If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 63: Who stipulated that the squad leader can't wave?

Wu Fengzhen's words fell to the ground.

In the entire large classroom,

Suddenly there was some uncontrollable agitation.

Oh go!


I always feel that I vaguely smell a tinge of doing things, do you?

Some fast guys with shorter reflex arcs probably already understand what's going on.

Chen Yilang's speech just now,

In fact, it is quite euphemistically telling everyone that he intends to serve as a key class committee member in the class.


Brother Lang's careful thoughts,

It seems that this female classmate named Wu Fengzhen saw through.

And obviously,

Wu Fengzhen doesn't seem to want to give Chen Yilang a chance.

"So direct, so domineering!"

"Student Wu Fengzhen is too handsome!"

Some silly and sweet female classmates have already started to become nympho.

Why is classmate Wu Fengzhen not a boy?

It's such a pity, hum...

"Brother Lang."

"You seem to be in a little danger..."

After half a day,

[Xianyu] Li Zixian, who was in a daze and was still half asleep, finally came to his senses: "This woman seems to want to fight you?"

"Don't panic, good brother."

[Keyboard Man] Zhang Jian rarely put down the phone in his hand, patted Chen Yilang on the shoulder and said, "All the votes in our dormitory will go to you, just give it a **** and you're done!"

"That's right, Brother Lang, we all support you!" [Lick Dog] Feng Tian also came over and added a sentence.

Unexpectedly, it ignited...

However, Chen Yilang's mouth twitched, thinking that although I am very grateful to you, the problem is that others also have roommates...

And if you think about it,

Among the students in municipal class 214,

It seems that there are more girls, but his odds of winning are not as good as Wu Feng's.

"This woman is indeed quite annoying."

Chen Yilang couldn't help thinking.

Shortly after Wu Fengzhen finished his speech, the self-introduction process ended.

After Xiao Dong and the class assistants made the final summary,

The first class meeting of the municipal class 214 also came to an end.

And when the meeting was announced and everyone was ready to get up and leave,

Wu Fengzhen stood up and said, "Don't leave, everyone. Today is our first meeting. I have prepared a small gift for everyone."

Gift! ?

As soon as they heard this word, everyone became restless again and became restless.

I saw Wu Fengzhen walking off the podium, and then handing out a small box with delicate packaging to everyone's table.

Chen Yilang carefully opened it and took a look, and found a ruddy apple with a faint fragrance inside.

"My hometown is rich in apples, so I thought about bringing it to share with you. I hope everyone likes it." Wu Fengzhen said.

"Thank you, I like it!"

"Mom, I just finished the meeting and went to the supermarket to buy some fruit. It's too coincidental!"

"The squad leader is awesome!"


Chen Yilang: ???

Why did you start calling the head of the office? It was too hasty, right?

However, it has to be admitted that,

This [Valkyrie] was indeed prepared.

"It's difficult." Chen Yilang frowned slightly.

"Brother Lang, you haven't even started yet, you've already lost a lot to others on the starting line!"

Li Zixian said anxiously, "I can't admit it, Brother Lang, I will lie down in the dormitory and expect you to sign in for me!"

"That's right, Brother Lang!" Feng Tian was also anxious, "What's the point of her giving apples? Brother Lang, you will directly send apples 13 next time, let's see if they will make you the monitor?"

Chen Yilang: "..."

It's really outrageous one by one.

After Wu Fengzhen's gift distribution session ended,

The students all happily went back to the dormitory.


After taking a bath and lying down, Chen Yilang took out his phone and glanced at the news.

I found out that the group chat of the municipal class 214 has reached 99+ again.

The new classmates are new here, they are full of curiosity about all the new things, and the chat is naturally very hot.

at this time,

Chen Yilang received a private message.

Wu Fengzhen: "Classmate, do you also want to be the monitor?"

Chen Yilang was taken aback.

This woman...

So direct...

But that's not a bad thing.

Chen Yilang has always preferred a straight-forward way of communication rather than all kinds of twisting, twisting, twisting, twisting, twisting, twisting, twisting, twisting, twisting, twisting, twisting, twisting, twisting, twisting, and twisting hints.

Since the other party is already upright, there is no need for him to hide.

Chen Yilang replied, "Yes."

Wu Fengzhen: "I can see it too."

Wu Fengzhen: "So I want to discuss something with you specially. I want to know, if possible, I will be the squad leader, and you will be the league secretary or other squad committee members. What do you think?"

Don't ask me...

You have to ask the system whether it will answer...

Chen Yilang silently complained in his heart.

After all, the dog system has already specified that the goal is to become the class leader, and the other class committees don't count.

Moreover, the position of monitor is also a position where he can get in touch with more different teachers and classmates, which is very helpful for him to achieve the goal of improving his reputation.

So Chen Yilang thought about it and replied, "I'm sorry, I also have reasons why I want to be the monitor."

Wu Fengzhen: "Okay, then we will compete fairly."

Wu Fengzhen: "Our class committee election this year is set for next Friday~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and get ready."

Wu Fengzhen: "Being a monitor requires courage and a high sense of responsibility. I hope your original intention is the same as mine, that you want to do something practical for the class, not just talk about it."

This woman...

Really dare to say anything...

Chen Yilang felt a little baffled after being scolded for no reason.

However, Chen Yilang was too lazy to match up with her online.

No matter how full you are, if you are not elected as the squad leader in the end, then everything will be in vain.

Chen Yilang glanced at the time, it was Monday today.

There are only five days left until the class committee election.

At this time,

"Brother Lang, hurry up and get on the number!" Zhang Jian's voice suddenly came from the side, "Five rows and four missing one, you are missing."

Chen Yilang glanced at the class chat box, only to realize that Zhang Jian had already shared five rows of links to "League of Kings" in the group chat.

"Who did you team up with?" Chen Yilang asked.

"Brother in the dormitory next door." Zhang Jian said, "Don't talk nonsense, Brother Lang, hurry up."

Chen Yilang got an idea, got up from the bed and said, "Go."

"Where are you going?"

"Go to the dormitory next door." Chen Yilang said, "Just sit and play games together, that's how you feel."

"We think so too, but the lights are out at this point." Zhang Jian said with a smile, "Future monitor Chen, don't you want to take your classmates to the dormitory together?"

Chen Yilang touched his chin, and after thinking for a while, he slowly revealed a smile:

"Afraid of the fart, go!"


What happened to the squad leader?

Who has stipulated,

Can't the squad leader be a little bit more rambunctious?

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