After Su Yang confirmed, a prompt sounded in his ear, “Di.”

A prompt box popped up in front of him,

[Cheating risk detected].

Su Yang, who has had the last experience, waited patiently.

Sure enough, for a moment, a prompt box popped out again in front of him,

[A short-term investment is detected, such as a forced lock-up for more than 15 days, it will be deemed as completing the silver task. Is it locked? ]

Su Yang chose [Yes] last time, this time I know there are other choices, of course I chose [No].

Sure enough, after choosing [No], he was reminded again, [Whether to choose a gambling agreement: In 15 days, the market value of the stock when the market is closed cannot be lower than the primordial principal. If the bet fails, double the silver points will be deducted. ]

Double the deduction of silver points…

It’s really not that simple.

But Su Yang, who is extremely confident in his vision and operation, chose [Yes] without the slightest hesitation.

With his final confirmation, the final reminder finally jumped out in front of him,

[D! The gambling agreement was successfully signed. “Silver Mission: Diversify Investment” is completed, please check the rewards.

Finally completed the silver mission!

Su Yang feels his whole person is exploded!

This should be his smoothest silver mission!


The silver tasks are all completed! Will the golden mission be far? !

Because there is no way to add a fourth point to himself now, Su Yang did not receive the reward of the silver task, but silently gave everything to Little Di, let Little Di watch the operation, and He himself is ready to complete the golden mission.

How to complete the golden mission?

Of course it depends on Sanques oral liquid! This was planned before!

So although Sanque was annoying Su Yang getting in the way, Su Yang still called Pan Zhaodi and asked her to pick herself up at Sanques health care product company.

Since Pan Zhaodi worked as a bodyguard for Su Yang, he was always on call and appeared very timely. As long as Su Yang finds her, she always arrives within 20 minutes.

Su Yang suspects that Pan Zhaodi should live near him, otherwise it is impossible to come so quickly.

While waiting for Pan Zhaodi, Su Yang lay on his back and rested in a chair: Directing Little Di to buy stocks is also very tiring, okay… After all, Su Yang wants to open his eyes to see. cough cough.

He is resting, while Lao Wu is chanting poems on his head, “The white jade is in the sky, the fifth floor is on the twelfth floor, and the fairy touches my head, and the hair will receive longevity~”

< p>Old Tung’s voice usually speaks like that of a male duck, but once he chants a poem, his voice becomes hoarse with vicissitudes of life. It makes people feel that the poetry is very charming. Su Yang couldn’t help being attracted by it.

After listening to Lao Wu finished reading the poem, Su Yang lifts the head to ask Lao Wu, “Old Wu, don’t talk about hair, you don’t even have the top of your head, how can the fairy touch you?”


The old tungsten light bulb flickered, and still replied with its mellow voice, “Zi said education for everyone, irrespective of background. Of course, the fairy does not care if I am a human or a light bulb.”

Su Yang:…

He said, “Where did you learn this set?”

Old Wu, “Book. Gorky once said: Books It is the ladder of human progress.”

Su Yang was completely convinced.

He moved towards Old Tungsten cupped the hands, saying that he was willing to bow down, and then slipped out of the room.

When I went downstairs, Pan Zhaodi also happened to be here.

She is still in that proper secretary outfit, as if she never changes clothes. Or maybe the clothes at home are all the same clothes…

She seems to be running all the way, with a trace of sweat on her forehead, but she looks not at all weak, only sassy and heroic .

Su Yang greeted her, then got into the back of the car, and Pan Zhaodi also took out the car keys and got on the car.

“Go to the health care products factory.”

Pan Zhaodi was nodded and started the car.

On the road, looking at the scenery that kept flashing outside the window, Su Yang’s thoughts diverged, he couldn’t help but think of his enchanting Senior Sister Xu Lu.

This Senior Sister bought stocks with him last time. It seems that he lost money in the end, right?

Su Yang recalled it, and it seemed that it was really the case: Xu Lu at first made money, but later because she was reluctant to sell, the next two days continued to limit down, not only lost the profit, but also Lost a lot of principal.

Although she lost money because of her own greed, she still has such a lost relationship with herself. Now she is trading in stocks again, shouldnt she also take her?

Thinking about this, Su Yang hesitated for a while, then took out Little Di and called Xu Lu.

“Beep…beep…beep…” The phone rang a few times and was quickly connected.

“Hello? Junior Brother. Are you looking for me?” Seeing that it was Su Yang calling herself, Xu Lu’s voice was full of joy.

Su Yang casually polite, “Yes, it’s me. The school has started recently, is Senior Sister busy?”

Xu Lu said with a smile, “It’s actually quite busy. But it’s also very fulfilling.”

Hearing Xu Lu’s The words mean more than they say, Su Yang couldn’t help asking, “Oh? What have you been doing recently?”

