The security supervisor right hand clutched his left arm, and took two steps back, looking towards Janet in horror, “What monster are you!”

Breaking the arm from the joint can also be done by the security supervisor, but from the middle of the arm, forcibly breaking a bone, he can’t do it!

Especially he is a person who exercises all the year round, his arms are thicker than ordinary person thighs!

A person broke the thigh of an ordinary person with bare hands? Who will believe this?

He was surprised, but Janet was Serene.

Janet said expressionlessly, “You said you let me have a hand, and I took it by myself. Then, we will officially start.”

The pupils of the security chief contracted slightly , The fear in his eyes flashed by, and then became fierce and crazy!

Although I dont know how Janet did it, in the real world, human strength must be related to muscles. Just how powerful Janets small arms and legs are, it is impossible to possess! He must have cheated just now!

Even though I doubted my judgment in my heart, but now I cant tolerate the security officers retreat. His “Ah!” loudly shouted, and the thick thigh of the bucket stepped on the ground and jumped up suddenly. Use the strength of the legs to drive the strength of the waist, the strength of the waist is transmitted to the shoulders, and the shoulders gather the strength to the fist, fiercely’s moved towards Janet hit!

On his leap, the entire ground shook suddenly, not to mention that the power was concentrated on the fist!

When he shook his fist, the muscles of his whole body bulged, and those muscles were as hard and tight as rocks, and even the tight clothes on his body began to fail, and he issued a “chi Huh~” tearing sound!

That fist is like a meteorite about to hit Earth, with a terrifying momentum, it hit Janet! If an ordinary person takes this blow, he will definitely be broken bones, breathe one’s last!

But! He is facing Janet!

A truly complete monster! A beast whose body is a shark!

I saw Janet stretch out a hand freely, an arm that “no one would doubt that a woman would say it is white and tender, and slender like a bamboo pole”.

Seeing that Janet underestimated the enemy, the security supervisor had already put on a grin! With many years of fighting experience, he knows that anyone who underestimates the enemy will not end well! This kind of action without any force-relief skills is absolutely impossible to withstand his punch!

Know that when he is exercising, this heavy punch can even bend iron plates!

Just an arm like Janet! He has no doubt that he can destroy it with one punch! Maybe even people are abandoned together!

Just as he was thinking about it, a cell phone ringtone suddenly rang in the room, and the ringtone was particularly clear in the silent room.

The security chief worked hard in the air and glanced hard, and saw Su Yang sitting in a chair, slowly taking out his mobile phone, and then answering the phone, “Hello? Early summer? What’s wrong?”

At the moment when the fist was about to fall, the security supervisor had only a single thought in his mind, “Is he not worried at all?”

The fist fell, silently, just It was as if a drop of water fell quietly into the sea, without a trace: the security chief only felt that Janets hands were like super-elastic rubber, but after slowly retracting, he easily removed his body. power!

Next, Janet swept his belly with a raised leg.

He groaned to the bookshelf!

“hong long!” The bookshelf fell to the ground, and the security supervisor fell to the ground!

Su Yang clutched the microphone, and said to Janet, “Tap it. Make a call.”

Janet was nodded, then rushed to the bookshelf and pulled out the security supervisor directly , Cover your mouth, “boom~ boom~” a fat beating!

Su Yang turned around and continued to call, “What? There is no sound here. You heard it wrong. The next door is under renovation.”

A nice voice in early summer came from the receiver, “Big Renovation at night. So bad.”

Janet was still beating the security supervisor across the board.

Su Yang turned his back to them, said with a smile, “Yes, there is really no quality. People like this should go to hell.”

Early summer smiles on the opposite side Then, “This curse is too cruel.”

After laughing, Chu Xia said, “By the way, are you still busy after the holiday?”

Su Yang said,” Not busy. What’s the matter?”

Qian Xia asked, “Would you like to go on a trip together?”

Su Yang, “Well…what did you say in the last sentence?”

Early summer: …

She said in a huff, “Okay, I know you don’t want to travel!”

Behind Su Yang , The security chief wanted to fight back, but Janet fell directly to the ground.

Su Yang said, “The company still has something to do and cant leave Shanghai.”

Early summer, “Oh,” said, “Is there any time for coffee?”


Su Yang didn’t refuse this time, “It’s okay. You set a time and place, and send me WeChat.”

He stayed for a while in the early summer: this guy is so natural. Girls set a time and place.

Early Xia couldn’t help but smile, it was a bit “straight” and cute.

She said softly, “Okay, I see, Young Master. When the little girl has arranged it, I will let you know.”

Su Yang said, “Okay. Get out. Right. Little girl.”

In early summer, I continued to make a soft voice, “Yes, Young Master. That little girl hangs up first.”

