The mayfly looked confused, then closed his eyes and shook his head: "There is no premonition... I don't know what to do anymore. The words were all tinged with a little crying, after all, no matter what kind of events were before, there would be more or less premonitions, but today I don't know what happened, and there was no point at all.

Changkong held the mayfly in his arms, frowned and said: "Breathing, the heartbeat is still steady, I can only wait for a while..."

This strange situation is indeed a little overwhelming, but fortunately, only half an hour later, Monasha woke up, she shook her head before looking at the people around her, her expression became a little strange: "I'm fine... I remember that there is a devil fruit on the ship that no one eats, help me get it..." Everyone

was a little confused, but Shi Yu still took the devil fruit and handed it to Monasha, from the appearance of it was once the swallowing fruit of Wapol, Monasha reached out and took it and then raised an index finger to point at the devil fruit, the devil fruit floated out two streams of energy towards the lamp and table in the cabin, as soon as it touched, the lamp and the table merged into one, It looks like it's one in the first place....

━Σ(゚Д゚|||) -

"This... This devil fruit can work without eating?! Zhongyuan Yao, who had always been calm, was a little uncalm at this time, he stupidly looked at the fused lamp table, and then looked at Monasha and didn't know what to say.

Monasha frowned and looked at her fingers, shook her head and said, "I don't know what the situation is? But there was a voice in my heart urging me to go to the Island of the End... That is, Ralph Drew, the Straw Hat Pirates already have three pieces of signpost history over there, and our next goal is to set the last one..."

Where this ship goes is originally your decision, but it's a little sudden, let's find an island to settle on first, and see if we can get some information. Shi Yu nodded and did not raise any objections.

Of course, no one else will have it, this sudden situation disappears without waves, and no one knows what Monasha's new ability represents... Until the last day.


Luffy's body that attacked Barrett paused, there can be no such moment in the fierce attack, I saw Barrett hit Luffy's face with a punch and directly smashed him to the ground, and then looked at his fist with some doubts....


The sound of Luffy landing on the ground sounded, Han Cook as his "wife" of course rushed over at the first moment, looking at Barrett's expression as if he wanted to eat people, but looking at Luffy's expression was gentle like water, this conversion speed is extremely fast, making people wonder if her expression system will break.

"Husband... Luffy, are you all right? Hancock forced Luffy out with his domineering hands covered in armed color, in fact, it was okay to pull it out, but she couldn't bear it.

Luffy was a little dizzy, he shook his head before he saw Han Cook, and then immediately said with a grin: "Han Cook ~ Sassi ignores Dana~ Are you okay?"


This is the legendary crit, Hancock felt that her heart was pierced by Cupid's ten thousand arrows, red clouds fluttered on her cheeks and fell to the ground, and then she covered her face with her hands and muttered shyly: "Do you care more about how I am doing than myself?" This is... Love~"

(᷄ὢ・᷅ ) Huh?

Luffy saw that Han Cook didn't care about himself, and didn't care, got up from the ground and moved his body, and then launched the fourth gear again and rushed over, at this moment... The order to slaughter had been given, and naval warships approached the island.


As soon as he arrived at the edge of the island, Fuji Tora unleashed his domineering spirit to the maximum, and then found that the various chambers of commerce were ready to leave at the beginning of the race, and now there were no other ordinary people on the island except pirates, which made him breathe a sigh of relief, and then heard Solon's voice.

"I'm coming! Pole. Torahunti! "

The huge voice seems to be afraid that Fuji Tiger will not know that he is attacking, this way... I don't know if it's discrimination, but in the eyes of the single-celled Solon, he just doesn't want to take advantage of the slightest.

Fujitora was a little puzzled by Solon's shout... One thing is to say, his famous move knows what kind of attack he will launch, so it makes little difference whether the vine tiger is blind or not.

However, there was no time for Fuji Tiger to think between the electric flint, he directly pulled out his sword and sheathed to block Solon's attack, and the two fought together, if you cut through Solon's shouting voice, the fight between the two looked like two fierce tigers fighting, and the atmosphere was a little anxious.

As a result, the pirates who had seen Fuji Tiger preparing to retreat in a different direction were now retreating faster, and they didn't know why they dared to come here... And the pirates who are qualified to take over the aftermath of the battle, such as Kira who is carrying Kidd, he watched the hanging Solon pause for a moment, and then hurriedly quickened his pace and went around the place where the two were fighting, after all, if Kidd woke up, then how could he still go, he really broke his heart....

In addition, the person who is qualified to watch the battle is Yamato, she carries the mace on her shoulder casually, and then the person squats on the ground how to look like a little sister, pouting and looking unhappy, she still can't do this "robbery" thing.

Half to fend off the navy, the other half to protect her companions, Weibull stood behind her side like a door god, his eyes flickered a little as he watched the battle between the two, his fingers moving on the cloud cut, and he seemed to be a little eager to try.

Solon now fell into the downwind slightly, both of them did not use their strongest skills very tacitly, but competed with pure swordsmanship, and Solon's eyes, which were obviously falling into the downwind, were full of excitement, and his momentum actually began to improve little by little.

Fuji Tiger became more and more frightened, last time in Dressrosa he had a stumbling block and could not attack at full strength, only the pirates here had no objects to protect, he also let go, but he couldn't take Solon, and he was like a grindstone that was giving birth to a famous knife that shocked the world.

Another thing is... It is clear that the strength in Dressrosa is not so high, and after the battle with the country, Solon's strength has actually increased by leaps and bounds, which is really unreasonable.

Fuji Tiger frowned and began to use his fruit ability, and the ghost qi on Solon's body also began to overflow, Asura Ghost Toru let out an excited hum, the second round, about to begin...

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