Xu Lu said, “I am the first batch of users of your search for me app. I at first just posted some beautiful selfies and photos on it, and then slowly a lot of fans followed me.”

“Recently, I posted some dancing animations on it. The number of fans has increased. I now have more than 3,000 fans.”

“You have no fake fans on this app. Dead fans are real fans. Im posting a status of hundreds of likes and more than a hundred comments. Its a little V.”

I heard Xu Lu say that, Su Yang couldn’t help but think of Xu Lu’s hobby who likes to post selfies in Moments. No wonder I haven’t seen her posting to Moments recently. It turned out to be posted on his own app.

Thinking of this, Su Yang couldnt help but said, Thats great. Congratulations.

Xu Lu whispered, Do you see if you can make your company operate more? Push me, I also want to be a little internet celebrity, when the time comes bring goods and make some money.”

In fact, the Xunwo app has always been operated by Little Di independently, without operation. team. But Xu Lu is an acquaintance, and this kind of no effort at all thing, Su Yang also casually agreed, “Okay, I will let the operation give you a certain exposure tilt, you will send me your account in a moment Right.”

“Okay, okay, giggle.” Xu Lu smiled happily, and she could hear her laughter even on the phone.

Next, Su Yang told her that she was preparing to trade in stocks again. Xu Lu heard this opportunity again and thanked her again. In her opinion, this was simply a good thing for her.

And this time she finally decided not to listen to her cousin, but to completely believe in Su Yang.

Because she has completely figured it out now: her own business is not losing money!

If you can make money in stocks, you will have more small coffers.

If you don’t make money, Su Yang will feel guilty about yourself, and you can also take this opportunity to get in touch with Su Yang more. Still earning!

Hang up the phone, Xu Lu sent her account of the find me app to Su Yang, and by the way, she also made a small comment: I suggest a short video function in the find me app, which can be more interesting . After all, in the Internet age, everyones traffic is cheaper, and they prefer to watch and share short videos.

One more such function can attract users more.

Su Yang just gave Xu Lu part of his stock trading plan and received Xu Lu’s message. He thought about it for a while, and it made sense. His masked singing vest happened to have a lot of fans on Douyin, and he completely guided these fans to his app.

As for why I didnt make short videos in the Find Me app before, the main reason is that the server is not its own, the bandwidth is not its own, and many things are expensive and inconvenient.

Now the artificial intelligence laboratory has been set up, and all kinds of hardware have been bought. In the early stage, it will be used as a server for the Find Me app, which can be used.

After Su Yang made a decision, the car also drove to the health care company.

Su Yang went in and checked, the health care products were already in production, and everything was in order.

As for the name of the oral liquid, it is also named Jiadian. It is unified with the group name. This is what Su Yang asked Wang Dong to drag people to find a relationship change.

Su Yang intends to change [Why try milk tea] and [Qidian Business Company] all to [Jiadian Milk Tea] and [Jiadian Business Company] to form a brand chain and form the most Important Jiadian Group.

Under Sanques blank eyes, Su Yang just stayed in the health care products factory for a day, and the result was obvious: just like Sanque said, there was no effect…

Midway, because of ask all sorts of questions, the three shortcomings almost exploded.

At the end of the day, Su Yang returned home covered in dirt, feeling not very beautiful.

What should I do if I am not beautiful?

Making formula items…

It happens that the formula items for this week have not been made yet, so do it and make yourself happy!

Thinking so, Su Yang opened the system store.

The system store opened, and this weeks products appeared:

Random point*666

Guardian God symbol*999

Unknown ability The Golden Spoon

Silver Ability Prayer Talisman

I go!

The moment Su Yang saw so many random points and Guardian God symbols in the system store, Su Yang was shocked!

Is something wrong with this system? Give yourself so many things?

Later, when he thought of giving himself more things and couldn’t afford it, Su Yang took this idea back.

Sure enough, bah, there is no time for this system to fail.

All the items in the last week were 0, and all the items in this week have exploded. Death due to drought, and death due to waterlogging. I don’t know how to adjust!

After Su Yang finished complaining about the random points and Guardian God talisman that had already exploded, looked towards the unknown item.

Well, the unknown items this week seem to be quite normal. A golden spoon…

Normal ass!

Why should it be golden?

Is there any difference between a gold spoon and a silver spoon?

Arent they all used for eating?

Could it be possible that Jins spoon can be broken and played?

Or allow yourself to perform magic tricks and pinch the spoon?

Su Yang’s complaint is continuous, and almost all that can stand in Sanque is scattered on the system store.

But just as he spit out, he accidentally swept to the last grid: random lottery tickets.

The grid of random prize coupons shines brightly!

A lottery ticket is out?

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