The power of a company is huge, and the power of a large company is even greater.

When the four senior members of in-in made a decision, the entire in-company immediately started to operate.

Dozens of people in the marketing department divided their work, some deleted posts, some bought media, some bought adverts, some spread rumors, and some went to ask the navy to defend, and started to guide in an orderly manner Speech.

It was indeed as expected by Mr. Sun. At first, when it was learned that the in companys 10 million bonus was downgraded to 100 yuan, and it was still in currency, the users who found the violation information were all boiled.

One by one, everyone screamed enthusiastically, “A scam company!”

“Consumption of trust! We want you shit in coins!”

“Gag ! Ill be a stupid to use your app in the future!”

“You liars!”

Although the community is very exciting, Mr. Sun and others dont care. To put it bluntly, the netizens The memory is only seven seconds. After a while, the in company will post more soft articles, and no one will remember the current affairs.

Time is the best Meng Po soup, which can make people forget too many things.

How many hot news or events finally passed silently?

The exhilarating message at the time, after waiting for a few years, it is estimated that it is a flash of light in my mind: Huh? Was that so and so sentenced to death?

But even if I think about it, it is estimated that most people will think about it and pass it, and will not pay more attention.

The background data of the software is indeed as expected by Mr. Sun. There is almost no decrease in daily activity (daily active users), even if there is fluctuation, it is normal fluctuation.

And then, the in companys combination punches continued, and the official Weibo made a tearful announcement saying that it was the fault of the temporary worker. The temporary worker envied the activities of [Find My Company] and wanted to help [Find My appto promote it, but accidentally wrote it as my own company.

Then they sincerely look forward to the success of the search for my app.

Finally, the official Weibo also deliberately explained that most of the huge rewards on the Internet will not use cash.

These are clearly unrelated words, but when put together, people can’t help but think that the Find Me app is also cheating?

After all, a lot of adverts, press releases, and news today all put [Find Me] and [in] together, and compare the two to Gemini.

Now [in] the company says that it is a gimmick and a mistake, so what about the Find Me app that is also a Gemini?

Could that tens of millions of bonuses be a gimmick?

So, under the intentional guidance of the in company, coupled with the roar of the navy they bought, many people flooded into the XunMe app, as well as the XunMe apps Weibo question.

Request the Find Me app to show evidence that he really took out a tens of millions of bonuses.

Even if a few sane people say “the nature of the two apps are different”, “the search for me app has not been found illegal information so far,” they are all deliberately suppressed by the navy. No one noticed at all.

After all, emotions on the Internet are actually very easy to be amplified. As long as someone guides them, the logic of many impulsive people will become: so people say that, impossible everyone is wrong, then find My app owes me an explanation!

And the in company has also successfully minimized its negative impact. Except for those users who have taken videos to prove that they have been holding on to them, other people who join in the fun have been [Find me app] ]’S Weibo attracted the past.

As for the tens of thousands of users who found information that violated the rules, only a thousand died and most of them silently gave up their rights protection.

Li Zijun, the little bun, immediately noticed that things were not normal. After the investigation office in the company added to the flames, she was out of anger.

She called Su Yang quickly, and wanted to plan with Su Yang how to grab public opinion.

However, her phone call to Su Yang has never been answered.

As time passed, with the help of the navy, the false propaganda of the search for me app began to spread, and more and more people paid attention to this matter.

There are some people who are complaining about finding the illegal information for a day, some are just cheated by the in company, and some are people who just watch the excitement, anyway All kinds of people came to the Weibo of the Find Me app and began to question and abuse.

The gimmick of looking for my app has also been searched on Weibo.

However, companies in the industry don’t pay much attention to this, because they are more concerned about the artificial intelligence of the search me app.

There are technical teams that ordinary users do not have. In fact, these companies, like the in company, have started crawling on the search me app, crawling data, and want to see if there is really no illegal information.

But the facts are shocking, at least under their extremely strict screening, the machine plus artificial and secret keywords trigger, they can not find any violation information.

Even when they tried to send illegal information to the Findme app, they found that even if they used a secret code to send the illegal information, they were directly blocked.

And if it is a large-scale sending of illegal information, the IP will also be blocked directly.

So they were really shocked: the search for me app actually has such an efficient artificial intelligence?

Although they were shocked, they had to admit that this should be true.

Because if it is not artificial intelligence, at least thousands of reviewers are required for the Find Me app to have this review effect…

This kind of thing is more nonsense than artificial intelligence.

But no matter what the situation is, the effect of the tens of millions of rewards offered by the search for me app is simply exploding. The most obvious is…Lin Jiali.

