At this time, Li Zijun was still in the hotel with a sad face, not knowing how to eliminate the negative information.

Just as she was thinking hard, her WeChat rang suddenly. She picked it up and saw that it was her friend. Her friend said, “Zijun, you are looking for my app company, right? Look, your companys official Weibo has exploded!”

The official Weibo has exploded?

Isnt it exploded early?

This is what I worry about.

Li Zijun opened Weibo suspiciously, and then… he saw Su Yang online irritable!

The moment Li Zijun saw the official Weibo stunned, Li Zijun was stunned!

She only has a single thought in her mind: It’s over, it’s a major event! The company number must have been stolen!

Because the company is full, it’s just her and Su Yang. Su Yang couldn’t find the silhouette this morning, and Li Zijun was not good enough to send it.

Then you can only hack this option!

This hacking account is simply not a human! Isn’t this recruiting gangsters for the company!

Li Zijun, a little girl, has a good temper. After cursing a few secretly, she hastily logged into Weibo: As the Chief-In-Charge of the companys product promotion, she is the first One idea is definitely to save the situation first and avoid further losses.

Fortunately, the original plan for this Weibo was to find someone to operate it, so only the email was bound, and the mobile phone was not bound. She hurriedly used the email to appeal the password. Soon, the verification code was sent to her mailbox.

She raced against time to enter the verification code, changed the password, and took the person who stolen the number off the line.

After changing the password, Li Zijun relieved, finally relieved: the hacking bastard finally can’t post these things!

But I still have to continue to deal with the next thing!

Thinking so, she hurriedly opened the Weibo homepage and wanted to delete the words posted by the “hacker”, and then sent an announcement saying that the account was hacked. The comments just now do not represent the company, so continue. Contact Su Yang to deal with it.

As a result, when she saw the Weibo homepage, she was dumbfounded.

Because, when she retrieved her password, the “hacker” had already posted a second Weibo, which was a Weibo comment, and that comment was the earliest Is it going to be a temporary worker?” That Weibo.

After the “hacker” reposted it, he directly commented, “I am not a temporary worker, I am Su Yang, the general manager of Jiadian Technology! Every sentence here represents the meaning of the company!”

“I organized this event with 100% confidence! You go and read our company’s announcement. Our screening success rate is 100%! 100%! 100%!”< /p>

“So, even if I put out one billion, one billion, ten billion, you can’t find a piece of illegal information, this money has something to do with you!”

“I am Su Yang, I bring salt for our company.”

The long Weibo flashed blinding many netizens, and also blinding Li Zijun.

She slowly opened her mouth: it was really her own boss!

Then why doesn’t my boss answer the phone! Do not reply to WeChat! Just send Weibo! Isn’t this making trouble!

And won’t such a crisis public relations go wrong?

Is this boss too irritable? !

Just when Li Zijun was about to explode, her WeChat rang a voice call request. She picked it up and found that it was Su Yang.

She quickly picked up.

After picking up, Su Yang flustered and exasperated’s voice came from the other side, “Zijun! My Weibo has been topped! What’s the matter! Is it hacked!”


Li Zijun opened his mouth in embarrassment, “Su, President Su, I just thought Weibo had been hacked, so I changed the password.”

Facing yourself, you can block it alone. On the general side, Su Yang still respects it very much. He said, “Oh, that’s it. It’s okay. You did it right.”

Su Yang is not just nothing serious, he really thinks that.

Li Zijun, as a member of his General, even if Jiadian Technology grows in the future, she must be one of the top leaders. What she needs is decisive and decisive power.

In case of a situation that may harm the companys interests, ignore the actual situation and directly suspend or cut off. This is a manifestation of a person’s responsibility and leadership.

If you look forward and backward, it will delay things if you are afraid, just like the vice president of in company Wang.

As for the Weibo of the search for my app, even if it turns out to be a misunderstanding afterwards, it will not make a big mistake. But once its not a misunderstanding, the negative impact on the Find Me app will be great!

So Su Yang encouraged her a few words, and then left the Weibo password again and continued to “fight”.

Hang up the voice, Li Zijun took a deep breath, and his heart was about to jump out of his throat. Although she thought she was doing the right thing, she was really worried when she found out that she had topped Big Boss’ Weibo.

After all, Boss’s temper is unpredictable one by one, and the ghost knows if he will scold him.

I finally found an opportunity to prove myself, but I don’t want to lose this opportunity because of such a trivial matter.

Fortunately, his boss is very tolerant, and he encouraged himself a few words.

Thinking of this, Li Zijun sighed that he really met a good boss.

Then she opened Weibo, and she found that her Boss was irritating online again…

Su Yang posted those two Weibos before, and they have already let Weibo It’s boiling. Boss with such a true temperament is really rare. Boss online is so just and honorable, even more rare.

But dont say…there is actually such a slight truth: Just like Su Yang said, dont say 10,000,000, even if it is 1 billion, 10 billion, you cant find it, you have A fart relationship!

These words are rough but not rough…

So when Su Yang posted this Weibo, even if ins navy was still in rhythm, the people who made the noise were still A lot less.

Also even if you make a booze, you can only moan and curse if you feel untenable.

“Anyway! You are liars”

< p>“Even if you are 100% confident, you should be prepared for the money!”

“Although you are reasonable, I just feel that you hate it.”

