If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 64: 【Hot Beast】!

Late at night.

Nanxuan University.

East sixth dormitory.


The super-god's prompt sound echoed in the bedroom.

"Brother Lang is awesome!" The brothers in the next dormitory burst into a roar, "It's really thighs, I love love!"

"Basic exercise, basic exercise, don't be six."

Chen Yilang said, raised his palm again, and pressed it down, "Brothers, please keep your voice down, it's okay to go to the dormitory, it's a bad behavior to quarrel with others."

"Hey, hey, what Brother Lang said is." Everyone immediately lowered their voices.

Chen Yilang smiled slightly and continued to lower his head.

Indeed, as Wu Fengzhen said,

Being a monitor requires a lot of courage and ability.

But Chen Yilang also knew that,

As a monitor, there is actually one more important thing.

That is interpersonal relationship.

After all, in most cases, the monitor needs to handle a lot of affairs between the class and classmates.

If the popularity is not good, it will be difficult for the work to progress smoothly.


this night,

Chen Yilang is not just playing games,

It's still the way of the world!


Chen Yilang glanced at the poor economy on the attribute board, and said with a faint smile:

"Believe it or not, I can show five in this wave?"

"You're swollen, Brother Lang!" Zhang Jian scolded with a smile, "If you're a **** one, I'll eat my phone on the spot..."

Game Voice: "pentakill!"

Zhang Jian: "???"

Watching Chen Yilang win five kills with Luna in one hit, Zhang Jian felt as if he had watched a sci-fi movie.

Why has he practiced hard as a jungler for many years, but he is still still one bar seven?

Zhang Jian silently shed tears of shame...

【Ding! 】

[You used [High-end Operation], causing a lot of mental damage to [lv7 Keyboard Man]! 】

[Get: Gold +457, EXP +245]

[Get [Spider Silk x16]]

[Spider silk: a rare material that is abundant in the body of web worms. 】

Chen Yilang was happy.

I really didn't expect that if I came here at night to open a blackout, I would be able to fight monsters along the way!

It's like killing two birds with one stone.

"Just now you seemed to say what kind of cell phone did you eat?" Chen Yilang asked.

"You heard it wrong, I said shredded chicken." Zhang Jian was serious, "I'll order a takeaway later."


Under the leadership of Chen Yilang,

The crowd rushed up and down with a wave of Dominant Dragons, blowing up the crystals on the opposite side.

"It's awesome!"

"Brother Lang is awesome!"

"Six, six, six, all stand up!"

In the bedroom, the earth-shattering cheers broke out again.

Looking at this group of excited guys, Chen Yilang couldn't help laughing.

As a 100-star level game house, taking this group of little chickens to kill the Quartet in the low-end game is as easy as playing with sand, as long as you have a hand.

Just at this time,

the bedroom door,

Suddenly there was a bang bang.

"Open the door, check the room!"

A rough middle-aged woman's voice came in from outside the door.

In an instant,

In the bedroom that was still full of excitement in the last second,

It was silent for a moment.

"Damn it, it's a housekeeper!" Someone said in a low voice.

"No, no, no? If you don't go to college, you still need to do rounds?"

"Fairy tales are all lies. Who said that when you go to college, you are free?"

for a while,

Everyone panicked.

As freshmen, they haven't been able to deal with similar things like old fried dough sticks.

Chen Yilang stood up and looked around.


Almost all the boys in the class gathered in this dormitory to open the black together. The dormitory that used to be a four-person room is now sitting around ten people...

If this wave of housekeepers rushes in directly to check the room, then there will be a big problem.

"Don't talk."

Chen Yilang said in a deep voice.

Do not know why,

Everyone obediently shut their mouths.

Probably because the scene where Chen Yilang led the team to carry the audience just now left a deep impact on them.

Brother Thigh Lang, is definitely a man who can make people feel safe!

"I'll go out and tell her, don't come out and don't make any noise."

Chen Yilang said.

"Okay." Everyone nodded.


Chen Yilang put on a light smile, pushed open the dormitory door and walked out.

As soon as the door opened,

Waiting in front of Chen Yilang was a bloated middle-aged woman with a fierce face.

Look at the work uniform she is wearing, and the work card issued by the school around her neck.

Chen Yilang can instantly confirm that this is a housekeeping aunt.

Looking up,

You can even see the remarks of [lv6 Fire Beast] on top of her head.

[Fire Beast: A monster with a very poor temperament, they are like a barrel full of gunpowder, and they will explode at one point! Remarks: It is not a good choice to fight this creature head-on. When necessary, it is recommended to try to give the other party a little sweetness. 】

"403, what's the matter with you?"

[Hot Beast] He twisted his brows into a figure-eight shape, stared at Chen Yilang fiercely and said, "What a commotion at night!"

"Just now, some classmates reported to us that you are affecting others' rest, and the plot is very bad!"

"Give it all to me, register your name!"

"Remember your name?" Chen Yilang repeated tentatively.

"Yes! Of course you have to remember your name!" [Hot Beast] said in a loud voice, "How can you report to the academy if you don't remember your name? I can't cure you, is the academy still in trouble?"

"Hey, Auntie, there's no need for that."

Chen Yilang hurriedly smiled and said, "We are all freshmen. We just arrived and don't know the rules, so let us go first? We promise we won't make any more fuss."

"That's not good, I've seen students like you a lot." [Hot Beast] insisted, "Hurry up and sign, don't waste time."

After Chen Yilang thought for a while, he obediently put his little hand in place, and then said with a smile:

"Auntie, I'm really sorry for causing you trouble tonight."

"But to be honest, we have only just arrived on the first day. If you write down our names, in case we are punished, it is estimated that everyone will have a good time this semester."

"Auntie, do you think otherwise, would you give us a chance?"

"A kind-hearted aunt like you, I don't think she will be so indifferent, do you think?"

Chen Yilang noticed,

When [Hot Beast] heard the words "beautiful and kind",

Her expression like a melon seemed to relax a little.

Beautiful and kindhearted!

[Hot Beast] I'm a little happy in my heart.

Tsk tsk tsk, this young man, at first glance, is someone who can achieve great things, sincerity!

【Ding! 】

[You used [Beautiful Words] to attack [Fire Beast]! 】

[[Hot Beast] has entered the state of [Excited]! 】

Seeing this scene, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Chen Yilang quickly struck while the iron was hot:

"Auntie, then please give us a chance!"

"We give you a small gift, I wish you a good dream tonight, and I hope you will always be as beautiful as you are now!"


Chen Yilang took out the box of delicately packaged apples and handed them to his aunt.

"Oh, oh, no, no, no!"

Speaking of which, [Hot Beast] couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"No, you must keep it, this is our intention!" Chen Yilang immediately pushed the apple back hard.

After a few tricks,

The [Hot Beast], who couldn't stand Chen Yilang's offensive, finally left the dormitory with a trembling smile, holding the apple sent by Chen Yilang.

In the noisy dormitory hallway, peace finally recovered.

【Ding! 】

[You used the [Sugar-Coated Cannonball], turned the [Fire Beast] routine round and round, caused a lot of damage to it, and successfully repelled the [Fire Beast]! 】

[You got: Gold +467, EXP +354! 】


Chen Yilang breathed a sigh of relief.

Thanks to Wu Fengzhen's apple, it actually played a role at a critical moment...

"nailed it."

Chen Yilang pushed the door again and walked into the dormitory, and said lightly.

And who greeted him,

It was just next to the door and window,

Witnessed the whole process of the boys,

With a look of admiration and awe, and the expression "666...

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