Em frowned and looked at Bucky, but could only see a funny face with a scream, as if the voice was a hallucination just now, so after looking at it for a while, he spoke: "I don't know what the purpose of the other people is, but according to my expectations, none of them should be interested in Barrett who has never met, my purpose is to get the permanent pointer of Ralph Drew, even if Luffy does not want me and is not ready to give it to others."

"Straw Hat Kid doesn't want it? It is worthy of being the chosen one, and this ability to take refuge is really unspeakable... Find the last piece of signpost history text and you will know why, the island of the end is not so easy to go to..." Bucky's last words became quieter, and then Em saw the missile increase in speed and rushed out with a shouting Bucky.

Em stopped and looked at Bucky's distant back, everything else felt fine, that is, the feeling of watching the fake One Piece became stronger and stronger, could it be that the terrier he had heard about many years ago was the truth?

Shanks dies in battle, Bucky Fruit awakens, and the world is torn apart?

If nothing else, it's true that the world is divided....

After thinking for a while, Em regained his steps and rushed towards the finish line....


Running in front of Em are Hawkins and Luo, these two guys who are feuding are fighting and running along the way, Luo Hao is traveling with the straw hat for a while, and now his strength has now stabilized Hawkins, but Hawkins' fruit ability is still a bit BUG, the fruit ability of "substitute for the dead ghost" makes the melon-eating masses who did not participate one by one violently killed, but he has nothing to do, want to fight back and can't fight, can only urge this lower mount to speed up and go towards the end, Expect Barrett to have some deterrent power to make this guy stop doing it to himself, to say his goal... Ralph Drew's permanent pointer may only be part of it, he wants to show his strength for Barrett to see, and then join Barrett's team, after all, he is also the guy who let Kaido defeat his ambitions, and now that Kaido has fallen, he wants to find another big tree to cool off....

There is no one under Barrett, and joining at this time can even blend into the high-level, unlike Shanks or Tichy's side with a solid structure, even if you go in, there is no way to climb up quickly....

I have to say that the imagination is beautiful, the truth is cruel ... All he was thinking about was farting and eating.


The "Room" was getting angrier, but the effect was minimal, and because of the anger, there was a little problem with this point, which made Hawkins more calm, and then because of anger, he was pushed up by Bucky and flew forward together, which... The painting style is too beautiful to look at.

It turned out that the handsome Luo had died, and now the comedian Luo Goodness appeared, and Hawkins watched blankly as the missile flew out against Bucky and Luo, which... It seems a bit outrageous.

Looking further, it is Luffy and Meili, Meili is sitting on a limited edition Luffy mount, this bump all the way feels like she is about to vomit, but she still forced to hold back, if she spit out what she eats into her stomach, it is really too wasteful, and these two spherical creatures run and change back to their original state is really the envy of most girls.

Luffy slammed a brake, and Meili flew out directly, but fortunately Luffy grabbed her by the back collar so that she didn't "crash" directly, and then the two turned their heads neatly, watching the hideous-looking Law and Bucky who was about to cry flew past their eyes, this scene is simply "beautiful", making people want to complain and don't know where to start spitting.

Luo now only has one feeling, what is the difference between social death and real death, according to normal speaking, he should have escaped immediately after reacting, but now I don't know why there is a force that glues him and Bucky behind him tightly, this is impossible to escape, can only maintain the current state and fly forward, this feeling is simply ... The heart is cool, the heart is flying.

"What are they playing... I also really want to play. Luffy's murmur made Melly look at him sharply, although Melly didn't know how to become very straw hats, but she didn't dare to agree with such a game, and when had she heard such an excessive request, let alone the captain's request. I saw Meili break free from Luffy's hand and fall to the ground, kneeling on one knee while raising an RPG composed of water, pulling the trigger without hesitation, and the seawater missile chased after Luffy...

Luffy was stunned for a moment, and actually opened his limbs and let out a cheering sound, looking extremely excited after Bucky.

Further forward in the picture, it is the two faces against the face, but also thanks to the face against the face, otherwise Solon does not know where to run, these two guys are only one step away from the end, Luffy was directly overtaken by the seawater missile, and then there was Law and Bucky, these two wronged species that have always maintained a leading position instantly became four or five, this... This game is open, it is simply too much.

But the wronged duo didn't mind, they were now arguing about who was fourth and who was fifth, and they felt like they were about to fight, and Luffy didn't mean to stop it at all, and even urged them to hurry up, and they were still discussing with Bucky about changing the first place for the third place....

Sanji's foot and Sauron's knife handle appeared left and right on Luffy's cheek, and Sanji lit a cigarette and said compassionately, "Fight?

And Solon's other hand kept coming out of the sheath and into the sheath: "Captain, I think I need special training..."

It's one thing to fight, it's another thing to be instigated by others to fight, not to mention that this captain opened the hang and grabbed the first place originally made them unhappy, and at this time he was still provoking here, and the muzzle instantly turned fire.

"Siyi Marseille~" Luffy's speed of recognizing his mistake is simply barbaric, making people even wonder if he knows what he did wrong, anyway, admit it first and finish it....

After them comes Melly and her new mount, Em, and five other supernova stars fall last, and at this point... The grand stage cast built by Barrett has all appeared, and I can see what kind of drama will be sung at the end....

To say that this scene is very similar to a supernova scene, except for Bucky, Sanji and Meili are all worst era supernovae.

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