As the top 100 stars and the least popular ones, Lin Jiali has already recorded the video.

Because it happened to be in time for this reward, Li Zijun thought for a while, and simply changed the original plan and put Lin Jiali’s video on it. So in the past few days, all the opening advertisements of the search for me app are her.

this can be considered Li Zijun returned the incense affair with Lin Jiali.

Of course, she dared to do this because she knew that Lin Jiali was an artist from Su Yang company, don’t let one’s own fertile water flow into others’ field.

In the two days of publicity, Carrie Lins fans in the Find Me app have directly skyrocketed by more than one million. This is a live fan, not a dead fan or zombie fan.

Lin Jiali also followed the Find Me app in the country again.

I have to say that she is really good at playing if she doesn’t make a movie, and she looks at Yan.

Many fans paid attention to her because they found her beautiful…

When the outside world broke out, at this time Su Yang is working as a salted fish at home, he really is a salted fish by himself, the kind that doesn’t use a salted fish mask.

Because Little Di cannot be used and his mental trauma is not completely healed, he can only rest in bed.

Xiaochi and Sanque went to the milk tea shop this morning. Under Su Yang’s arrangement, Sanque began to gradually hand over the work, preparing to take over the health product company.

And Paobao also went to make a movie. Yesterday’s Liwei and her excellent director ability clearly let her control the entire crew. Not only has the shooting progress been accelerated, but the level of the entire film has been much higher.

Baobao also chatted with Su Yang this morning, intending to catch up with the progress, and remake the scene that Director Wang had filmed the day before yesterday. After all, on the first day, Director Wang and Chen Min were also in various fights. I didn’t take much shots, and make up shots were fast.

Su Yang did not intervene without authorization, but asked her to discuss with Zhao Producer on her own. After all, the producer is the Big Boss of the crew, and it depends on his arrangements for the reshoot.

Speaking of Director Wang, Su Yang is also looking forward to the outcome of his negotiation. The lawyer Little Di invited didn’t know how many things he knocked out of Director Wang’s mouth, and whether he could make up for his loss.

Lying on the bed is really boring, Su Yang used a sticky note to make a mobile phone again, connected to the home wifi, and planned to go online to read the news.

As soon as he went online, he saw the news of in company.

Su Yang read this message at a glance, and then was a little confused: in company also offered a tens of millions of rewards? Are they mentally disabled? They also have a Little Di?

Su Yang continued to search the news of the search company, and found that many users had found the illegal information and were asking for rewards.

Su Yang feels: Um…very reasonable. How can the normal Internet industry be so clean.

Su Yang continued to look for follow-up news, and then found the news that in company compensates for virtual currency. After reading it, before he could give his opinion, he saw that this news actually mentioned the news that the search me app “is also suspected of empty-mouthing White Wolf, and then Meager has fallen”.

Huh? The meagerness of your company has fallen?

Su Yang opened it and took a meager look, and it really fell.

A bunch of people are scolding and arguing, let the Xunme app give an explanation. Among them, there are many silhouettes of naval forces, because there are many trumpets with three nos.

Su Yang looked at the meager posts that liked the most,

“We want the truth, we don’t want to be played like a monkey!”

“Find me Is the app also covering White Wolf? No bonus at all?”

“Even if the artificial intelligence is mature, it is a scam company, rubbish!”

Although I know these are probably water The army deliberately brought the rhythm, but Su Yang couldn’t bear this explosive temper at all!

He checked his memory with [Record a beautiful videotape] and found Xiao Baozi Li Zixuan to send himself a Weibo account and password screen, and then use that account password to directly log in to the official search me app Weibo!

What did he log on to Weibo for?

Of course it is open!

If he had such a good temper, he would not be Su Yang!

On Weibo, Su Yang posted the first Weibo without the slightest hesitation, “We just didn’t prepare 10,000,000, what’s the matter? You bite me!”

As soon as this Weibo was posted, the official Weibo seemed to be static, and no one responded for more than a minute.

But then, countless naval forces and netizens flooded into this Weibo, and all kinds of replies were received,

“My Cao! Brother Niu break! ! The frontal anus?”

“Is this a casual worker again?”

“Has my account been hacked?”

” Can you tell it?”

“Sure enough, I didn’t prepare! I just said it was a scam company!”

“To be honest, this kind of response is a bit of a loss of popularity…”< /p>

The at first comment is still a normal onlooker comment, but soon it was captured by the navy and the rhythmic people.

“Liar! Master drafting!”

“Sure enough, it is a company with no reputation! Junk software!”

“I am a fool to use your app again!”

Su Yang without the slightest hesitation Replied to this Weibo, “You are a stupid dick!”

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