Longtengjiayuan, security room.

The head of security, who is as burly as Dashi Johnson, put down his mobile phone with all his eyes, and beside him stood a thirty-forty security guard, watching him trembling with fear.

The security supervisor took a few hard breaths, took a few heavy breaths, and then sat on the Boss chair in the security room. The chair was “creaking” when he was sitting on it. It was as if the cylinder of the chair was about to explode.

He slapped the phone on the table with his big fan, then pointed to the rows of security guards standing in front of him, and asked, “Who wants to go to Jiujiang for a business trip?”

No one from the security guard spoke.

The security supervisor coldly snorted, “Do this vote, the old rule. 800,000, plus a new identity, will wipe your butts afterwards!”

The security team looked at each other Look, some were a little tempted, but they shuddered at the thought of the brothers whose arms were broken at 90 degrees that were brought in tonight.

Although they have been trained for several years, dogs have been trained for many years. They are still dogs and cannot become wolves. Their in the bones still retain the nature of bullying and fearing hardship when they were bullies.

Everyone knows that they are facing a ruthless character this time, so no one knows if the other party will have any way to find themselves. This is different from the previous tasks of dealing with ordinary persons.

Seeing the people below, no one dared to answer, the security chief “pa pa pa!” patted the table, “you trash! trash!”

He stood suddenly Get up, “You must select two people for me to do this within a day! Or I will just designate it!”

Speaking, the security chief stood up and left the security room. When he left, he slammed the door angrily. With a “hong” sound, the door slammed on the door frame, and several cracks appeared in the wall on the edge of the door frame.

The security guards who saw this scene did not dare to show up, each of them muttered silently, “monster…”

After the security director left, the security guards were gone. The nervousness just now began to discuss, “Do you want to do it?”

“I dare not…”

“You didn’t always say that you want to vote, Then go home to raise fish.”

“I want to go home to raise fish, but this time is different. Look at what they are like this time! The arms are completely folded Come here, 90 degrees, the bones are exposed, this time we have encountered a hard stubble.”

“Yes. I’m almost exploded without seeing the supervisor!”

At the same time, Su Yang picked a wider blade of grass and returned home. After returning home, Su Yang wrote the words “Three Cup Chicken” on it.

Three cups of chicken is a special dish in Jiujiang cuisine. It is named after a cup of rice wine, a cup of lard and a cup of soy sauce without soup. Su Yang’s favorite thing when he was young was this bite. Every time he screamed at the festival, his mother always made it for him. After coming to Shanghai to go to school, Su Yang never ate again because he never went back.

After writing the word, Su Yang put the grass blade on the plate, and then put it in the pot.

Ignite, simmer, 1 minute later, Su Yang opened the lid, and a plate of three cups of chicken appeared in the pot, still exuding steaming heat.

Su Yang took out the plate and took two bites with chopsticks. It tasted good, but not as delicious as his parents made.

Thinking of his parents, Su Yang couldn’t help but smile.

Everyone didnt jump out of the cracks in the rock. Of course not, Su Yang. Everyone has their own inverse scales. Su Yangs parents…

After eating the three cups of chicken that hadn’t been eaten for a long time, Su Yang took out a tissue and wiped his mouth, and then called Janet and Kochi out of the virtual space with firm eyes, and he entered the virtual space himself.

Janet changed her clothes, a wide dress, covering his whole body, he wore a hat, sunglasses, and a mask on his head.

Picking up the phone, he went out, called for a car on the side of the road, and then went to Longtengjiayuan.

Xiaochi took a bucket of water and took his raincoat out of the community to a crowded place.

The taxi stopped near Longtengjiayuan, and Janet walked into the dense forest and changed her clothes with Notes of unknown ability.

After that, he picked up the phone and said, “Master.”

The word “en.” appeared on the screen.

For a moment, Su Yangs voice sounded in Koikes ear with bone conduction headphones, “Lets start.”

Koike put on his raincoat, sat on the side of the road, and went Water poured on his head.

As the small pond was watered, Janet only felt a pot of cold water poured on him, and for a moment, he found that his body slowly disappeared.

After the body disappeared, Janet held the hourglass in her hand and walked to Longtengjiayuan.

When I came to Longtengjiayuan, Janet without the slightest hesitation used an hourglass with a security guard who was watching the door, checked his memory, and looked for the name of the security supervisor.

After knowing the name of the security supervisor, he sent the name to Su Yang, and for a while, a line of writing was displayed on the phone screen: No. 2, Longtengjiayuan Villa District, No. 618, Xiangjiang Road, Baoshan District, Shanghai, China The study room on the second floor of the villa.

Janet looked at the distribution of the entire villa, and then moved towards Villa No. 2, he was hidden, no one could see him.

Coming to the door of the villa, Janet turned over into the villa, and then went all the way to the second floor.