Hang up the phone, Su Yang smiled. Disappearing.

Behind him, Janet also ended the fight, and the security chief’s bloody nose and swollen face collapsed on the ground, unable to move even a little bit.

Su Yang turned his head, looked towards the head of security who fell on the ground, and asked, “Acknowledge your fate?”

The head of security lay on the ground and tried to open his swollen eyes. Wanting to see Su Yang clearly, he said, “You, who are you guys!”

“Tread, step…” Su Yang walked to him, squatted down, and looked at him condescendingly. “It’s the person you can’t afford to offend.”

“Do you know where you are wrong? The fault lies in your idea of hitting my parents.”

Look at the security supervisor While holding Su Yang, his fingers trembled slightly, and finally he laughed heartily, “I moved your parents! What’s the matter! I have been sent out! Even if you kill me! I will drag your parents to the funeral! “

When Su Yang heard it, his mind trembled.

At this moment, the security supervisor seized Su Yang’s stunned opportunity and jumped up suddenly, Pu Shan’s big hand moved towards Su Yang’s neck and grabbed it!

He doesn’t believe it! He didn’t believe that Su Yang would be a monster like Janet! He doesn’t believe he can meet two monsters! and! Even if Su Yang is a monster, he will die if he twists his neck! Even if Janet might kill him afterwards! But even if he is dead! I also need to pull on Su Yang as a back cushion!

The security supervisor’s counterattack was too fast, Su Yang was too close to him, and Janet simply didn’t have time to shoot! He stared wide-eyed, watching this scene in horror! The head is about to explode!

At this moment, Su Yang lifts the head, smiled at the security director, then rounded his arm, and directly slapped the security director!

“pa!” Crisp and loud!

The head of security is furious! He didn’t feel the pain! He just felt humiliated! He can’t wait to break Su Yang’s neck immediately!

But at this moment…he suddenly discovered that at that moment, his whole body suddenly lost consciousness: he lost control of his body!

So he was like a dying salted fish, leaping so abruptly, and then hitting the ground heavily!

He was unable to move even a little bit all over, looked towards Su Yang in horror, wondering what evil he was caught!

Su Yang chuckled and spit at him, “Bah. I knew you would have a sneak attack!”

Since the last accident in the Young Master Chen villa, Su Yang never stood under a dangerous wall anymore, so before leaving the virtual space, he specially washed his hands with [undecent soap], so that he could instantly lose anyone’s health within 10 points. control.

So in fact, in this 10 points clock, Su Yang is more dangerous than Janet: after all, Janet has to hit at least a dozen, and Su Yang just touch it, you can change it Become a “vegetable”.

Standing up from the ground, Su Yang took out his mobile phone and clicked a few times in the virtual space. Suddenly, there was a sound of “Peng” in the room, and a safe appeared out of thin air.

Seeing this scene, the security director’s eyes widened, pupil shrink.

If he still doesn’t know that Su Yang is a person with mysterious ability, then he is a fool!

He suddenly felt that everything was connected: no wonder there was no silhouette of Su Yang in the surveillance, no wonder everything in Young Master Chens villa could disappear out of thin air, no wonder Su Yang and Janet could not disturb any Touching here in a human situation, no wonder Janet’s slim body hides such terrifying power!

No wonder the scarred face, the ears, they lost the memory of unfathomable mystery! No wonder… Mr. Jia pretends that things don’t appear anymore these days.

It turns out that so many anomalies and weirdness have been ignored by myself!

After so many years of materialism education, I simply didn’t think about it!

But when I really saw these mysterious powers, the security supervisor realized that he was a frog in well. It turned out that the military force he had always been proud of was not worth mentioning in the face of real power!

The head of security glanced hard at Janet, no wonder this person who looks more like a woman than a man can possess such terrifying power! Because they are not normal people!

He just wants to shout in despair now! He wants to surrender! He wants to take refuge in Su Yang completely! He was really scared, he didn’t know what he was going to endure, he just wanted to tell Su Yang loudly! He is willing to follow him!

But… he found that he couldn’t speak, his mouth simply couldn’t move, he only had the brain to think, only the eyes could move slightly, nothing else!

Just when the security chief tried everything he could to surrender, footsteps sounded in his ears, and then Su Yang stood in his slightly blurred vision with limited perspective. In front of him.

Next, Janet helped him up and let him sit in front of the collapsed bookshelf.

Because of sitting upright, the security supervisor can see Su Yang clearly. Su Yang is holding a dirty-looking teddy bear in his hand. The teddy bear is wearing an old striped suit with a diagonal mouth. With the zipper, the eyes with two black buttons look mysterious and weird.

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