Because of solving a worry, Su Yang was happy in his heart and hummed a song into the villa.

Tang Jing, who heard the sound of the car stopping early, came out in an apron. While wiping his hands on the apron, he gently said to Su Yang, “Come back? Have you eaten yet? You made porridge.”

That virtuous look really looks like a wife waiting for her husband to return home.

Su Yang said with a smile, “I have eaten. But the porridge that Sister Jing made, I will definitely have a bowl of it.”

Tang Jing smiled softly between her eyebrows, She whispered to Su Yang, “Wait a minute”, and went to the kitchen to serve the porridge.

After Tang Jing left, Tang Xiaomi quietly stretched out her head from the wall. She held gu lu in her hand. She looked around cautiously, and found that her mother was not there, and then hurriedly called Su Yang. Beckoned.

Su Yang walked over curiously, then squatted down, and asked, “What’s wrong, Xiaomi.”

Tang Xiaomi put his little hand on Su Yang’s ear, and then his mouth He went up and said in a low voice, “Su Yang, let me tell you. Mommy keeps talking about you at home. I’m worried about why you haven’t come home yet.”

Su Yang froze for a while, then looked towards Tang Xiaomi, as a result, he saw a cute smile on Tang Xiaomi’s face, an expression of “I know everything.”

Su Yang felt warm, then smiled and touched her head, leading her to the dining table.

It happened that Tang Jing also served the porridge. Su Yang took a bite, and it was really delicious, so he ate it by himself while feeding Tang Xiaomi a small bowl of porridge.

Tang Xiaomi is a worry-free child. Hey Su Yang, she just ate, and she ate very happily. Tang Jing, who was sitting aside and looking at the two with her cheeks on the side, had her eyes curled with a smile.

After dinner, Su Yang and Tang Jing, Xiaomi played in the living room for a while, watched TV, and then waited for Tang Jing to hug Xiaomi to go to bed before returning to the room.

With the aura of [three days and two sleeps], he does not need that many sleep, which is why he unhurried back to the room to check the stocks.

Back to the room, Gu Lu and Xiaodao Ji are in the room. Tang Xiaomi still loves these two friends very much. When he is not holding them, he will definitely put them back in Su Yang’s room.

This also caused these two Little Brat to live freely in the villa half a month, and Tang Jing didn’t even notice their existence.

Put them both into the virtual space, and Su Yang followed into the virtual space.

Coming to the virtual space, Little Di and Little Ha are already waiting in the living room. Su Yang asked gu lu and Xiaodao Ji to play first, and then went to the study with Little Di and Little Ha.

Su Yang sat behind the desk, and looked towards Little Di, “Is it selected?”

Little Di nodded, “Master, it is selected.”

Speaking, she waved her hand, and Su Yang suddenly appeared in front of several stock details.

Previously, when Lv Fatty said that technology stocks would break out, Su Yang had already given Little Di an order to choose the technology stocks that were recently bought by Southbound and Shanghai Stock Connect funds. , And then filter according to a series of data such as the size of the market value and the recent increase.

Sure enough, in the end Little Di screened out five good stocks, and these five stocks included what Lu Fatty said [Beihe Huachuang].

Su Yang’s idea is very simple, he feels that Lu Fatty gave him the right direction, but for the stock trend, he has Little Ha, and he definitely knows better than him.

And the silver mission has requirements for short-frequency stock trading, which must be locked for 15 days. Then Su Yang must choose the right stock or stock portfolio. Try to make as much money as possible, or not lose money in the event of a drawdown.

There are thousands of stocks in the market. Little Ha’s sense of opportunity can smell only a limited number of times, and he can smell the stock changes within 10 days at most.

For 10 days, five stocks a day, only 50 stocks can be smelled in total. Before smelling the 51st stock, the first stock can start to smell again. The stock market is changing rapidly, so it is too late to operate.

So the best way is this kind of purposeful search.

Sure enough, with the information given by Lu Fatty, and with Little Di for the first screening, the success rates of these five stocks are terrifyingly high.

Except for one stock that has no potential within a week, the other four have strong or weak potential.

Beihe Huachuang, introduced by Fatty Lu, is the stock with the strongest potential. Starting from next Thursday, it has a daily limit, three consecutive daily limits, and then… because Little Has sense of opportunity has a time limit, So I can’t smell it anymore.

As for the other three stocks, one has only two daily limit, one daily limit, and one stock [Zhongxing Electronics] will not start daily limit until next Monday. I dont know what will happen next.. .

Su Yang hesitated, how to choose this…

For the sake of safety, I must choose Beihe Huachuang, and then keep locking up, but the follow-up is at three daily limits What to do with future retracements? This is a problem.

Su Yang feels that Little Has nose is too irritating, if I can smell it for a little longer time.

Thinking about it, Su Yang’s eyes suddenly lit up, and he just thought about finding a way from Little Ha, then is it possible to consider from the standard of the silver mission?

Since investment companies and investment stocks have different requirements, then the stock It shouldn’t be the only way to buy it?

Thinking so, Su Yang opened the system and dragged the “question mark” of the help button to the silver task.

Sure enough, part of the explanation popped up on the silver mission:

[Number of projects]: Only five projects. There are not many items. If there are more than five, the five projects with the highest investment shall prevail.

