Leia Ann swung the long whip to roll Boni and Big Bear up, and then flung the two out of the Red Earth Continent with a sharp flick, entering the new world in this way felt that Luffy would definitely like it, and then she did not retreat and rushed towards the encirclement of CP0, and anyone who wanted to chase Bonnie and Big Bear past her would be killed directly by the long whip through the heart.

Several CP0s wearing demon masks formed a battle formation towards Lia An, but Lia An forced her flank to be torn and made a gap, retreated to the edge of the Red Earth Continent, and then knelt on one knee a little weakly, looking at CP0 who surrounded her little by little and said: "Why~ I don't dare to come directly like this~ Do you guys have no eggs?" The

provocative words did not cause waves, and when the distance was about the same, CP0 raised the gun and aimed at Leiaan, the sound of the cocking sounded, and then the sound of shooting followed, without any nonsense, maybe they also knew that the villain died of talking too much, so there was not the slightest hesitation.

Leia Ann watched the bullets coming towards her, it took too much mental effort to rush all the way here, she had already escaped and turned back in order to save the big bear, it seems that this choice is a little reckless, her life ushered in the final moment, the scene of the horse lantern flashed in front of her eyes, and finally turned into a whisper: "I owe you... I paid it back. "

The bullets were speeding rapidly, the rain of bullets did not give any room to dodge, and death was close at hand.

"Aaaaa!!a You're dead! Monasha's voice sounded behind Liya'an, followed by the Heavenly Nian Qi Long Sword hitting the bullet, but the restraint of the Hailou Shi's bullet on the Nian Qi Long Sword was obvious, and the shattering sound continued to sound, blocking it only for a moment.

But it only takes such a moment, Yuan Laiguang and the rain fell in front of Leia'an, the spear and knife light were so wielded that the water could not be splashed, and all the bullets were taken abruptly, Leia Ann looked back blankly, Monasha with a scowl on her face was standing on the head of the dragon-shaped sky, and Nakahara Yao behind the side greeted her with a smile, and the mayfly was giving her a look.

Fortunately, the astrological pirate group was originally ready to pick up Lia An, and it was not far from here, so it was able to arrive in time, and Changkong and Luo Ke's flight ability also allowed them to fly to the Red Earth Continent, not to mention the intelligence of BIG MOM, if it were not for a series of coincidences, Leia Anxiang's death would simply be a sure thing.

"I'll clean you up later, huh!" Monasha may forget that she is a loli image, even if she is angry, she looks a little arrogant, the royal sister of the royal sister Lia An looks at the angry Monasha, and then takes it in her arms, this height difference is really a little...

"Captain~You're coming to save me~

" "You let me go!" I'm angry! "

Don't say it here... The two brothers in the field have rushed into the formation of CP0, there is no fit for them to make fun that must be the existence of the only gear, the test rushed in without thinking about it, and Luo Ke watched his long sword turn into fragments that was also angry, just now he was still on the boat and said that he could bring Leia An back alone, he didn't want to hit the face so quickly, now he is also angry and rushed into the enemy position, I have to say... This time is really an opportunity to increase the bounty amount.

The mayfly landed next to Leia Ann and "saved" Monasha, and then carefully examined Leia's body, looked at the terrifying wound on the flank and frowned: "Captain... This wound is poisonous, quick fix, I have a hunch that medicinal herbs can be found on the island half a day away from here. "

The hunch ... A good luck premonition is not called a premonition, it is called a prophecy....

Monasha nodded, looked at the people who had not yet rushed over and said, "Let's go up!" The crew who bullied me is tired of living! "The bandit look with the loli face how to see how to violate it, but everyone has no opinion at this time, just nodded and rushed up, the follow-up troops of CP0 are already on the way to come, and a quick victory is the meaning of the question.

Then CP0 felt the strength that did not match the amount of the bounty at all....


Em threw the coin again, Luffy said he was satisfied, and Meili even sent a kiss on Em's face, the mouth full of oil was simply enough....

"Come back after eating what you want, Sister Robin and I are waiting for you here." Em sat outside a café and instructed the back of the two, even this coffee was paid by Robin, after all, except for the billion, all the cash on Em's body had been spilled to Luffy.

"Oh!" Luffy's response came over, the running look can really see the excitement, and I don't know how this rice bucket can be eaten, maybe this daily is a boat of people to be this guy's father and mother, but when the fight starts, the most reliable is also him... No, after the incident of who is hiding and who is a low-level pirate, this guy is still uncomfortable when fighting, but I feel that the premise is that Kidd's guy is there, and it may be a good proposal to take Kidd away with a sack before really fighting in the future.

Thinking about these or not, Nami also walked over with Usopp and Franky, her expression looking a little serious.

"Why don't you grab it a little later... That thing is not often seen, and it is still very useful for the upgrade of the Sonny. "Usopp doesn't know if he was damaged by Em, he used to only think about how to scrape together money, but now he actually has the option to grab it.

Nami covered her forehead and shook it: "No, I inquired, the people who come here to do business are a few large chambers of commerce, if we do something to them, we really need to buy something in the future will be resisted, this is also an unwritten rule, in this case, even if the Draco comes, you have to pay honestly, not to mention us."

"Then it seems that there is no chance this time... 800 million is not expensive for that thing, but we really can't take it out now..." Frankie sighed helplessly and said.

The distance is not far, Robin and Em's hearing is not bad, such a conversation makes Robin look at Em with a smile, and Em touched the money card in his arms with a strange face, some doubts whether these three guys are acting to show him, their private money can not always be saved, what is wrong.

"Huh? Sister Robin, Em, are you done shopping? Luffy, what about them..."Nami only then noticed the two of them and collected her mood and asked.

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