Completed two bronze tasks in one day, and accumulated three bronze points in his hand. Su Yang was a little complacent.

Unexpectedly, I dont know when, my bronze dots started to appear as many random dots. This is something that I didn’t even dare to think before. Could it be that system is potentially promoted to a lower level?

While sighing, Su Yang released Janet out of the bedroom, and then cared a few words. It was confirmed that he was not injured, but after the shoe was torn, he took Janet back into the virtual space.

Summon took out a few demon beans to clean up the dilapidated home, Su Yang called the Master who repaired the lock again: Although the broken security door is only an A-Rank lock, its not a gentlemans defense. Live the thief, but…I feel at ease with a lock. After all, no one wants to let people in and out like a public place where they live.

After confirming that the Master of Lock Repair came over for about an hour, Su Yang took out the [small bench that refused to eat melon], watching the little demon beans tidy up, while nibbling on melon seeds.

Kumped, he suddenly complexion changed: broken! Forget that there is a bug at home, and also forgot to ask Pan Zhaodi if he saw any suspicious people!

Before he went home, he was going to look for clues to the three people who sneaked into the house, and the bug. As a result, he didnt expect the fight with Pan Zhaodi and made him forget this. thing!

Thinking so, he quickly directed Little Demon Bean to find bugs all over the room. Soon, the bug was found, on the window veil above the curtain in the living room.

Looking at the bug on the window curtain, Su Yang complexion is gloomy.

Because… he seemed to have accidentally said a lot of things that shouldn’t be said before.

At the same time, in a hotel two kilometers away from the Su Yang community, three people with different appearances were waiting in the same room.

Dark circles The young man lay on the bed, hugged a pillow, and fell asleep.

The short and thin monkey-like man holds a saber and an apple in his forehand, and with a light hand, the knife is smoothly peeled against the skin of the apple.

For a moment, an apple without a trace of skin appeared in his hand. On the ground, there was a whole strip of peeled fruit peel.

Only the bald man is wearing headphones, sitting in front of the instrument, listening quietly.

The more he listened, the deeper he frowned.

After listening for a full half an hour, he put down the earphones and moved towards the two beckons with the hand, “Sea snake, monkey, you two come and listen. What does this mean? How do I feel It’s a little weird?”

The thin young man called the dark circles of the sea snake turned over and continued to snor, obviously nothing could disturb his sleep.

And the monkey who was peeling the apple looked up at the big man, also not wanting to go.

The big man looked towards him again and cried, “Monkey!”

The monkey slapped the apple on the table angrily, got up and came to the bald man.

Behind him, the apple cracked silently and was divided into eight equal parts, each with extremely smooth cut surfaces.

When he came to the bald man, the monkey moved a chair and sat down, and said grumpily, “What a strange thing!”

The bald man did not speak and took out another headset Plug it into the machine and pass it to the monkey.

The monkey put the earphones into his ears irritably, and the sound of “peng peng peng!” suddenly sounded in his ears and the girls shouting. The sound seemed to be two women fighting.

After that, Su Yang called to a halt and had a conversation with Huyou Pan Zhaodi.

The monkey frowned and listened, feeling a little impatient. But he also knows that the bald guy can let himself listen, and this recording is definitely not that simple.

Sure enough, after a while, the fight was over, and the woman began to tell her tragic experience. After that, the target they monitored Su Yang without the slightest hesitation paid out 500,000 to the woman.

The monkey’s eyes lightened slowly: 500,000 yuan, take it out as soon as you say it, the fucking guy is not as simple as investigating.

He became interested.

The monkey continued to listen. After a while, the sound of opening the door sounded, and Su Yang’s voice came from his ear, “Janet, are you okay?”

“Not hurt?”

“That’s good. Then you go back to the virtual space to rest.”

Virtual space? …

The monkey caught the word keenly. What does it mean? Code words? Or where?

Next, there is no sound.

After a while, some curious sounds came from his ear again, as if there were some insects walking around, and then Su Yangs voice sounded again, “You repair these Click.”

“Bean! Bean! Bean!”

Some strange sounds sounded in my ears.

The bald man motioned to the monkey to put down the headset, and then said, “What do you think?”

The monkey’s two slender hands moved unconsciously, thinking carefully, but he was originally He is not good at using his brain, and these weird conversations make him feel that his head is full of paste.

He thought for a long time, but he couldn’t understand, and said irritably, “I feel very strange anyway, but I don’t know what is strange to say.”

The bald head pointed. The dark circles youth on the bed said, “Call the sea snake.”

The monkey glared at him, then got up, came to the thin young man, and gave him a kick, “Sea snake! Get up!”


The thin young man rolled on the bed.

The blue veins on the monkeys forehead came straight out, baring his teeth, “You cant afford it, dont you! Believing or not I cut you!”