As a result, Five minutes later, Su Yang’s third Weibo posted, “Don’t you want to see the prepared money! Come on! Show it to you!”

“Come, find our violation information and take it Go! Shut up if you can’t find it!”

“Also! I repeat, 100% screening rate!”

The pictures are piles of tables. Money is full. The background is a villa TV.

After this picture came out, the people on Weibo who originally wanted to be stubborn have nothing to say.

Although there are still in company naval forces with a rhythm, what they say, “This may be the money just withdrawn.” “This may be a picture taken before.” “This must be a net map.” Things like that.

However, although netizens are easily guided, they are not fools.

Shuijun said it was a net map, but couldn’t come up with the same picture. Said it was taken before, but who would be fine in advance to make money to play?

Shuijun said it was just taken, but now the Internet is so developed, many people have popularized science, “you need to call for an appointment one or two days in advance for more than hundreds of thousands of money.”

Moreover, this is cash, not a bank balance, and it is not something you can take out.

So although there may still be some doubts, netizens also choose to ignore: after all, if you continue to ask and bite, you will be a real master.

After all, no matter what, at least the official Weibo of the Xunmai app showed his attitude. Just two:

1. We have money, but you dont have the ability to take it away.

2. You just dont have the ability to take it away!

It is much better than in company that issued a reward of tens of millions and was found by someone and then gave virtual currency.

So the incident slowly subsided.

Without the navy, ordinary netizens can discuss normally. Their most curious question is: Is it really the general manager of the company who posted on Weibo?

Is this general manager really so fierce?

After posting three Weibos, and found that no one dared to chase and bite, Su Yang threw the phone aside, feeling heartily and heartily! He felt that this kind of spiritual pleasure was more spiritual than a salted fish mask.

Maybe…you can go to Weibo to catch the netizens if you are fine.


Su Yang was lying on the bed and elated to check the time. It was already 10 o’clock, and there were two hours left, and it was time for the end of the appthis time Grand Prix.

I feel like it shouldn’t be something wrong… right?

Looking at Little Di who was still hot, Su Yang thought for a while, anyway, there are still two hours, and he just happened to print Pan Zhaodi’s resume with the [Running Talent Printer]. See what kind of talent this beautiful secretary is and what potential it has.

He had always wanted to print before, but he was too busy, so he was delayed. Now he just happened to do it.

Thinking about this, Su Yang directs the little demon bean at home to find the talent printer.

Then moved the talent printer to the bed, and clicked on the printer.

As Su Yang clicked, a translucent interface appeared in front of him, with rows of resumes on it, the number of which was terrifying.

Su Yang’s visual inspection seems to be hundreds of copies…

Are all the resumes received by his company included here?

If this is the case, it is normal.

Su Yang directly used the search function and entered Pan Zhaodi’s name.

Soon, all resumes disappeared, only one resume was displayed there.

Su Yang opened it and took a look, and it turned out to be Pan Zhaodi’s resume. He clicked on this resume directly after he had several operations experience.

Suddenly, the printer rang the sound of hong long long. After a while, a blank sheet of paper appeared in front of Su Yang.

Well, this printer is like this, the resume is encrypted.

Only one kilometer can be decrypted and the content will be released.

The way other spies send messages is to burn them with water and soak them with water. Only it… is running.

Just run!

Su Yang put on clothes, put on sneakers, opened the door of the room, and put gu lu at the door, warning it, if there is an outsider coming in, just stun him without the slightest hesitation!

Gu lu Mengmengs tree face is all serious, it salutes Su Yang, then looks steadily forward at the door, and starts to guard!

Su Yang closed the door, went downstairs, and started running.

During the run, he thought about it. It seems that he has no tasks to do now, only a silver task and a gold task.

Silver missions will earn 10,000,000. It is estimated that it will take a while, but the golden missions should have been completed a lot, right?

Thinking that, Su Yang thoughts move, called out the system, took a look, and was shocked:

Golden mission: (985610000).

Why did the completion of the golden mission suddenly soar so much?

Su Yang recalled it, as if it was only 8456 when I watched it yesterday! This has skyrocketed more than 1,000 people in less than 24 hours?

Gold missions and coins are both influencing people. If there is a change in the gold mission, then coins should also increase?

Su Yang didn’t believe it and opened the system store.

Point currency: 2980.

I’ll go!

It’s actually skyrocketing! Be rich!

Su Yang feels…the reason for the skyrocketing increase, affecting more than a thousand people, should be caused by this wave of search for my app and his own angry netizens?

It is estimated that there are tens of millions of downloads. Among these 10,000,000, more than 1,000 people have been inadvertently guided to the better, which is normal.

That means that the golden mission is about to be completed? Can I add points for the third time?

The following is not counted as a word count:

Push the “Lord of Mysteries” by the giant squid, I believe this book is familiar to everyone, Anyway, it is the most distressing work of 18 years and 19 years. If you haven’t seen it, you must go and see it. The squid giant has been added to our books, so I took a look, maybe I fell in love with this book.

Introduction: Who can touch the extraordinary in the wave of steam and machinery? In the fog of history and darkness, who is whispering? I woke up from the mystery and opened my eyes to see this World: guns, cannons, giant ships, airships, difference engines; potions, divination, curses, hanged men, sealed objects…the light still shines, and the mystery has never been far away , This is a legend of the “Fool”.

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