The big man shaved a bald head and wore a sports suit. He looked tall and strong. Kong Wu was powerful.

Su Yang just glanced at him and recognized him as one of the three who had been to his home in the afternoon.

Su Yang’s gaze narrowed, trying to observe the opponent’s position, but… he was dumbfounded.

In Su Yang’s plan, [Higher Life’s Eyes] No matter what tools you use to observe yourself, you will be discovered by yourself, so no matter where the opponent is hiding, you will locate the other person’s position.

As long as these three people are located, he can directly use the new silver ability [fiddle with the hands of destiny] to catch them in front of him, and then use the [Hourglass of Memory Labyrinth] on them to check their memories , Figure out their identities, and by the way figure out whether they have leaked out their information.

Even if there is only one person, he can find out the other two people by checking the memory of that person, and completely eliminate the hidden danger.

But…he counts, he missed a little bit: the position of that big man is completely unclear!

Because…in his line of sight, the big man is standing in front of a glass window, looking at his situation through an ipad in his hand, and beside him is a white wall, completely There are no conspicuous markers.

This is too special, right? What method did he use?

Su Yang carefully observed what he saw and found that the big man’s screen was facing him.

Su Yang looked up at the sky at a 45-degree angle pretending to be contemplative, and found a drone floating in the sky not far from him.

Su Yang:…

Using a drone to observe yourself? This is too advanced.

Moreover, how does this locate the opponent’s location?

Know that drones can be observed remotely without people having to be in the vicinity, and the flying radius of drones is too far, the low-level five to ten kilometers, if you add a flight control, you can even It can fly 150 kilometers, which is too big. There is simply no way to check.

Thinking of this, Su Yang knew that tonight’s plan had failed.

So he pretended to be nonchalant and chatted with Janet for a while, and then left the small garden separately.

After leaving the small garden, observe his disappearance.

Su Yang looked up at the sky, and the drone followed Janet away.

This is very reasonable. After all, Su Yang’s face-to-face identity has been investigated clearly by the other party, and there is no clue worthy of attention.

And Janet is indeed a new breakthrough mouth, which is obviously more valuable to those who monitor.

Su Yang quietly took out Little Di, asked her to talk to Janet, let Janet go around a few more times, it is best to go to some places where drones can’t go, and then shake off the tail.

Janet has bone conduction headphones on her body, as long as she hears the message and is alert, it will be fine.

Just returned home like this, Su Yang looked up at the eavesdropping device, and returned to the room expressionlessly.

The failure of the plan tonight, he felt that it was mainly because he didn’t expect that the other party would use a drone to observe.

If you know it, you can make an appointment to an indoor public place, such as a shopping mall. The opponent drone can’t show up, so you can only show up in person.

I just came up with a cracking method, but it does not mean that Su Yang can do this now. After all, I just made an appointment tonight, and if I immediately make an appointment with another person, the other person will definitely be suspicious.

So Su Yang feels that he has to take a long-term view.

Thinking about this, he quietly took out the [Videotape to Make Up for Regrets] from the virtual space. Put it on your forehead.

I copied all my memories from when I entered the house in the afternoon to when I discovered the bug, and then gave Little Di to let her check how much information was leaked inside.

30 seconds later, looking at the keyword sentence sent by Little Di, Su Yang slightly sighed in relief, the key word is only [virtual space], and the other more likely to cause doubt is the sentence [you put Fix these all. In the end, it may be Xiao Yaodou’s [bean, bean, bean. ‘S call is also suspicious.

These few sentences obviously cannot form a very smooth line of clues, so the other party probably can’t guess what they are doing. They should still be testing and monitoring themselves, wanting to get more Clues.

Then in the next two days, you must not show any weak spots: you must not only behave normally, but also show these keywords occasionally. The most important thing is not to expose others. Information related to special ability.

Thinking so, Su Yang left the room and waited patiently for Janet to return home.

Soon, Janet opened the door lightly and walked in.

Su Yang took her back into the virtual space and asked about it. After confirming that there was no problem, he returned to the real world, cleaned up, and closed the curtains.

Since the other party has sent a drone, you can’t leave the window, a loophole that is easy for the other party to monitor.

After doing all this, Su Yang returned to the virtual space and started planning to continue to pull a snake from its hole.

His own special ability is already very strong now, as long as he knows the opponent’s location, he can catch the opponent silently and even kill the opponent.

If you want to know the location of the opponent, there are two ways. One, the opponent exposes himself. Second, know each other’s name.

But this group of people are indeed more professional than the security guards of Longtengjiayuan. So far, no clues have been exposed. Su Yang has nodded pain at this time.

He knows that he has to be calm and calm. At this time, both sides are waiting for the other to show a weak spot. Whoever can’t hold his breath will lose.

Once you rashly use your abilities but fail to catch the opponent, or accidentally expose your superpowers, then the other party is likely to immediately send a message, and when the time comes, it will be troublesome.

If the other party loses his temper and takes the initiative to go to his vicinity and monitor himself personally, or he can find the other party’s address or information by himself, then they will lose everything.

Wait, just wait!

Just as he made up his mind, suddenly a picture appeared in front of him: [Eyes of Higher Life] start.

That is a seemingly luxurious hotel, or the three people who sneaked into his house before.

The bald man holding an ipad in his hand, while looking at it, said, “Do you feel this Su Yang is weird?”

dark circles The thin young sea snake leaned lazily. On the chair, “Where is it strange?”

