As the battle between Solon and Fuji Tiger entered a fever pitch, the unique roar of the Demon Slayer Order also appeared deafening, the heaven-destroying shells hit the island like a rainstorm, screams were heard everywhere, nearly eighty percent of the pirates who were evacuated urgently fell into the encirclement of the navy, and the remaining two percent made a passage and flew away, and the previously shocking Demon Slayer Order had lost its due power.

The warship is moving closer to the island little by little, the quality is not enough to make up the quantity, and after all, it is the demon slaughter order, how can it be that Fujitora came alone, and a certain unnamed tan sunglasses is manicuring on the main ship, which is more and more blatant.

Solon and Fuji Tiger exerted their forces at the same time, making this pier a forbidden area, and those unjust pirates who parked their boats here were about to cry, how could they carry it like this, and how could they run now....

The warring parties can not care about the psychological activities of these pirates, Solon finally found a big guy who played with knives, the excitement level directly exploded, after all, this is not a companion, no matter how black he can go, except for the blindness of Fuji Tora makes him a little mustard, other aspects he is very satisfied with this opponent.

"Three knife flow. Qinglong Yin. Water! "

The huge green dragon phantom wrapped Solon, making his speed increase sharply, and he came to the vine tiger in the blink of an eye, his arms were raised upward, like the dragon's big mouth wanting to devour the enemy in front of him, and the vine tiger did not retreat, took a steady step forward, the blade in his hand wrapped in armed color domineering and fruit ability slashed forward fiercely, the two collided, making the entire space stop for a moment, and then the huge shock wave overflowed around, The huge wave pushed the warships that tried to approach a little farther away.

Solon landed on the ground with a flip, forcefully stopped his slightly trembling hands, and then looked in the direction of Fuji Tora with burning eyes, and the fighting intent in his eyes was still so hot.

Fuji Hu slid back for a distance, probed the island again with his domineering look, took a deep breath and said calmly: "There are no more people who need to be protected, in that case..." As he spoke, he took a step forward again, the ground was also cracked by his step, and the knife he held in his backhand rose with amazing momentum, and then he drank the move out like a peach: "Gravity knife. Fall!

With his loud shout, the sound of "booming" sounded, making people's attention can't help but be pulled over, looking up, a meteorite close to nearly half of the island fell from the sky, faster and faster, friction air even burned the whole meteorite, this deadly natural disaster came.

Solon's pupils contracted for a moment, and then he bit the words of Hedao one deadly, his arms bulged with green tendons, and he casually turned Qiushui and Asura Ghost Tho back, and whispered softly: "Nine mountains and eight seas, for one world, gathering a thousand worlds is a small thousand worlds, this realm multiplies three, there is no self, three swords flow mysteries... A big one. Three thousand. The boundless universe!

When he whispered, Solon had already begun to run, and then jumped towards the meteorite, as small as a mayfly shaking a tree, but the palpitating armed color domineering rose up into the sky, and the special ghost qi also made him like that Asura in mid-air.


The sonic boom started again, Solon completed the second jump in the air, and his speed increased again, just to see him rush straight towards the meteorite like this, and then... Straight through the past, appeared behind the meteorite, the armed color domineering on the huge meteorite and the coverage of the fruit ability were consumed by the slash.

Yamato and Weibull, who had never been able to get a shot, also soared into the sky, choosing different fragments left and right, mace and Cong Yunche showed its power, and turned the already "ordinary" meteorite into powder with just one blow.

Fuji Tora's expression was a little ugly, he took a deep breath and was ready to launch the same attack again, Mihawk, who was carrying the black knife night, slowly walked over and said softly: "If you still want to continue, I can be your opponent, please don't pick the seedlings I'm still waiting for." "

..." Fuji Hu didn't speak, but the fish touching monster who was serious about manicuring appeared between the two: "It's so terrible~ the world's number one swordsman~ Your Cross Guild bounty our navy has already declared war naked~

" Mihawk's face did not change at all, even if he was now facing two generals: "Borusalino, under the demon slaughter order, they are all Sakaski's direct troops, you are much more ruthless than us..."

When Fujitora was still wondering what he was talking about, the warship that had just been pushed away by the tide leaned over, and when he approached the dock, he actually stretched out a metal palm from the sea and grabbed the warship in his hand, and Barrett's happy laughter could be heard even on this shore.

"Hahaha! It's been a long time! The

warship instantly dissolved, and flew towards the Barrett robot along with the buildings on the island, gradually forming a towering monster, and Barrett's voice came out from inside.

"Now I am invincible!"

Luffy in fourth gear just flew in front of this monster and was stunned for a moment, and was directly shot out...

Speaking of returning to the dock, Mihawk glanced sideways at the warship forming an encirclement in the distance, and said softly: "My guild president will solve Barrett, and please go back to the ship and wait."

Fuji Hu was silent in place, but the yellow ape said with a smile: "If it weren't for your reward for the navy, I really want to give you the title of a good citizen, and Bucky can also attack his former partner?" "

Don't bother, this can only be counted as the president's family affair, my job just needs to let you not disturb, so what about my proposal?"

"It's certainly better to have someone to help with this worst escape, and agree with the deal... But I want to ask, how did you Mihawk be willing to live under the people? The yellow ape stretched out his hand and pressed on the shoulder of the vine tiger, and the whole person began to flash a dazzling light.

Mihawk shook his head and said, "It's also not something you need to worry about, Borusalino... Or rather, the yellow ape general.

A sentence pointed out the yellow ape's naval identity, making his playful expression a little stiff, but it was only for a moment, he shrugged his shoulders and muttered two words next to the vine tiger's ear, just before he had time to see the vine tiger change his face, the two disappeared on the dock.

Only at this time, Solon came over with a frown, facing Mihawk a little eager, but not very confident, in the two years of cultivation he deeply understood Mihawk's strength...

Mihawk turned his back to Solon and said, "One more step ahead, I'll wait for you..."

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