If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 9: Lao Tzu can't kill you!


in the room.

Chen Yilang forcibly resisted the urge to vomit, ate the memory bread into his stomach again, and then filled himself with a large bottle of Fat House Happy Water.

As of today, Chen Yilang has been eating memory bread for almost a week.

He now has a serious fear of bread and toast, to the point where his scalp tingles when he sees type-shaped things.

In short, dry eating won't work now, so every time he eats bread, he has to add a little fat house happy water by the way.

—Chen Yilang named it "bread phobia".

But what can we do?

He has no choice!

In five days, he must make up for all the basic knowledge that has been missing for the past three years, otherwise the second model will definitely be finished...

Chen Yilang felt that he might not be able to learn from others in his studies, but he really didn't admit it when he tried to eat.


In the past five days, he ate all the textbooks he had distributed in the past three years.

Chen Yilang felt that he had fought a battle.

Fortunately, the results were not bad.

After replenishing all the previous knowledge, Chen Yilang felt that the exam this time seemed to be a little underwhelming.

In the past, Chen Yilang didn't understand why books are the spiritual food of mankind, but now he understands.

I understand.

After eating today's bread, Chen Yilang rode a small electric donkey and went back to the classroom to study at night.

As soon as he entered the classroom, Chen Yilang immediately felt a different atmosphere than usual.

All the students in the class are working hard.

On weekdays, all kinds of playful and slapstick atmospheres were all swept away.

The reason is naturally very simple - tomorrow is the day of the second model test.

Under normal circumstances, at such critical junctures, even classmates who don't study very well on weekdays will unconsciously start to hurry up.

[The breath of involution is coming...]

The familiar system prompts appeared in my mind again.

This time, Chen Yilang wasn't panicking.

In recent days, he has become accustomed to this kind of atmosphere and does not feel any anxiety at all.

In addition, since he has already developed a certain resistance, the damage caused by [Breath of Involution] to him is almost negligible.

Chen Yilang took out his notebook and began to sort out all the knowledge points he had devoured this week.

Tonight, the eve of the second model test.

Chen Yilang was enjoying his studies, but Chen Jiahui, who was beside him, began to feel anxious.

She was a little unsure, and after reviewing for a long time, she didn't remember the knowledge points in her mind. Instead, she kept curiously paying attention to what Chen Yilang was doing.

And seeing Chen Yilang earnestly studying and taking notes at the World Bank, Chen Jiahui's inner anxiety began to multiply...

[You have mastered the skill: Breath of the lv1 Inner Volume! 】

[You have activated the skill [lv1 Inner Volume Breath], causing the effect of [Anxiety] to the surrounding units, and the HP of the affected units is slowly decreasing...]

Chen Yilang was stunned.

Good guy, this is the result he didn't expect...

Mingming was tortured to the death by the [Breath of Involution] of [LV5 Ultimate Learning God] last week, but the **** roles have been swapped today?

"But I didn't mean to..."

Chen Yilang felt a little innocent.

Didn't he just start learning happily, why did he start rolling up?

Forget it, it doesn't matter.

Who told you guys to confuse Lao Tzu in the first place?

Lao Tzu is going to die today!

Damn you!

Chen Yilang began to organize his notes with more concentration.

When the bell rang for the evening self-study, the students sitting around accidentally caught a glimpse of Chen Yilang sitting in the seat.

"Fuck, Brother Lang is still learning?"

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Do not know why.

They vaguely felt as if something major was going to happen in Class 6 of Senior Three, or even Senior Three...

Times seem to be changing, my lord!

[You used [Breath of Inner Volume] to deal a lot of damage to the lv1 school king, and you get ①Gold +18②Experience +19③Knowledge Points x1]

[You used [Breath of Inner Volume] to deal a lot of damage to the lv3 scholar, get ①Gold +18②Experience +19③Knowledge Point x1]

[You used [Breath of Involution] to deal a lot of damage to the lv4 school god, get ①Gold +18②Experience +19③Knowledge Point x1]

【Ding! 】

【Congratulations! Your level has been boosted! 】

[Player: Chen Yilang]

[Level: lv3 (0/1000)]

【Reputation: 10】

[Title: The fledgling Xiaobai]

[Get: ①Gold Coins +888③Assignable Attribute Points x1]

Another wave of unexpected surprises.

Chen Yilang never imagined that now he has reached the level that can shake the military hearts of [Xueba] and [Student God], and even caused them harm.

And the bounty they get from them is obviously much more than the [Scholar] and [Scholar].

Chen Yilang still chose to add the newly acquired attribute points to his wisdom value.

At this moment,

Chen Yilang seems to have felt some qualitative changes from quantitative changes.

In Chen Yilang's eyes, the practice questions on the table seemed to suddenly become simpler.

The thinking begins to be clear, the calculation begins to become faster, and the accuracy begins to improve...

A completely unprecedented experience!

Chen Yilang felt that his body became more excited...


This day's evening self-study is also over.

The high-intensity study overnight made everyone exhausted physically and mentally. The moment the bell rang for the end of get out of class, everyone got up and left the classroom.

Except for Chen Yilang.

He took his time and continued to take notes.

Not because he didn't want to leave, but because he knew that his chance seemed to come. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

——Chen Jiahui, who was sitting beside him, didn't intend to get up yet.

Before he knew it, he and Chen Jiahui were the only ones left in the empty classroom.

A fierce battle without gunpowder or war is being played out between two desks.

[You used [Breath of Involution] against the [Breath of Involution] of [lv5 Ultimate Academic God]...]

If you look at the blood bars of Chen Yilang and Chen Jiahui at this time.

You will find that the life value of the two people is actually decreasing slowly.

A subtle and tense atmosphere lingered in the classroom, like a string that was about to break.

The situation has become quite obvious.

——This is a silent duel, whoever leaves first is the grandson.

Chen Yilang felt that he couldn't take it anymore.

[You have entered a negative state [lv1 drowsiness], and your work efficiency and physical resistance are declining. 】

[[lv5 Ultimate Academic God] has entered a negative state [lv2 sleepy] and [lv1 irritable]]

"You can hold on for a while longer."

Chen Yilang glanced at Chen Jiahui who was sitting next to him.

Obviously, her condition looks worse, and her blood volume drops faster than Chen Yilang.

The corners of Chen Yilang's mouth began to rise slightly.

If this continues, winning or losing is just a matter of time.

She, she can't do her own thing!

The second hand moved backward step by step.

Finally, Chen Jiahui couldn't sit still.


Just when Chen Yilang secretly let out a sigh of relief and was about to declare victory in the battle—

Chen Jiahui took out a bottle of Dongpeng Special Drink from the drawer.

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