If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 8: Liu Shiya's hidden mission

This weekend, Chen Yilang still had a very fulfilling life.

In the morning, eat memory bread.

At noon, eat memory bread.

In the evening, eat memory bread.

Early in the morning, my stomach hurts and then I run out of water. After clearing the inventory, I continue to eat memory bread...

With this perseverance and fighting spirit.

Chen Yilang finally ate all the content before Monday.

Although it sounds really inspirational and touching, it is also true that he feels nauseated when he sees bread.

On Sunday night, shortly after dinner time, Liu Shiya came to Chen Yilang's house on time.

"Brother, have you read the notes yet?" Liu Shiya asked straight to the point.

"Eat... I'm done." Chen Yilang said.

"How is it?" Liu Shiya raised her eyebrows and asked, "I didn't lie to you, did I? Is it the same as what I said, I can't understand a question?"

"That's not true." Chen Yilang said with a smile, "Although your notes are really a bit messy, you can still understand them after a little research."


Liu Shiya's beautiful little face gradually showed a suspicious expression of black people.

What the hell?

She, an ignorant scumbag, actually said that he understood the notes, and even bit her back, saying that her notes were a bit messy?

It sounds inexplicable, there is always a feeling of anti-customer-oriented!

Liu Shiya was a little unconvinced: "Brother, don't brag to me, these topics are all five-star difficulty levels in any reference book, how can you understand them?"

"I'm your brother, why am I lying to you?" Chen Yilang was dumbfounded.

"That's right, there is a question similar to the one in my notes on the mock paper we sent out tonight."

Liu Shiya took out a test paper from her schoolbag and handed it to Chen Yilang, "The twelfth multiple-choice question, please write it to me. If it's wrong, you can invite me to Haidilao."

"Then what if I did it right?" Chen Yilang winked at Liu Shiya.

"How could you possibly do it right!"

Liu Shiya blurted out, but Chen Yilang stared at it a little hairy, so she could only say: "...If you do it right, I'll send you Xiong Yuwei's WeChat!"

"Bum, I'm not interested!" Chen Yilang said with a hilarious smile, "But this year's anniversary event seems to have four skins..."

"I'll buy it for you!" Liu Shiya gritted her teeth.

"It's easy to talk about." Chen Yilang snapped his fingers, "Bring the papers."

Liu Shiya handed over the test paper.

"Come on!" Chen Yilang said.

Liu Shiya resisted the urge to blow up this showman's dog head with one punch, and handed the black pen to Chen Yilang.

She is really curious, what kind of medicine is being sold in Tang Hulu, her unreliable old brother.

But I saw that after Chen Yilang took over the pen and test paper, he didn't panic at all.

Even, Liu Shiya didn't see him thinking at all.

Chen Yilang seemed to skip this step directly. After briefly reading the topic, he started writing and quickly calculated on the scratch paper.

And the logic and order are also extraordinarily clear, and the calculation steps are also very complete and correct...

Even better.

A clever trick that she spent a lot of time trying to sort out before was actually used by Chen Yilang...

And it works just fine!

"..." Liu Shiya was stunned.

She should remember correctly, right?

It's only been a weekend, it's only two days, right?

In this short period of time, her scumbag cousin actually digested all the knowledge points?

It's just so far off the mark!

"It's done."

Chen Yilang neatly closed the pen cap and threw the water-based pen to the other side: "Choose C for this question."

Liu Shiya immediately grabbed Chen Yilang's scratch paper and compared it with the problem-solving process on the reference answer.

After the comparison, the conclusion is that Chen Yilang's thinking is completely correct, and the problem-solving skills used are faster and easier than the methods given in the standard answer.

The final correct answer is also C.

How can it be?

Liu Shiya couldn't believe her eyes.

The difficulty of this question is not low. It is a question adapted from last year's finale multiple-choice question. Generally, people who can do it right can at least score 130 points or more in the mathematics of the college entrance examination.

But Chen Yilang really got it right, and it was fast and accurate.

So terrifying!

"Are you okay?"

Seeing Liu Shiya staring at the test paper for a long time and unable to say anything, Chen Yilang laughed and joked: "If there is nothing wrong, I think you can call the number and make money."


Liu Shiya rolled her eyes at Chen Yilang, and had no choice but to admit defeat, she obediently took out her mobile phone and gave Chen Yilang a coupon card.

"Tell me!" Liu Shiya put her hands on her hips, glared at Chen Yilang and said, "Have you been secretly looking for a teacher to open a small stove recently? How can you improve so much?"

"Self-study ends at 11 o'clock every night, and there is still unfinished homework on weekends. Do you think I have time to open a small stove?" Chen Yilang said with a shrug.

Liu Shiya stopped talking.

Chen Yilang is right, this is the real life of a hard-pressed senior high school dog, and he really doesn't have time to go outside to make up lessons secretly.

But Chen Yilang's change was indeed too great, which made Liu Shiya unbelievable.

"Oh, it's just luck, I just came across the same type of problem." Chen Yilang waved his hand and said, UU Reading www. uukanshu.com "If I get some other questions, I probably won't be able to write it."

"Maybe." Liu Shiya said absently.

That being said, but being able to write such a difficult topic shows that Chen Yilang still has something in his stomach right now.

Even if it is luck, it must be a part of strength.

Just at this time.

Chen Yilang found out that a [? 】symbols of.

"Sure enough!"

Chen Yilang was overjoyed.

As he expected, his old sister, like Yang Shijun, the math teacher, also has her own hidden tasks.

Soon, the system prompt popped up.

[You have triggered a new hidden mission. 】

[NPC: Liu Shiya]

[Details: Liu Shiya, a Chinese best friend, is looking for a tutor for her good friend Xiong Yuwei to do math homework. Fortunately, you have been included in Liu Shiya's consideration. You need to further prove your true strength to Liu Shiya. 】

[Conditions for achievement: ①Achieving the top 50 ranking in the grade (0/1) in the second mock exam]


Chen Yilang was stunned.

What the hell?

Top 50 in the grade! ?

You must know that in a key high school in a city like Beijiang No. 1 Middle School, the top 50 are already at the level of 985 high schools in China. If you rush to it, you can even compete with C9 high schools.

Not to mention the top 50 in the grade, he may be a little off the top 500 now...

Chen Yilang glanced at the calendar again.

The second model is scheduled for next Friday.

-It's only five days.


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