Everyone in the Straw Hat Pirates gathered together, Em and Meili stood slightly forward, blocking Luffy who was beaten up because of fanning the flames behind, although this is the daily routine, but still can't let outsiders watch, otherwise where will the face of the four emperors be shelved... However, the people present are not blind, and this practice of covering up their ears and stealing bells has the feeling that they are fools.

Ro, Kidd and Kira are also closer to the Straw Hat Pirates, after all, everyone has known each other for a long time, it is better to fight side by side with the country, relatively familiar with it, and Hawkins, Becky and Urki get together, their mentality is now a little tense, and this strength gap is indeed obvious.

Bucky was lying on the ground with his butt cocked, and there was a missile behind him that popped up from time to time to Mars, which felt a little weird and funny no matter how you looked at it, and his position was exactly in the middle of the confrontation, and I don't know if he did it on purpose or because of some coincidence....


Like the sound of a cannonball hitting the ground, Barrett landed on the edge of the field, scanned everyone with a hideous gaze, and then saw that the scene of Sanji and Solon beating Luffy was a little uncalm, always feeling that there was something wrong with his intelligence collection, and this mood became a little incoherent, but he was still professional, just stunned for a moment and immediately converged his mind, and said in an undoubted tone: "You are qualified to join my subordinates!" Be grateful to me! I will take you to a higher level! Of course...... You can also choose to be killed by me. "




is tonight's Cambridge... Em looked at Barrett like a fool, does this guy have such a problem in his brain, and I don't know how to say it....

In fact, Barrett's approach still has traces, after all, he was beaten by Roger before getting on Roger's ship, so he wanted to copy Roger's approach, and besides, he didn't trust anyone at all, and it was impossible to complete the voyage alone, so his goal was to establish power through the Pirate Expo and subdue a group of subordinates, as for the disobedient he was very confident to crush it directly, but there was a little problem... He overestimated his strength, if he only sent invitations to pirates below the Four Emperors, this success rate was close to eighty percent, but he may have been locked up stupidly in the Advance City, and he had attracted two Four Emperor level existences, which...

Luffy dashed his face, the blue nose and swollen face became the same, he stood a little in front of Em, picked his nostrils and said: "I don't want to be your subordinate, I took the third place, quickly give me the voucher, is it to play tricks?" If you dare to fool me, I will beat you!" "

...... Luffy, have you forgotten that you are number one? The real third place is now like an ostrich with its head buried in the ground, and has not pulled it out several times, are you really not a trick?

"I won the second place, what is the second place prize..." Luo also followed, but he participated completely because he wanted to give Hawkins a hard time, and he accidentally took the second place.

All of us here... There is one to count one, probably no one except Luffy is aiming to win the prize....

The corner of Barrett's eyes twitched, and he suddenly launched his overlord-colored domineering, although everyone present was slightly uncomfortable but could endure, but the poor ones who worked hard and were still on the road, the slightly stronger ones were directly blown away, and the weaker ones fainted directly, and then... Barrett is stupid, his Liwei's moves are actually very outrageous if they are useless, obviously his overlord color domineering attainment is quite good, but this group of people is not taken seriously, at most, Luffy did not pick his nose anymore, became a vigilant look at him, and the meaning in that look is quite clear, obviously afraid that he will pay the bill, good villains are this level of combat power, why would they pay attention to a billion Baileys.

The tree lives a skin, the person lives a face, and Barrett, who feels insulted, appeared in front of Luffy as soon as he moved, and smashed a punch towards Luffy's face, but he didn't hit it, because Em appeared in front of Luffy when he just moved, and Ghost Che hit the fist and made a crisp hum, this force is really good, making the ground where Em stepped became cracked, obviously a fruit ability but has such physical attainments, no wonder it is so arrogant, but... Em doesn't know how he was affected, and his arrogance far exceeded that of Barrett: "Hand over Ralph Drew's permanent pointer, it doesn't matter to us how you want to play here."

Barrett missed the blow, the arrogant face changed color, jumped backwards and fell to the ground, smiled when he heard Em's words, raised his fist to wrap the gravel around his arm, and instantly transformed into a giant's arm, the domineering reflection of the armed color was a little dazzling, and then smashed towards Em with a punch again.

Em shrugged and didn't move, after all, Luffy behind him had already completed the third gear, and he also punched out, shouting in his mouth: "You actually really play tricks!" "


A huge roar resounded in the sky, the overflow of armed color domineering and overlord color domineering made it explode everywhere, except for a few people from the Straw Hat Pirates and Bucky, the faces of others looked a little unnatural, this collision of strength gave them an unbeatable feeling, obviously everyone is a supernova, Luffy who was still under Kidd before ran to be tough with these old powerhouses, not only hard, but this didn't even feel the slightest feeling of falling into the downwind.

Hawkins' face became very strange, he gazed deeply at Barrett, as the saying goes, good birds choose trees to live, he thinks that he is a good bird, he feels that the brain of this wood may not be very good, even if he successfully joins most of the time will not get any benefits, so he immediately retreated, just when the time limit for the tarot cards arrived, he did not hesitate to levitate the tarot cards in front of his eyes, just glanced at the calm face became extremely ugly, and did not want to directly drive the mount away.

Luo looked at Luffy's back a little depressed, after all, he still understands the Straw Hat Pirates, such a hanging force is not one or two on the Straw Hat Pirate Group, the whole ship of the hanging force simply makes the game unpleasant to play, and he still put more attention on Hawkins, and found that Hawkins slipped away and chased him directly, looking a little unmoral.

And Kidd is different... This low-level pirate creator, Yi Bo Yuntian, rushed towards the collision point without thinking....

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