Em looked at Nami with a strange look, always feeling that he had just been followed without knowing it, otherwise this number would be so coincidental, and this time... I didn't give myself a little time to switch the money card at all, but the upgrade of the Sonny was an important thing, as a companion sailing together, a little money was a small thing, except for a little sadness, Em said that he could still bear it, so he directly handed the money card over....

Heartache...... The heart hurts so much that I can't breathe, and I have to hand it in before I cover the heat, this feeling is like just getting the boss's promised bonus, and the backhand wife found another salary card of herself, and she was simply drunk....

Or rather... It's like the author thought that he could earn some pocket money by writing a book, and his wife found out about the money text message backhand, and Sichuan men's family status understands everything....

Nami was ready to take it for unknown reasons, but she didn't expect that Em was pinched to death, and it took a lot of strength to take it, but she glanced at the beautiful eyes and immediately widened, and then gave Em a big hug, fortunately, Em endured this hug, and he had to die here in exchange for Sanji.

"Frenchy! Go, buy it! Nami was excited for a moment, and then handed the money card to Franky rather painfully, and sadness was transmitted from Em to Nami, which is also considered the law of conservation of energy....

Usopp and French looked at Em with a demented look, and then jumped to search his body, Aem this guy can always take out the money, always feel like squeeze him again, a little more...

Em gritted his teeth and turned all his pockets to them, and finally opened his pocket, and there was nothing in it except a few coins and potions: "See!" By the way, now how much money is left behind the upgrade of

the Sonny..." "How much..." Franky covered his chin, the abacus in his heart crackled, and then said: "How much money Sonny can eat..." Speaking of this, he glanced left and right, and then lowered his voice and said in Em's ear: "You know ancient weapons..." Em

looked at Franky with wide eyes: "You want to build that?!"

French nodded and shook his head again: "No, even if a lot of information is used from there, that good evil is also hundreds of years ago, and it should be more powerful than that." "

Bull Batch... Nami, do you know this?

Nami nodded: "I started this plan when I got the power rock from the NEO navy before, and the money I got from Gurantezolo, and we invested eighty percent or even ninety percent of our profits into this, and I also said to Luffy... But I don't even know if that guy understood, said that the meal was half-open, he directly agreed and went to eat..."

No wonder it always feels like we're so poor... The Sonny built by 200 million Bailey is now costing 20 billion, and it will continue to be invested..." Em smashed his mouth, and did not object to this plan, after all, the ship is also one of the partners, if the previous Melly had Franky in addition to a huge amount of funds, it would not become like this can only rely on Em to exist.

At the end of the conversation, French and Usopp go to buy upgrade materials for the Sonny, while Em hugs left and right... Ah, and Em and Nami, Robin drink coffee together and wait for them to return, the Straw Hat Pirates still ushered in a moment of abundance no matter what, which made Nami's mood a lot better, and the happy chat state at this time did not show that Nami was the owner of the straw hat domineering.

I don't know why... Em always felt that when he was chatting with Nami and Robin, his own chains wanted to lock his throat...


Sanji looked at the recipe and led the dog... Ahhh, holding Solon, in order to avoid Solon running away, the big smart Usopp was almost killed by Solon when he made this suggestion, but in the end he still completed this feat under Nami's toughness, as for who will lead this kind of thing, Sanji called a volunteer, but how excited he was just now, how much he regrets it now.

Solon can go wherever he wants, even if Yamaji stands still, he can drag Yamaji abruptly, like a brute cow, and the ravines on the ground that are pulled out by Sanji look like these two guys are ploughing the field, except that one is a cow and the other is a farming tool....

"It's almost time to go back, the pirate race is about to start, and you have to go back and ask them if they are participating?" Sanji gritted his teeth and tightened the rope, as if he was in a tug-of-war.

Solon heard Yamaji's words and suddenly walked towards Yamaji, causing the hard Yamaji to stumble and fall to the ground, but Solon didn't feel anything wrong with him at all, and opened his mouth to mock: "I'll go to that race later and come back with a top spot, and you No. 7, who can't stand steadily, will take a good look." "

Huh?! You don't know the road and say you want to take the first place?

"What are you talking nonsense? Who doesn't recognize the way! "

Don't you have a little pressure in your heart for so long?!"

"What are you barking at the dog on the 7th!"

Yamaji took a deep breath and gritted his teeth and said, "Let's compete with the race and let you see how I crush you!" "

Hmph... Number 7

...""I %*&*#¥..." The

Love and Kill duo are determined to participate in the race, but their original intention... Count if you are powerful, this point is not the real place to fight.


Luffy patted his stomach with a satisfied face, he spent the money cleanly with "outstanding" computing power, and he didn't even leave a coin, and he didn't know if such a thing would burn his brain, at this time, he was lying at the door of the market like a ball, and there was a small ball lying next to it was Meili, these two guys are the favorite candidates for food stalls, even if they are not expensive, these two have eaten the inventory clean, not to mention those expensive food stalls, originally wanted to see if they tasted it because of curiosity, As a result, their own stocks were simply not enough for these two to eat, and the income was simply a lot of money....

"Hiccup ~ a little support, Meili ~ are we going to find an activity to exercise after dinner or go back to Sonny to sleep

~ "Hiccup ~ exercise, I see that there is a racing signboard over there, the third prize is a billion voucher of the United Chamber of Commerce, and we can eat it again after getting it~ And we earned it ourselves~

" "Oh oh oh! Let's go! Wait a minute...... It always feels like Em just told me about this race... Forget it, I can't remember, it's okay, let's go

~" "Uh-huh~"

The third-place contenders set off....

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