The bald man touched the chin, “There are obviously two people in his family. Why does that person seem to be missing and never make a sound?”< /p>

Su Yang said “ge-deng” in his heart, and he did not let Janet appear afterwards. But… this is a bit unusual at best, but it’s not an important clue.

Sure enough, the monkey peeling the apple on the side said irritably, “Go back to the house! I said at the time to install a few more bugs, you don’t listen!”

The bald man was silently nodded.

The picture stopped here abruptly.

Su Yang has cold light flashing in his eyes, he is an ordinary person, not a professional, and it is too easy to show a weak spot! These three people are too dangerous, and the matter must be resolved as soon as possible.

Just as he was thinking about it, suddenly there was a scene in front of him again, still the scene just now, the three people.

It seems that the other party accidentally said his name.

The bald head said, “This way you can only hear the sound but not the picture. It is always easy to miss clues. I will control the drone to check his home later.”

He has changed from leaning on a chair to lying on the table, “I dont care. As long as I dont disturb my sleep.”

The monkey threw away the apple in his hand and picked up another intact Yes, continue to cut, “Except for Su Yang, are the other suspects left alone?”

The bald man touched his smooth head, “I still suspect him the most. Especially, I found some strange things around him. After people, they were particularly suspicious.”

The other two did not speak. The picture stopped abruptly.

Su Yang pondered, it seemed that he was right on guard, and he did the right thing to draw the curtain to block his vision.

But to be on the safe side, Su Yang went out to check again and made sure that all the curtains and doors that could be seen in the house were closed, and then he returned to the virtual space to rest.

Before going to bed, he received a message from Pan Zhaodi with only two words, [Thank you.

Su Yang knew that she should have done the engagement.

In fact, Su Yang is quite happy for her. In Su Yang’s view, there is no winner in this marriage. Whether Pan Zhaodi, Liu Laoliu, or both parents are all victims.

Well… Maybe Pan Zhaodis parents are the only winner?

Su Yang did not ask her about the specific process today. It is probably unpleasant. He just sent a message and asked, [When you came to my house today, did you see any strangers, or Did you notice anything abnormal?

Pan Zhaodis reply is still very brief, [No.

Well, it seems that those three people did not one drop of water can leak out.

Su Yang now hopes that they can come to their home again, when the time comes, he can directly catch these three people and see what their purpose is!

The time passed by every minute and every second, there may be something on my mind, Su Yang can’t sleep a bit. He got up and checked the time. It was already 1 o’clock in the evening. Has the other party been here?

I put on clothes and came downstairs. Su Yang sat on the sofa and called out an interface. He wanted to play two games to relieve his gloomy mood.

Just when he matched successfully, he saw Satan on the table.

Hey…Since the other party is a drone and cannot monitor and track it, can I send Satan out to try it? After all, this guy can fly…

Thinking like this, Su Yang wakes up Satan and releases it out of the virtual space, letting it monitor whether there is a drone. If there is news at any time Send it back.

In order to facilitate communication between the two parties, Su Yang even attached a bone conduction headset to Satan. Although after the experiment, it was found that Satan could not hear the voice, but…Su Yang could hear Satan.

Talk is better than nothing.

At the same time, the three people in the hotel gathered around the table and activated the drone.

The drone cautiously bypassed some tall buildings and buildings, then followed the map and flew to Su Yang’s community.

When Su Yang’s window appeared in the picture on the ipad, the thin dark circles who were eating instant noodles were “stabs and stabs”. The young man looked up, the picture was dark and he couldn’t see anything, he Swallowing the instant noodles in his mouth, “This picture is completely impossible to see.”

While operating, the bald man pressed a button, “It’s okay. There is a night vision mode.”

The night vision mode is turned on, and the screen is as if the opposite color has been dotted, turning white, but all the details are clearly visible.

The thin young man took another look. Su Yang’s window was covered by curtains, and he couldn’t see anything. “The other party pulled the curtains.”

The bald man showed excitement in his eyes. His expression, “It seems he is very careful.”

The monkey bowed his head and broke the Rubiks cube, “What does it have to do with being careful? Who does not draw the curtains at night.”

Bald man: …

It makes sense to complain.

The bald man is not in a hurry, “It’s okay. Our drone has also been equipped with an infrared mode. After it is turned on, he knows what he is doing in the room.”

With that, he turned on the infrared mode.

When the infrared mode is turned on, all the objects that emit heat are displayed on the screen, and the big guy “Yi” said, “It’s strange, why is there no one in the other party’s room?”

< p>After speaking, he looked towards the other two people, “Did you hear the sound of him going out?”

The following are not counted as words:

I wanted to add more on National Day, so I have been working hard to write.

From the time of my update, it can be seen that the manuscript was already saved on the 3rd, and it can be added and updated (it used to be sent at 20 o’clock, but it was sent at 15 o’clock in the two days). Just when I wanted to add more changes, things went on at home for the next three days, which caused me to stop writing and use up all the saved manuscripts. There is no chapter left.

Today I originally wanted to write 8000 words, at least add one more, but the result has been written until now, and I have not written 8000, so I can only post it like this.

So Im sorry, everyone, Im really sorry, I originally promised to add more changes, but I didnt do it.

I will try hard this week and try to add more!

ps: Explain why the word count is not counted: the starting point of the VIP chapter, the word count and credits were set when the first release, and even if the number of words is increased after the modification, it will not add more points currency. I always post chapters first, and add testimonials. So it does not count the number of words subscribed.

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