When I came to the entrance of the study on the second floor, after confirming that there were no cameras around, the small pond stopped watering, Janet slowly appeared from in the sky, and Su Yang also appeared beside Janet.

He changed his clothes and his appearance changed.

Su Yang sorted out his clothes and opened the door. The security supervisor was standing in front of the desk. There was a large piece of rice paper in front of him. He was holding a brush in his hand and waved Fang Qiu on the rice paper.

A giant like him, who should fight monsters in movies, is actually writing with a brush. Its also very counterintuitive, especially since he didnt use a big pen, but a small pen. Writing word by word on rice paper is even more contradictory.

With his pen movement, a beautiful line of Xingkai appeared on the rice paper.

I have to say that he still has some accomplishments in Xingkai, but maybe because he is in a bad mood now, the pen is a little impatient.

It is estimated that this is the reason why he is practicing calligraphy.

When I heard the door opening, the security supervisor did not lift his head, and continued to write, while buzzing, “Who told you to come in without knocking? Have you forgotten my rules?”


Although his words are plain, they carry an imposing manner that is not irritating and prestigious, especially his size here, which is even more majestic.

Su Yang waved his hand carelessly, Janet was nodded, and then closed the door, moved a chair, and placed it in front of Su Yang.

Su Yang sat on the chair, then sat by the door, looking at him expressionlessly.

I didn’t hear anyone reply to him, and heard the sound of moving a chair. The security supervisor noticed the abnormality, he stopped the pen, and then lifts the head, looking towards the door.

He was taken aback for a moment, and then he patted the brush on the table with a “Pa”, the ink splashed and soiled the rice paper, “Who are you?!”

Su Yang slowly said, “Aren’t you calling me all the time?”

The security supervisor eyebrows slightly frowned, “Are you Su Yang?”

Su Yang nodded.

The security supervisor looked up and down Su Yang, his gaze fell on Janet again, and then he looked carefully. It may be discovered that both of them have thin arms and legs, and there is no way to threaten them, so He smiled contemptuously, “Really didn’t expect my opponent is actually two little dolls. Hahaha.”

“My group of men are really rubbish, they can’t even beat you two! It seems My training volume will be doubled!”

Su Yang did not answer, but asked plainly, “On the phone, you said you want to do something to my parents?”

Security The supervisor took out a paper towel, wiped his hand soiled with ink, and walked out from the back door of the desk.

In front of his body resembling a giant beast, Su Yang and Janet are like two children.

He looked at Su Yang condescendingly, and said disdainfully, “I originally had this plan. After all, I thought you and your subordinates were some incredible characters. But now you are here, I It feels like there is no need to threaten you with your parents!”

He grinned, “After all, this is my site. Although I dont know how you came, I dont want to leave when I come! No one will know what is happening here!”

“As for your parents, I will send them down to see you after I have packed you up. In this way, you are on the way to Yellow Springs. You wont be lonely anymore. hahaha.”

Su Yang looked at him, the smile on his face became brighter and brighter, “When the country is sweeping evil, you dare to commit crimes like this? You are not afraid of me Call the police?”

The security supervisor laughed, “Are you a fool, sweeping the evil? How can we have the evil? We are a decent property.”

, His face suddenly turned fierce, “It’s you! Broke off the arms of seven of my brothers! I have to settle this account with you!” After finishing, his face hangs again. With a relaxed smile on his face, he moved his neck and made the sound of “ka ka ka” bone rubbing, then both of his hands squeezed, moved towards Su Yang provocatively hooked his finger, “Come on. Let me Lets see how much ability a person can destroy seven brothers.”

Su Yang sat on the chair and didnt move, but raised his chin towards Janet, “Try him.”


Janet cup one fist in the other hand, “Yes.”

Then he walked up and stood opposite the security Captain.

The head of security looked at the person with a slender body like a girl who was only 1.6 meters tall in front of him, and smiled grinningly, “Just a little shrimp like you, I can crush you with one hand!”< /p>

“Come on! I’ll give you a hand! See how you can catch me!”

Janet is not at all polite, “Okay.”

Speaking, his hand slammed to the right hand of the security Captain. Although the security supervisor said lightly, but in fact he is not at all underestimating the enemy. His eyes condensed and he stretched out his left arm quickly, trying to block Janets attack.

As a result, Janet changed his skills temporarily and caught the security supervisors left hand directly, and then only heard “ka-cha”. The security Captains left hand was like a straw pole and was forcibly removed from the center. Break it!

The bone came out of the arm, and the blood spurted out!

The security supervisor only felt a sharp pain from the broken arm, and his left arm completely lost consciousness. His scream of “Ah!” was complexion ashen, his forehead was full of sweat, that drama The pain almost made him bite off his tongue!

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