to the department, but he wanted to stay in the department in early summer.

But judging from her expression and tone, she was really angry.

After Su Yang finished listening…just feel: Early summer is so awesome! Early summer is too domineering!

He really didn’t expect to have such a side in early summer. It’s amazing.

But this also told him: Asura field is going to die…Fortunately, it is not myself who died this time. cough cough.

So… he didn’t reply to Guo Xiaoying’s WeChat at all: When he was free, he would directly feed her two spoons of soup to add up his favorability. What WeChat reply!

Nothing happened in the next two days, everything was calm and tranquil, Sanques Jiadian Oral Liquid was being produced intensively, and the number of people affected by Su Yangs golden mission was constantly accumulating. 31,000 people have been completed unconsciously. There are 69,000 people left. The golden task is getting closer and closer.

3rd day, on Thursday, when the stock market opened, technology stocks exploded…

I will add more tomorrow, a total of 8,000 words, or Two chapters.

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