[Investment amount]: The sum of the investment amount of the five projects is 50,000,000, and it can be over.

[Investment type]: Fixed assets, venture capital, stocks, securities, futures, etc., different requirements for different projects.

After seeing these explanations, Su Yang’s first reaction was: I go! Can’t vote for six? But he has already voted five! If you invest in stocks again, don’t you have 5,000,000 free investment?

But considering that I still have millions of cash, I can invest all of them in stocks, so Su Yang believes that it is not difficult to accept: it is better to know in advance than to find out that the task cannot be completed afterwards.

Then Su Yang clicked the help button again, and then clicked the [Stock] option.

Suddenly, an explanation popped up in front of him again.

[Investment Type: Stocks]: Lock the position for 15 days, or within 15 days, the market value of the stock when the market is closed is not less than the primordial principal.

Huh, really have other options?

Su Yang thought for a while, the first option is to buy the stock and can no longer trade. This is obviously not suitable for my current situation.

But the second method is fine.

If you can seamlessly connect, after Beijing Nuclear Huachuang no longer daily limit, change hands to buy other stocks, then you can also complete this task.

Thinking of this, Su Yang was completely relieved.

He asked Finance to transfer all the remaining 25 million in the group to his private account in the name of [current account] overnight.

Individual companies have this benefit: even if the operation is somewhat illegal, but… as long as the account is flat.

After getting the money, Su Yang directly gave Little Di the right to control her account, and let her start the purchase next week according to the current plan.

2nd day, on Monday, the stock market opened, Little Di began to gradually build positions in Beihe Huachuang. With a processor speed much higher than that of the human brain and a seamless connection to the Internet, Little Di’s operation is extremely fast.

In order not to affect the stock price as much as possible, Little Di almost never lists large and super-large orders, and never buys at key points. It uses small and medium orders to eat part of it when there are a large number of selling orders.

Beihe Technology’s plate is not small, and the market value is almost over 10 billion, so Su Yang’s money simply can’t cause much disturbance.

Of course…financial companies that have been watching Peihe Technology are not among them.

Lu Family mouth, a building as high as the clouds.

It is still the familiar room, and President Niu still sits in the office area.

But because its time to build a position, he doesnt need to pay too much attention, so he is drinking tea while watching the reports and data on the webpage, and he even has leisure time playing online. Fight against the landlords.

While he was looking at the data while fighting the landlords, suddenly, a subordinate came hurriedly.

When he came to the side of Mr. Niu, his subordinates bent over and whispered to Mr. Niu, “Mr. Niu. It seems that someone is building a position like us.”

“Oh? Really? Mr. Niu lifts the head with a little interest, “Which company is the same?”

The subordinate shook his head, “It should not be the same, the funds are small. And it seems that they are stealing in order not to attract our attention. Eat.”

He paused and said a little hesitantly, “Looking at the operation method, it seems…a bit like the hot money we encountered last time.”

Niu Whenever I heard it, I waved my hand indifferently, “If it’s the hot money, there is only the amount of a few tenths of a few, don’t care. It is estimated that some abnormalities have been found, I want to come and have a soup, it’s okay, continue to build a position.”

The subordinate was nodded, “Yes.”

After the subordinate left, Mr. Niu finished the fight against the landlord, and then took a sip of tea slowly.

Putting the tea down, good professionalism still allowed him to open his securities account and stare at the market for a while. As a well-known nationally, he was hired by Lu Finance to become the vice president of the trader. Mr. Nius eyes are Very accurate. Seeing that small order was eaten, Niu always touched his chin: The guy on the other side did a good job. It seems to be a lot better than last time…

< p>But after watching for a while, he closed the account without caring, because the other party just kept eating small amounts, and tried not to fluctuate the stock price, which would not affect his plan.

Although there is a behavior of grabbing the bottom chips with myself, there is still a certain gap in the size of the two sides, so except that it feels a bit annoying, it is nothing.

It took two days for Little Di to build a position.

When Little Di completed the opening of the position, Su Yang jumped out a reminder, [Are you sure to use the stock with a market value of 35 million as the fifth item? ]

Yes, not 25 million, but 35 million. Su Yang still had 9.76 million in the stock last time, and he made up more than 200,000, which made a total of 35 million, and threw it all to Little Di for operation.

Of course, in order to avoid problems, Su Yang also let Little Ha continue to smell the future trends of these five stocks in the past two days.

One is to confirm the follow-up trend of Beihe Huachuang, and the other is that I am afraid that I have invested so much capital that it will affect this stock.

The result was very lucky. Little Ha didn’t notice any changes in the trend of Beihe Huachuang, but will end the daily limit next Monday.

More fortunately, when smelling the other three stocks, Little Ha found that the last stock [Zhongxing Electronics] followed the trend, and it was actually a four-day daily limit.

So in order to make as much money as possible, Su Yang and Little Di also made a plan: on Friday, they will ship after the daily limit of Beihe Huachuang, and then buy Zhongxing Electronics, and then lie down for another four days. .

As for the future plan, Su Yang plans to continue to adjust according to Little Ha’s nose.

If there are no suitable stocks in the future, then buy all bank stocks to guarantee the bottom.

After confirming the plan, Su Yang faced the prompt in front of him and clicked [Confirm] without the slightest hesitation…

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