He just finished speaking, and Without seeing the thin young man exerting force, the entire upper body straightened up so stiffly. The thin young man yawned and rubbed his eyes, and said, “What’s the matter? So anxious.”

Beckons with the hand bald head towards him, “Come and listen.”

The sea snake got out of bed slowly, walked over, took the place of the monkey, picked up the headphones, and started listening.

The monkey was taunted with teeth on the side, “Sea snake, do you have kidney deficiency? Why dark circles are so heavy.”

The sea snake is not annoyed, said with a smile,” the doctor said I am ischemic.”

When the two talked, the bald man pressed his hand down and signaled them to stop talking and do business first.

Sea Snake put his head on the table in his hands, listening quietly.

Seeing that the monkey had nothing to do with him, he sat back in the chair by the window, picked up the eight apples, and began to peel it again.

After listening for a while, Sea Snake put down the earphones and asked indifferently, “What does this mean? Is it a secret sign?”

The bald guy frowned. He was originally bald. , A wrinkle, it is like an extra layer of lines on a brine egg, “I dont know. If the first [virtual space] is a code word. What is the second one? He said’men’, that means except Outside of him, there are more than two creatures.”

“And what are the’beans, beans, beans’ calling behind? Are they secret codes?”

Closed eyes, his face is full of thought.

The bald man looked at him, one minute, two minutes…

When the bald man thought he was asleep, the sea snake said, “Maybe he is an actor, It may be memorizing the lines.”

The bald man:…

His face is speechless.

The monkey behind him lowered his head and cut the apple, “Maybe it is what the sea snake said.”

The bald man:…

He Finally know why the boss asked him to come on this task. With these two IQs, maybe they killed Shanghai to the sky, but there was no real murderer.

He didn’t bother to care about these two guys, and continued to listen to the recording again, and then wrote down the key words.

[Virtual Space][Our][Bean], what does this mean?

There must be a secret hidden in this person. It’s better to figure it out by yourself.

Furthermore, even without considering the weird audio information, Su Yang is also the first suspect just by talking about the current clues.

Before, there was intelligence that Longtengjiayuans security guard’s hand was broken by a strange woman, but no matter whether it was the official or their private investigation, they did not find the woman’s data and information. I also didn’t find that Su Yang had the opposite sex with very high martial arts.

But now two came out at once.

It seems that Zhao Xiaos death may really have something to do with Su Yang.

I must follow this line.

Just when the bald guy noticed these problems, Su Yang just got out of the window, and he didn’t touch the bug.

Because he said something that shouldnt be said, but he can still remedy it. If he turns off the bug in this way, it will reveal that he knew about the bug. When the time comes, things will be even worse. Trouble.

The most urgent task now is to pretend that nothing happened, paralyze the three people, and then find them, check their memories, and see what they are going to do!

Then decide what to do with them based on the memory situation!

Thinking about this, Su Yang didn’t care to let Little Demon Bean clean up his house, and quietly took them back into the virtual space, and then continued to nibble sunflower seeds, quietly planning.

After a while, the Master who repaired the lock came to Su Yang’s house.

Su Yang stood up, all the seeds and popcorn disappeared, he got up and opened the door to the Master, waiting patiently for the Master to change the lock.

After changing the new door lock, Su Yang took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Little Di.

After a while, Su Yang picked up the phone and dialed a number, “Are you free tonight? I want to talk to you about the last time.”

Xiaochi’s voice came from the phone, “I’m free.”

Su Yang, “At 11 o’clock in the evening, we will see or leave the small park next to our community.”

After that, Su Yang hung up the phone.

This is the strategy he came up with: Since something has been accidentally exposed, it is better to actively expose some new problems, to pull a snake from its hole. As long as the three people show their faces, you must break a few fingers and grab them!

It’s up to them to be fooled!

Su Yang’s eyes are all fierce.

Of course, these words of Su Yang were clearly eavesdropped by the bald man.

He muttered, “What happened last time?”

He wondered in his heart: Su Yang really has a problem.

What happened last time?

Would you like to watch quietly tonight to see who he is meeting with?

In the evening, Su Yang “as promised” came to the small garden.

Su Yang has had many stories in this small garden, some from early summer and some from Pan Zhaodi. When he came here again, his mood was completely different.

At 10:50, no one is monitoring yourself.

At 11 o’clock, Janet wore a black robe and came to the flower bed after disguising, standing opposite Su Yang and talking.

11:10 points, there is still no abnormality, and the [Eyes of Higher Life] have not been activated.

At 11:20, Su Yang and Janet had nothing to talk about, after all, Janet was too cold.

11:30, just when Su Yang thought that the other party was not fooled, suddenly [the eyes of the higher beings started]. He noticed a “line of sight”, a big bald man was standing in front of a glass window and observing himself…

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